

单词 定居
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Alabama〕A tribe of the Creek confederacy formerly inhabiting southern Alabama and now located in eastern Texas.亚拉巴马部落:克里克联盟的一个部落,以前居住在美国亚拉巴马州南部,现在定居在得克萨斯州东部美国传统〔BETRAY〕When he left Nicaragua for the US, he was denounced as a traitor to the revolution. 他离开尼加拉瓜去美国定居时,被谴责为革命的叛徒。朗文写作活用〔Bantustan〕Any of the former Black homelands in South Africa.班图自治区,黑人定居区:南非原黑人家园之一美国传统〔Caribbean〕Caribbeans settled in Sheffield in the early '50s.加勒比群岛人20世纪50年代早期在谢菲尔德定居。外研社新世纪〔DIG〕Most of the new settlers came here to mine for gold. 大多数新来的定居者到这里是为了淘金。朗文写作活用〔FAMILY〕Frederick and Bertha moved to Iowa in 1852, and their descendants still live in the area. 弗雷德里克和伯莎于1852年来到爱荷华州定居,其后代现仍住在该地区。朗文写作活用〔Scotch-Irish〕Virginia's Great Valley, where the Scotch-Irish had settled in the eighteenth century.弗吉尼亚大峡谷,苏格兰-爱尔兰后裔曾于 18 世纪在此定居柯林斯高阶〔abandon〕The coastal settlements were abandoned in the 19th century.沿海的定居点废弃于19世纪。麦克米伦高阶〔arise〕After such destruction many problems in resettlement often arise.在这样的破坏之后重新定居中的许多问题常常由此产生。21世纪英汉〔beach〕The girl already beached in London.那姑娘已在伦敦定居了。21世纪英汉〔brave〕Intrepid pioneers settled the American West.无所畏惧的先驱者们在美国西部定居。美国传统〔claim〕Something claimed in a formal or legal manner, especially a tract of public land staked out by a miner or homesteader.申请产权:以正常或合法的方式提出的对某事物的要求,尤指矿工或定居移民用桩围起的一块公共土地美国传统〔colonist〕British colonists settled the area in the 18th century.英国殖民者于18世纪定居在这一地区。韦氏高阶〔colonize〕To establish in a new settlement; form a colony of.拓殖:建立一个新的定居地;组建殖民地美国传统〔colonize〕To migrate to and settle in; occupy as a colony.移民:向…移民或定居于;作为殖民地占领美国传统〔come down〕He came down from Shanghai last year and settled in the village.他去年从上海来到农村定居。21世纪英汉〔consist〕The settlements often consist of simple huts.定居点常常由简单的棚屋构成。牛津搭配〔contradiction〕A ‘nomad settlement’ is a contradiction in terms.“游牧者的定居”是用词上的自相矛盾。牛津高阶〔denizen〕To make a denizen of; grant rights of residence to.使定居:使…成为居民;赋予居住权美国传统〔depict〕The movie depicts the life of early settlers.这部电影描述了早期定居者的生活。韦氏高阶〔dispossess〕They settled the land, dispossessing many of its original inhabitants.他们在土地上定居,赶走了许多原来的居民。柯林斯高阶〔domiciled〕Frank is currently domiciled in Berlin.弗兰克目前定居柏林。柯林斯高阶〔domiciled〕He was domiciled in Saudi Arabia.他定居在沙特阿拉伯。剑桥高阶〔domiciled〕The defendant/corporation is domiciled in Texas.被告定居/公司建立在得克萨斯州。韦氏高阶〔expatriate〕A large community of expatriates has settled there.已经有一大批侨民在那儿定居了。剑桥高阶〔first-generation〕Of or relating to a person who has left one country and settled in another.第一代的:离开一国到另一国定居的人的或与其相关的美国传统〔frontier〕The Homestead Act of 1862 gave free land to pioneers who settled the frontier.1862年的《宅地法》免费把土地给予到西部前沿地区定居的先驱者。剑桥高阶〔fur〕Native Americans traded furs with early European settlers.美洲印第安人与早期的欧洲定居者进行毛皮交易。剑桥高阶〔fur〕The original settlers traded furs and skins for food and tobacco.最初的定居者用毛皮换食品和烟草。麦克米伦高阶〔graft〕Many different peoples have settled here and grafted their own cultures onto native Malaysian culture.很多不同民族的人们定居在这里,把他们自己的文化引入马来西亚本地文化中。麦克米伦高阶〔henceforth〕Foreigners were henceforth to be encouraged to come and live in Spain.外国人从此被鼓励来西班牙定居。麦克米伦高阶〔homesteader〕In the 1800s, thousands of homesteaders settled on the prairies of the western US.19世纪,数以千计的农场主来到美国西部的大草原上定居。剑桥高阶〔homestead〕Land claimed by a settler or squatter, especially under the Homestead Act.公地:尤指根据宅地法,被定居者或占据者据为己有的土地美国传统〔homestead〕They've homesteaded in Texas.他们在得克萨斯州定居下来了。21世纪英汉〔homestead〕To claim and settle (land) as a homestead.主张对土地的权利并定居于此作为宅基美国传统〔homestead〕To settle and farm land, especially under the Homestead Act.根据宅地法,定居或耕种土地美国传统〔immigrant〕European immigrants settled much of Australia.澳大利亚多数地区都有欧洲移民定居。牛津搭配〔intermarry〕Some of the traders settled and intermarried with local women.一些商人定居下来,并与当地妇女通婚。柯林斯高阶〔locatable〕They hoped to locate in Chicago.他们希望在芝加哥定居。21世纪英汉〔migrate〕To move from one country or region and settle in another.移居,迁徙:从一个国家或地区迁移到另一个国家或地区定居美国传统〔mind〕Anne wouldn't mind going to Italy or France to live.安妮很愿意去意大利或法国定居。外研社新世纪〔monitor〕Monitors have been part of Australian folklore since the beginning of European settlement.自欧洲移民定居伊始, 巨蜥就成了澳大利亚民间故事的一部分。外研社新世纪〔move〕To go from one residence or location to another; relocate.搬家:从一个居住地或定居点搬到另一个;重新定居美国传统〔navel〕Early settlers called the tiny island the navel of the world.早期定居者称这个小岛为世界的中心。外研社新世纪〔number〕In that year, European settlers in the area numbered nearly 15,000.那年这一地区的欧洲定居者将近15000人。韦氏高阶〔out-migrate〕To move out of one community, region, or country in order to reside in another.迁出:迁出某社区、地区或国家以便定居于另一处美国传统〔party〕An advance party settled at Salem in 1628.1628 年一支先遣队在塞勒姆定居下来。牛津搭配〔people〕Over thousands of years, peoples from central Asia came to settle here.几千年来,来自中亚的许多民族都到这里来定居。麦克米伦高阶〔people〕Settlers were peopling the new lands.移民们在新开拓的土地上定居下来。英汉大词典〔permanent〕She had decided to settle permanently in France.她已经决定永久定居法国。牛津高阶〔permanent〕She made a permanent home in this country.她永久定居在这个国家。韦氏高阶〔plainsman〕An inhabitant or a settler of the plains, especially of the prairie regions of the United States.平原居民:平原上的居住者或定居者,尤指在美国的大草原地区美国传统〔planter〕The colonists – or 'planters' as they were known – were English and Scottish, and Protestant.这些殖民者——或所谓的“定居者”——是英格兰人和苏格兰人, 并且还是新教徒。外研社新世纪〔populate〕The new land was quickly populated by settlers from Europe.欧洲来的移民很快就在这块土地上定居下来了。21世纪英汉〔rancheria〕A rural Native American settlement.土著人定居地:美洲土著居民的定居地美国传统〔redistribute〕The government redistributed the land to the settlers.政府为定居者重新分配了土地。韦氏高阶〔resettle〕His family originally came from Ireland, but resettled in the US in the 19th century.他家祖籍爱尔兰,但是在19世纪来到了美国定居。剑桥高阶〔resettle〕In 1990, 200,000 Soviet Jews resettled on Israeli territory.在1990年,20万名苏联犹太人在以色列重新定居。柯林斯高阶〔resettle〕The local government resettled the refugees in a new region.当地政府帮助难民在新地区重新定居下来。21世纪英汉〔resettle〕The refugees were put in camps in Italy before being resettled.这些难民在重新定居之前被安置在意大利的难民营中。柯林斯高阶〔resettle〕These people began to resettle in London.这些人开始重新定居于伦敦。英汉大词典〔resettle〕They left town and resettled out west.他们离开小镇,前往西部定居。韦氏高阶〔residence〕She took up residence in Canada.她在加拿大定居。剑桥高阶〔residentiary〕One who resides in a certain place; a resident.定居者:在某地居住的人;居民美国传统〔resident〕They are now resident in Japan.他们现在在日本定居。外研社新世纪〔reside〕To live in a place permanently or for an extended period.定居:永久地或长期地在一个地方居住美国传统〔rise〕The settlers rose in revolt.定居者群起反抗。外研社新世纪〔rooted〕Their life is rooted in Chicago now.他们在芝加哥定居了。牛津高阶〔rusticate〕He rusticated himself so long that he has become an absolute country cousin.他定居乡村很久,已变成十足的乡下人了。21世纪英汉〔scrape a living〕He settled in Paris, where he scraped a living writing short stories and magazine articles.他定居巴黎,以写短篇小说和杂志文章勉强度日。剑桥高阶〔sedentary〕Remaining or living in one area, as certain birds; not migratory.(鸟等)定居的:保持或居住在一个地区的,如某些鸟类;不迁徙的美国传统〔settlement〕The act or process of settling.定居:定居的行为或过程美国传统〔settler〕French settlers founded New Orleans.法国人建立了新奥尔良定居点。牛津搭配〔settler〕When the first settlers moved into the area they faced immense hardships.第一批定居者迁入这个地区时面临着极大的困难。牛津搭配〔settle〕After they got married, they settled in Brooklyn.他们结婚后在布鲁克林定居下来。剑桥高阶〔settle〕He had settled in England.他已定居于英国。英汉大词典〔settle〕He visited Paris and eventually settled there.他造访了巴黎,并最终在那儿定居下来。柯林斯高阶〔settle〕Her relatives had come to America and settled in Boston.她的亲戚已经来到美国,并在波士顿定居下来。麦克米伦高阶〔settle〕Many Chinese settled in California.许多华人定居加州。文馨英汉〔settle〕Their grandparents settled the land in 1856.他们的祖父母于1856年在此地定居。外研社新世纪〔settle〕They got married and settled near London.他们结了婚,定居于伦敦附近。英汉大词典〔settle〕They plan to settle here.他们计划在这里定居。牛津同义词〔settle〕This region was settled by the Dutch in the nineteenth century.荷兰人于 19 世纪来到这一地区定居。牛津高阶〔squat〕To occupy a given piece of public land in order to acquire title to it.依法在政府公地上地定居:依法在政府公地上定居以获得对该地的所有权美国传统〔strike〕The population and settlement of Colorado expanded after the gold strike of 1858.1858年发现黄金后,科罗拉多的人口和定居户数大幅增长。剑桥高阶〔take ... up〕He married a French woman and took up his residence in Paris.他和一个法国女人结了婚,并在巴黎定居。21世纪英汉〔take〕He took up his permanent residence in Switzerland.他开始在瑞士定居。英汉大词典〔talus〕The settlement is built on the black talus of an active volcano.这一定居点建在一座活火山的黑色崖锥区。剑桥高阶〔toy〕I did briefly toy with the idea of living in France.我确实稍稍有过定居法国的念头。牛津高阶After the military coup, the family left for self-imposed exile in America.军事政变后,这家人自愿离开故土去美国定居。剑桥国际Colonial settlers imposed their own culture and religion on the countries that they conquered.殖民定居者把他们自己的文化和宗教强加于被他们征服的国家。剑桥国际He came back to England from Ghana and has resided here ever since.他从加纳回到英国,从此便定居在这里。剑桥国际He left the priesthood in 1970 and settled in the Washington area shortly thereafter (= soon after that).他在1970年离开祭司职位,不久以后在华盛顿地区定居。剑桥国际His family originally came from Ireland, but resettled in the US in the 19th century.他的家最初来自爱尔兰,但于19世纪在美国重新定居了。剑桥国际Non-resident holidaymakers increase the town's population in the summer to almost twice its usual size.夏季,非定居度假者使该小镇的人口增加到平时的近两倍。剑桥国际She has taken part in several excavations of Roman settlements across Europe.她参加过在欧洲各地进行的罗马人定居地的数起挖掘工作。剑桥国际She took up permanent residency (= went to live permanently) abroad.她去国外永久定居。剑桥国际The family has settled in Canada. 这家人已定居加拿大。译典通The first white settlers journeyed across America in covered wagons pulled by horses, often long lines of them forming wagon trains.最初的白人定居者乘着马拉的篷车穿越美洲大地,常常形成一行行长长的马车队伍。剑桥国际These people are descendants of migrants who settled (= went, esp. from another country, to establish a new place to live) the continent some 40 000 years ago.这些人是大约40 000年前定居到这块大陆上的移民的后裔。剑桥国际




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