

单词 宽的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔NARROW〕not wide 不宽的朗文写作活用〔WIDE〕a narrow opening only a few metres across 才几米宽的一个狭窄开口朗文写作活用〔across〕a hole fully thirty feet across 足有30英尺宽的洞英汉大词典〔apart〕eyes set widely apart 间距很宽的双眼英汉大词典〔beamy〕a beamy cargo ship 船身很宽的货船英汉大词典〔cinch〕a blue dress cinched at the waist by a wide belt 蓝色的连衣裙腰间系着一条宽宽的腰带朗文当代〔finger〕two fingers of whiskey 两指宽的威士忌朗文当代〔gap-toothed〕a gap-toothed woman一个齿缝很宽的女人外研社新世纪〔hop〕hop a ditch two feet wide. 跳过两英尺宽的水沟美国传统〔king-size〕a king-size bed/hamburger 加宽的床/特大号的汉堡包剑桥高阶〔length〕a ditch of great length and width 又长又宽的沟牛津搭配〔leniency〕the leniency of the punishment 从宽的处罚韦氏高阶〔lenient〕a lenient sentence/fine 从宽的判刑╱罚款牛津高阶〔panoramic〕a panoramic camera: a camera that produces a film format longer than 1:3 for a wide field of view全景相机:拍摄格式比1:3宽的广视野照片的相机外研社新世纪〔protean〕a protean actor 戏路很宽的演员英汉大词典〔reimpose〕reimpose recently relaxed restrictions 重新施加最近予以放宽的限制英汉大词典〔space〕a large/small/narrow/wide space 大╱小╱窄╱宽的空当牛津高阶〔spatulate〕spatulate fingers (顶端宽的)刮板状指英汉大词典〔squat〕a wide squat hand 又短又宽的手英汉大词典〔squat〕squat stone cottages 矮而宽的小石屋朗文当代〔step〕a flight of (=set of) broad stone steps 一段宽宽的石台阶朗文当代〔trivia〕a trivia quiz 知识面宽的问答比赛牛津高阶〔two-line(d)〕a two-line(d) initial 两行宽的首字母英汉大词典〔widely〕a desk that was almost as wide as the room. 几乎和房间一样宽的书桌柯林斯高阶〔wide〕a doorway two metres wide 两米宽的门道朗文当代〔wide〕a ribbon two inches wide. 两英寸宽的丝带美国传统〔wide〕a trail one man wide 一人宽的小径英汉大词典〔widish〕a widish bookcase 较宽的书橱英汉大词典〔widish〕widish hips 相当宽的臀部英汉大词典〔width〕a covered terrace extending the full width of the house 和房子同宽的有顶露台朗文当代〔width〕a narrow corridor barely the width of a man 仅一人宽的一条狭走廊英汉大词典〔width〕a plank 15 inches in width 15英寸宽的木板英汉大词典




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