

单词 寄养
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LOOK AFTER〕During my mother's long illness I was fostered by a middle-aged couple on the other side of town. 在母亲长期患病期间,我被寄养在小镇另一边的一对中年夫妇家里。朗文写作活用〔LOOK AFTER〕Half a million American children are in foster care at any given time. 在任何一个时候都有50万的美国儿童被寄养在别人家里。朗文写作活用〔LOOK AFTER〕She added to her regular income by taking in foster-children. 她接受寄养的儿童,在固定收入之外增加一些收入。朗文写作活用〔LOOK AFTER〕She finally adopted her foster-child, six-year old Shania. 她最后领养了人家寄养的孩子一六岁的沙妮娅。朗文写作活用〔LOOK AFTER〕Steve went to live in a series of foster homes. 史蒂夫住过好几个寄养家庭。朗文写作活用〔board out〕As a child in the care of a local authority he had been boarded out with a farmer in Shropshire.作为由地方当局照管的孩子, 他被安置寄养在什罗普郡的一户农家。外研社新世纪〔board〕He boards the dog out when he goes on business trips.他出差时把狗寄养在别处。剑桥高阶〔carer〕We are looking for foster carers who can care for a child for a few days.我们在找寄养家庭,帮忙照看一个孩子几天。柯林斯高阶〔farm ... out〕She was cruel to these children who were farmed out to her.她虐待托她寄养的小孩。21世纪英汉〔farm〕At the age of 16 she was farmed out to family friends.16 岁时,她被寄养到她家的朋友那里。朗文当代〔farm〕She farmed out all the children to a childminder.她把所有的孩子都寄养到保姆那里。麦克米伦高阶〔foster〕Both children have been placed with foster families.两个孩子都被安置在寄养家庭中。麦克米伦高阶〔foster〕The foster mother was a wonderful, warm person.寄养母是一个很不错的热心人。柯林斯高阶〔foster〕The neglected child was removed from her home and placed with a foster family.这名未受妥善照顾的女孩子被送到了一户寄养家庭中。剑桥高阶〔kennel〕We left our dog in kennels when we went away.我们外出时把狗寄养在养狗场。剑桥高阶〔kennel〕We put the dog in kennels when we go away.我们外出时把狗寄养在养狗场。牛津高阶〔place〕He was later placed with a foster family.后来他被安置在一户寄养家庭里。朗文当代〔place〕The children were placed with a foster family.孩子们被送到寄养家庭。韦氏高阶〔place〕The children were placed with foster parents.这些小孩已安顿好,交给寄养父母了。牛津高阶〔shunt〕He has spent most of his life being shunted between his mother, father and various foster families.他一生中的大部分时间都在他母亲、父亲及各种各样的寄养家庭之间辗转度过。柯林斯高阶The novel starts when a child of unknown parentage is left at the house of the local priest.小说是以一个双亲不明的孩子被寄养在当地牧师家开始。剑桥国际They used to board the dog out when they went on business trips.他们过去出差时常将狗寄养在他处。剑桥国际We'll have to put the dogs in boarding kennels while we're away.在我们离开时,我们将不得不把狗放在寄养所里。剑桥国际




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