

单词 外生
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ELSS〕Extravehicular life support system.舱外生命维持系统美国传统〔PERSONALLY/YOURSELF〕Clara knew from first-hand experience that living in a foreign country would be difficult. 克拉拉的亲身体验告诉她在国外生活并不容易。朗文写作活用〔abroad〕I've never lived abroad before.我从未在国外生活过。朗文当代〔adult〕I have spent most of my adult life abroad.我成年后大部分时间在国外生活。外研社新世纪〔all〕The plant will stand all but the worst winters out of doors.除了最严寒的冬季,这种植物都能在户外生长。柯林斯高阶〔belong〕He was not a closet man; he belonged out-of-doors.他不喜欢蛰居斗室,惯于过户外生活。英汉大词典〔belong〕That plant belongs outdoors.那种植物适于户外生长美国传统〔between〕A lot of students spend a year abroad in between school and university.许多学生在中学毕业后到上大学之前会在国外生活一年。朗文当代〔call〕He could not resist the call of the outdoor life.他无法抵制对户外生活的向往。麦克米伦高阶〔condyloma〕A wartlike growth on the skin or mucous membrane, usually in the area of the anus or external genitalia.湿疣:长在皮肤或粘膜处的疣状物,通常生于肛门或外生殖器处美国传统〔confidence〕Living on her own in a foreign country for a year gave her a lot of confidence .独自在国外生活一年给了她很大的自信。朗文当代〔ectogenous〕Able to live and develop outside a host, as certain pathogenic microorganisms do.外生的:能够在寄生在主体外生长发育的,如病毒性微生物美国传统〔enate〕Growing outward.向外生长的美国传统〔exhibitionism〕Psychiatry A psychosexual disorder marked by the compulsive exposure of the genitalia in public.【精神病学】 暴露癖:一种性心理反常的行为,特征是喜欢在公开场合下暴露外生殖器美国传统〔exile〕The condition or a period of living away from one's native country.流亡期间: 在自己国家之外生活的情况或时间美国传统〔exogenous〕Biology Derived or developed from outside the body; originating externally.【生物学】 外生的:源自或从外部发展的;在外部生长的美国传统〔exostosis〕A bony growth on the surface of a bone or tooth.外生骨疣:骨或牙齿表面上的骨质生长美国传统〔fine down〕If they went to live abroad, she might have to fine down her career ambitions.如果他们到国外生活, 她可能就得降低一点她的事业心了。外研社新世纪〔fireplace〕A structure, usually of stone or brick, for holding an outdoor fire.火灶:一种通常用石头或砖做成的用于野外生火的构造美国传统〔genitalia〕The reproductive organs, especially the external sex organs; the genitals.生殖器:生殖器官,尤指外生殖器;外阴部美国传统〔genitals〕The reproductive organs, especially the external sex organs.外生殖器:生殖器官,尤其是指外部性器官美国传统〔genital〕A reproductive organ, especially one of the external sex organs. Often used in the plural.生殖器官,尤指外生殖器之一。通常用复数形式美国传统〔genital〕Keep the genital area clean.保持外生殖器清洁。柯林斯高阶〔increase〕Divorce rates and births outside marriage are on the increase.离婚率和婚外生育正在增加。外研社新世纪〔labium〕Anatomy Any of four folds of tissue of the female external genitalia.【解剖学】 阴唇:女性外生殖器的四个皱褶组织之一美国传统〔living area〕They use their backyard as an outdoor living area.他们把后院当作户外生活区。韦氏高阶〔master〕Tandy was no master of fieldcraft.坦迪不太懂野外生存知识。外研社新世纪〔on your own〕They can't survive on their own in the wilderness.他们没法独立在野外生存。韦氏高阶〔open-air〕He is an open-air man. He likes mountains and sea.他是个爱野外生活的人。他喜欢山和海。英汉大词典〔optimize〕The multinational enterprise optimizes productive resources, market opportunities, and talents beyond and across national boundaries.这家跨国公司最高效地利用了国内外生产资源、市场机遇以及人才资源。外研社新世纪〔outdoorsman〕A man who spends considerable time in outdoor pursuits, such as hunting or fishing.喜欢野外生活的男人:花大量时间过野外生活(如打猎、捕鱼等)的男人美国传统〔outdoorswoman〕A woman who spends considerable time in outdoor pursuits, such as hunting and fishing.喜欢野外生活的女人:花大量时间过野外生活(如狩猎、捕鱼等)的妇女美国传统〔outdoors〕He had the healthy glow of those who live in the outdoors.他容光焕发, 在野外生活的人都是如此。外研社新世纪〔overrated〕Life in the wild is vastly overrated.野外生活被过分美化了。外研社新世纪〔overrated〕Life in the wild is vastly overrated.野外生活被过分美化了。柯林斯高阶〔overseas〕Many more people go/travel/live/work overseas these days.如今有更多的人出国/出国旅游/在国外生活/在国外工作。剑桥高阶〔private parts〕The external organs of sex and excretion.阴部:外生殖器,外排泄器官美国传统〔pudendum〕The human external genitalia, especially of a woman. Often used in the plural.外生殖器,外阴:尤指女性的外生殖器官。常用复数美国传统〔pull〕The idea of living abroad still exerted a strong pull.到国外生活的想法仍然有强烈的吸引力。外研社新世纪〔readjust〕After living abroad for so long, he found it difficult to readjust to life at home.在国外生活了那么长时间后,他觉得很难适应国内的生活。剑桥高阶〔ringbone〕A bony growth on the fetlock, pastern, or coffin bone of a horse's foot, usually causing lameness.环骨瘤:长在马蹄的长丛毛、魈或蹄骨上的外生骨瘤,常引起跛足美国传统〔sex〕The genitalia.外生殖器美国传统〔shift〕The toy industry is undergoing a seismic shift as more products are manufactured overseas.因越来越多的产品在海外生产,玩具行业正经历一场巨大的变革。牛津搭配〔tenderfoot〕A newcomer not yet hardened to rough outdoor life; a greenhorn.艰苦地区的新来者:一个尚未被严酷的户外生活锻炼得坚强起来的新来者;一个新移民美国传统〔wildness〕Fewer than a thousand giant pandas still live in the wild.只有不到1,000只大熊猫仍然在野外生活。柯林斯高阶After living abroad for so long, he found it difficult to readjust to life at home.在国外生活了这么久后,他发现很难重新适应国内的生活。剑桥国际He is a fresh-air fiend. 他是个喜爱户外生活的人。译典通She knows a thing or two about living and teaching abroad.她对国外生活和教学很有经验。剑桥国际Steel makers face unfair competition from subsidized foreign producers.钢铁厂商面临来自享有补贴的国外生产商的不公平竞争。牛津商务We're going on a camping holiday to give the kids a taste of the wholesome outdoor life.我们要去露营度假,以便让孩子体验一下有益于身心健康的户外生活。剑桥国际




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