

单词 天气好
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GOOD〕Did you have good weather in France? 你在法国时天气好吗?朗文写作活用〔GOOD〕The weather was a bit better in the second week. 第二个星期天气好了一些。朗文写作活用〔MEAL〕If the weather's nice we'll have a barbecue. 假如天气好,我们就吃烧烤野餐。朗文写作活用〔TWO〕The weather was great - it only rained twice in three weeks. 天气好极了,三个星期里才下了两次雨。朗文写作活用〔WEATHER〕Sometimes, in good weather, he walked to work across the fields. 他偶尔会在天气好的时候,穿过农田走路上班。朗文写作活用〔WEATHER〕We'll play softball in the park tomorrow, weather permitting. 天气好的话,我们明天去公园打垒球。朗文写作活用〔WORK HARD〕Men. women and children spent long hours toiling in the fields, whatever the weather conditions. 不论天气好坏,男男女女、老老少少都长时间在田里辛勤劳动。朗文写作活用〔advantage〕I took advantage of the good weather to paint the shed.我趁天气好给棚屋刷上油漆。朗文当代〔barbecue〕If the weather's fine, we'll barbecue in the ranch.如果天气好的话,我们将在农场举行烤肉野餐。21世纪英汉〔beautiful〕The weather was beautiful.天气好极了。朗文当代〔be〕If it be fine ...假如天气好…(现代英文通常用直说法:If it is fine ...)文馨英汉〔can〕If it's fine tomorrow, we can go fishing.如果明天天气好,我们就可以去钓鱼。麦克米伦高阶〔crossing〕You can only make the crossing in good weather.你只能在天气好的时候进行横渡。牛津搭配〔day〕If the weather's nice, we'll make a day of it and take a picnic.如果天气好的话,我们要好好玩它一天去野餐。朗文当代〔driving〕I enjoy driving in good weather.我喜欢在天气好的时候驾车。韦氏高阶〔faint〕There's just a faint chance/possibility that the weather will improve by tomorrow.明天天气好转的可能性极小。韦氏高阶〔first-class〕The weather was first-class.天气好极了。英汉大词典〔forecast〕The weather forecast is better for today.天气预报说今天天气好转。外研社新世纪〔get over〕When the weather is better, do get over to see us.天气好的时候,请务必过来看我们。21世纪英汉〔given〕Given good weather, the thing can be done.假如天气好,这件事就可以完成。文馨英汉〔glorious〕They had glorious weather for their wedding.他们举行婚礼的那天天气好极了。剑桥高阶〔gorgeous〕The weather was gorgeous.天气好极了。外研社新世纪〔grand〕We had grand weather on our holiday.我们去度假时天气好极了。剑桥高阶〔hike〕If the weather's fine, we'll go hiking this weekend.如果天气好,我们这个周末就去远足。牛津高阶〔hope〕We are hoping for good weather on Sunday.我们盼望着星期天天气好。牛津高阶〔if〕We'll have the party in the garden if the weather's good. If not (= if the weather is not good), it'll have to be inside.如果天气好的话,我们将在花园里开派对。如果不好,就只好在室内了。剑桥高阶〔kind〕Let's hope the weather's kind tomorrow.我们祈愿明天天气好吧。朗文当代〔kind〕The beret keeps out cold and rain and, when the weather is kinder, is easy to store.贝雷帽能够遮寒挡雨, 天气好点时也容易存放。外研社新世纪〔last〕The weather was fine last week, but this week has been rainy, and next week is expected to be cold.上周天气好,但这周一直下雨,下周预计会变冷。韦氏高阶〔like〕The weather looks like clearing up.天气好像会放晴。21世纪英汉〔long〕We'll go as long as the weather is good.只要天气好我们就去。牛津高阶〔otherwise〕Fine or otherwise, we shall have to go.不管天气好不好,我们非去不可。英汉大词典〔outdoors〕If the weather's good, we'll eat outdoors (= not in a building).如果天气好,我们将在室外用餐。剑桥高阶〔perfect〕The weather was perfect.天气好极了。牛津高阶〔permit〕We have arranged to play tennis on Saturday, weather permitting (= if the weather is good enough).如果天气好的话,我们准备周六去打网球。剑桥高阶〔picnic〕If the weather's nice we could have a picnic in the park.天气好的话我们就能去公园野餐了。剑桥高阶〔remain in〕You have to remain in till the weather improves.你必须呆在屋里,等天气好了再出去。21世纪英汉〔repose〕In fine weather you can find many green turtles reposing on the sand.天气好时你可以看到许多海龟在沙滩上养神。21世纪英汉〔ride ... out〕They often ride out to the mountains when the weather is fine.天气好时,他们常常骑马到山里去玩。21世纪英汉〔shelter〕The yacht would seek shelter for the evening until the weather improved.游艇会寻找躲避处过夜以待天气好转。外研社新世纪〔so〕You take a chance on the weather if you holiday in the UK.—So what?如果到英国度假, 天气好不好得要碰运气。——那又如何?外研社新世纪〔steam along〕The next day dawned sombre and gloomy, but the weather improved as we steamed along.第二天拂晓, 天阴沉沉的, 但我们匆匆赶了一段路之后天气好些了。外研社新世纪〔stick ... out〕Whatever the weather, he sticks out walking outdoors.无论天气好坏,他总坚持到户外散步。21世纪英汉〔they〕They will be holding the graduation outdoors if the weather permits.如果天气好的话,大家将在户外举行毕业典礼。韦氏高阶〔thing〕Bring your swimming things if the weather's nice.如果天气好,带上你的游泳用品。剑桥高阶〔turnout〕Good weather on polling day should ensure a good turnout.投票日天气好应该能让相当多的人来投票。剑桥高阶〔unusually〕The weather is unusually fine.天气好极了。英汉大词典〔wait〕Rescue teams were waiting for the weather to improve.救援队在等天气好转。麦克米伦高阶〔weathered〕They go out in all weathers.无论天气好坏他们都会外出。柯林斯高阶〔weather〕Did you have good weather on your trip? 你旅途中天气好吗?牛津高阶〔weather〕She goes out jogging in all weathers.无论天气好坏,她都出去慢跑锻炼。牛津高阶〔weather〕The fine weather brings out butterflies.天气好的时候,蝴蝶就会出来活动。牛津搭配〔weather〕They go out in all weathers.无论天气好坏, 他们都会外出。外研社新世纪〔weather〕We're going to have a picnic, weather permitting (= if the weather is good enough).如果天气好的话,我们打算去野餐。剑桥高阶〔when〕The last time I went to Scotland was in May, when the weather was beautiful.我上次去苏格兰是在五月份,那时的天气好极了。牛津高阶〔while〕We should enjoy this good weather while it lasts. = We should enjoy this good weather while we can.我们应该趁着天气好尽情享受。韦氏高阶〔wonderful〕The weather was absolutely wonderful.天气好极了。牛津高阶A park is a place of popular resort in good weather. 天气好的时候公园是人们爱去的地方。译典通Bring your swimming things if the weather's nice.如果天气好,带上你游泳用的东西。剑桥国际He took advantage of the good weather to go for a walk. 他趁著天气好,出去散散步。译典通I hope the weather clears (up) (=improves) by this afternoon, because we want to go out.我希望今天下午天气好起来,因为我们想出去。剑桥国际If the weather's fine I thought we might brown-bag it outside somewhere.如果天气好的话,我想我们能自带午餐到外面找个地方聚餐。剑桥国际If the weather's good, we'll eat outdoors (= outside, rather than in a building).如果天气好,我们在室外吃饭。剑桥国际If the weather's nice we could go on a picnic on Saturday.如果天气好我们星期六去野餐。剑桥国际On a clear day, the mountains stand in sharp contrast to the blue sky.天气好的时候,群山与湛蓝的天空形成鲜明的反衬。剑桥国际We'll have the party in the garden if the weather's good. If not (=If the weather is not good), it'll have to be inside.如果天气好的话,我们将在花园内举行晚会。要不,将不得不在室内举行。剑桥国际Whether we will go picnicking tomorrow depends on the weather. 明天我们是否去野餐取决于天气好坏。译典通




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