

单词 她竭尽全力
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔damnedest〕She did her damnedest to get it done on time.她竭尽全力按时把它完成了。牛津高阶〔despite〕Her voice was shaking despite all her efforts to control it.尽管她竭尽全力控制自己,声音仍然在颤抖。牛津高阶〔extend〕She was fully extended in the swimming race but she still came last.在游泳比赛中,她竭尽全力,结果还是游了个末名。21世纪英汉〔hold on〕She's trying very hard to hold on to her money.她竭尽全力守住她的钱财。韦氏高阶〔length〕She goes to extraordinary lengths to keep her private life private.她竭尽全力让自己的私生活不受干扰。牛津高阶〔shove〕She shoved as hard as she could.她竭尽全力猛地一推。柯林斯高阶〔spare〕She never spared herself in the pursuit of excellence.她竭尽全力追求卓越。剑桥高阶〔strain〕She was straining to keep her head above the water.她竭尽全力将头露出水面。朗文当代〔tremendous〕She was making a tremendous effort to appear calm.她竭尽全力让自己显得平静。朗文当代She never spared herself in the pursuit of excellence.她竭尽全力追求优秀。剑桥国际




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