

单词 both parents
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHILD〕The state will provide child care when both parents participate in the training program. 该州在父母俩同时参加培训计划时提供托儿服务。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕Both parents and teachers are worried about the problems posed by drugs. 父母和教师都对毒品带来的问题感到忧心忡忡。朗文写作活用〔REJECT〕As a child he was repeatedly rejected by both parents. 他小时候一再被父母抛弃。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕Choosing a school is an important decision, and both parents ought to be involved. 选择学校是个重要的决定,父母两人都应该参与。朗文写作活用〔Tay-Sachs Disease〕For a child to have Tay-Sachs Disease, both parents must have the defective gene responsible.只有当父母都携带有缺陷的相关基因时,他们的孩子才会罹患家族黑蒙性白痴病。剑桥高阶〔both〕Both parents are working.父母双方都在工作。外研社新世纪〔bridge〕Both parents and teenagers must try to bridge the generation gap between them.父母和青少年双方必须尽力弥合代沟。21世纪英汉〔contend with sth〕At the age of nine, he had the death of both parents to contend with.9岁时他就不得不面对父母双亡这一境况。剑桥高阶〔double〕He had suffered a double tragedy, losing both parents within a short period.他祸不单行,在短时间内失去了双亲。麦克米伦高阶〔favoured〕Her younger brother was the favoured child, encouraged and admired by both parents.她弟弟是个宠儿 , 得到父母双方的鼓励和称赞。外研社新世纪〔favour〕Her younger brother was the favoured child, encouraged and admired by both parents.她弟弟是个宠儿,受到父母双亲的支持和喜爱。柯林斯高阶〔force〕Best to have both parents on the register, but sometimes, by force of circumstance, there will only be one.最好父母双方都登记在册, 但是有时候, 由于情况所迫, 将只有一方的名字出现在登记簿上。外研社新世纪〔gainfully〕Both parents were gainfully employed.父母都是工薪阶层。柯林斯高阶〔gainfully〕Both parents were gainfully employed.父母都做有报酬的工作。外研社新世纪〔literate〕Both parents were literate in English.父母都懂英语。牛津搭配〔livelihood〕Both parents contribute to the maintenance of their children.双方父母都给孩子们提供生活费用。美国传统〔materially〕Children can gain materially and psychologically when both parents work.如果父母双方都工作,做子女的就能在物质和心理两方面得到好处。英汉大词典〔mistreat〕Both parents have denied charges of mistreating their children.父母双方均否认虐待子女的指控。剑桥高阶〔narcotic〕Both parents were addicted to narcotics.父母都染上了毒瘾。麦克米伦高阶〔neglect〕Both parents were found guilty of neglect and their child was taken away from them.父母双方均被判定对其子女未尽照管义务,于是他们的孩子被带走了。剑桥高阶〔notarize〕The airline requires children travelling alone to have a notarized letter of consent from one or both parents.航空公司要求单独旅行的儿童必须出具来自父母一方或双方的同意书。剑桥高阶〔orphan〕To deprive (a child) of one parent or both parents.使成孤儿:剥夺(一个孩子)一个父母或双亲美国传统〔parent〕The eggs are guarded by both parents.那些蛋由父母共同守护着。朗文当代〔primogeniture〕Law The right of the eldest child, especially the eldest son, to inherit the entire estate of one or both parents.【法律】 长嗣继承权:最年长的孩子,尤指最年长的儿子继承单亲或双亲的所有财产的权利美国传统〔responsible〕Both parents are equally responsible for raising the children.父母双方对于抚养孩子负有同等责任。牛津搭配〔sibling〕One of two or more individuals having one or both parents in common; a brother or sister.兄弟姐妹:有一个或两个共同双亲的两个或更多的个体中的一个;一个兄弟或姐妹美国传统〔smile〕Both parents smiled their approval.父母露出了赞许的微笑。韦氏高阶〔to-ing and fro-ing〕Inevitably, when both parents have custody of the child, there's a lot of to-ing and fro-ing between them for the child concerned.当父母双方都对孩子有监护权时,孩子不可避免地要在父母之间不断地来回奔波。剑桥高阶Both parents have denied charges of mistreating their children.父母俩都否认虐待他们孩子的指控。剑桥国际Both parents lived and worked abroad for many years.父母都在国外居住并工作很多年了。剑桥国际Both parents should take equal responsibility for the emotional needs of their children.父母双方对自己孩子的情感需求负有同样的责任。剑桥国际Both parents were found guilty of neglect and their child was taken away from them.父母双方都判有疏忽罪,于是孩子被带走了。剑桥国际Both parents were working, with the result that (= this meant that) their children were cared for by their grandparents.双亲都工作,这意味着他们的孩子们由祖父母来照管。剑桥国际Both parents work, which adds complications to their family life. 父母都工作,这给他们的家庭生活增添了困难。译典通At the age of nine he had the death of both parents to contend with.九岁时他就得对付失去双亲之事。剑桥国际Chutzpah is the quality shown by the man who, having killed both parents, throws himself on the mercy of the courts as an orphan.有一个人杀了父母,然后要求法庭因为他是孤儿而宽恕他。这样的人所表现出来的品质就是厚颜无耻。剑桥国际If both parents have blue eyes, their children will have blue eyes.如果父母两人都是蓝眼睛,他们的孩子也会是蓝眼睛。剑桥国际Inevitably, when both parents have custody of the child, there's a lot of to-ing and fro-ing (= moving from one place to another) between them.当父母双方都对孩子有监护权时,孩子无可避免地要在父母之间不断地来回奔波。剑桥国际When a child is the care of a local authority, both parents are normally permitted access.当孩子成为地方当局的监护对象时,父母正常情况下都允许接近。剑桥国际




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