

单词 夸大
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BELIEVE〕Her story is completely credible - she doesn't usually exaggerate. 她的话绝对可信。她一般不夸大其词。朗文写作活用〔COMPETE WITH〕Holmes says that the rivalry between the two companies has been exaggerated. 霍姆斯说,那两家公司之间的竞争被夸大了。朗文写作活用〔EXAGGERATE〕Newspapers tend to exaggerate their influence on the way people vote. 报纸往往会夸大它们对人们投票方式的影响。朗文写作活用〔EXAGGERATE〕Politicians typically overstate their case in order to get their point across. 政治家通常会夸大事实,以便使自己的观点被人认同。朗文写作活用〔Let's〕I'm not calling her a liar. Let's just say that she tends to exaggerate the truth a little.我并不是说她是一个骗子。咱们只是说她总是有点夸大事实。韦氏高阶〔PURPOSE〕Racial tensions in Fiji were exaggerated for political ends by leaders of the opposition. 反对派领导人出于政治目的夸大了斐济岛上的种族紧张局势。朗文写作活用〔accurate〕Aim to be factual and accurate, neither overstating nor understating.要力求做到真实、准确, 不夸大其词也不避重就轻。外研社新世纪〔alarmist〕He claims that alarmists have exaggerated the economy's problems.他声称那些危言耸听的人夸大了经济中存在的问题。韦氏高阶〔amplify〕Don't amplify the difficulties of the task.不要夸大这任务的困难。英汉大词典〔amplify〕To exaggerate.夸张,夸大美国传统〔anecdote〕The image of the fox as a pest is grossly exaggerated in anecdote and folklore.狐狸的害人精形象在传闻和民间故事中遭到严重的夸大。柯林斯高阶〔ballyhoo〕Sensational or clamorous advertising.夸大广告:耸人听闻的或大肆宣传的广告美国传统〔ballyhoo〕The power of red wine to counteract high cholesterol has been ballyhooed in the press.红酒降低胆固醇的功效被媒体夸大了。柯林斯高阶〔bombast〕There was no bombast or conceit in his speech.他的演讲并没有夸大其词和自吹自擂。柯林斯高阶〔cheerleader〕One who expresses or promotes thoughtless praise; an adulator.奉承者:表示赞扬或不加思索地夸大别人的人;谄媚的人美国传统〔complex〕An exaggerated or obsessive concern or fear.夸大的或过激的担心或恐惧美国传统〔credit〕They are crediting science with power it doesn't possess.他们夸大了科学的力量。外研社新世纪〔demagogue〕I don't want to demagogue my talk.我不想把话夸大。21世纪英汉〔distorted〕A painter may exaggerate or distort shapes and forms.画家可能会对线条和形状进行夸大或扭曲。柯林斯高阶〔dramatize〕Stop dramatizing your problems.别再夸大其词地强调你的问题了。英汉大词典〔effect〕The movie exaggerates his odd habits for comic/humorous effect.电影为达到喜剧/幽默效果夸大了他的怪癖。韦氏高阶〔embroider〕He has a tendency to embroider a little.他比较喜欢夸大其词。外研社新世纪〔embroider〕He told some lies and sometimes just embroidered the truth.他撒过一些谎, 而有时只是夸大了事实。外研社新世纪〔exaggerated〕The danger had been greatly exaggerated.危险被过分夸大了。朗文当代〔exaggerated〕Western fears, he insists, are greatly exaggerated.他坚称西方国家的恐惧被过分夸大了。外研社新世纪〔exaggerate〕Demand for the product has been greatly exaggerated.对这项产品的需求给过分夸大了。牛津高阶〔exaggerate〕I'm not exaggerating - it was the worst meal I've ever eaten in my life.我不是在夸大其词——那是我这辈子吃到的最难以下咽的饭了。剑桥高阶〔exaggerate〕John does tend to exaggerate slightly.约翰往往喜欢把事情略加夸大。牛津搭配〔exaggerate〕Keep to the facts and don't exaggerate.严格按照事实,不要夸大其词。英汉大词典〔exaggerate〕The historical significance of these events can be easily exaggerated (= it is easy to think they are more significant than they are).这些事件的历史意义很容易被夸大。牛津搭配〔excess〕His statements cannot be simply dismissed as rhetorical excess.不能简单地把他的陈述斥之为夸大之辞。牛津搭配〔gild〕Many applicants will gild the lily to exaggerate their finer points.很多申请者会自我吹嘘以夸大他们的优点。外研社新世纪〔grandiose〕Characterized by feigned or affected grandeur; pompous.浮夸的,夸大的:以伪装的宏大为特征的;浮夸的美国传统〔hesitate〕Some parents hesitate to take these steps because they suspect that their child is exaggerating.有些父母不愿采取这些措施, 因为他们怀疑自己的孩子在夸大其词。外研社新世纪〔hyperbolize〕Don't mention what he said, he always hyperbolizes.别听他的,他总是夸大其词。21世纪英汉〔inaccurately〕The book is both inaccurate and exaggerated.这本书不但不准确,而且夸大其词。柯林斯高阶〔inevitably〕Inevitably, the press exaggerated the story.新闻界照例又夸大了这件事。牛津高阶〔infamy〕He enjoyed exaggerating his infamy.他喜欢夸大他的恶行。柯林斯高阶〔inflate〕They inflated their clients' medical injuries and treatment to defraud insurance companies.他们夸大当事人伤势的严重性和治疗费用以欺骗保险公司。外研社新世纪〔jazz〕To exaggerate or lie.夸大,欺骗美国传统〔lay〕To exaggerate; overstate.夸张;夸大的叙述美国传统〔magnifiable〕She is inclined to magnify her troubles.她喜欢夸大她的困难。21世纪英汉〔magnify〕Don't magnify your troubles.别夸大你的困难。外研社新世纪〔magnify〕I don't want to magnify the importance of these problems.我不想夸大这些问题的重要性。韦氏高阶〔magnify〕They have no need to magnify the importance of their achievements.他们没有必要夸大他们成绩的重要性。麦克米伦高阶〔magniloquent〕Lofty and extravagant in speech; grandiloquent.言语傲慢的和夸大的;夸张的美国传统〔manipulate〕The company manipulated its accounts to exaggerate its profits.这家公司篡改账目来夸大收益。韦氏高阶〔megalomaniac〕Their CEO is a real megalomaniac.他们的首席执行官是个真正的夸大妄想症患者。韦氏高阶〔megalomania〕While the accused was in his institution, he suffered from megalomania.在监狱中时, 被告患有夸大症。外研社新世纪〔melodrama〕Her love of melodrama meant that any small problem became a crisis.她喜欢夸大其词,会把任何小问题说成危机。牛津高阶〔minimize〕He always tried to minimize his own faults, while exaggerating those of others.他总是试图对自己的错误轻描淡写,对别人的错误夸大其词。牛津高阶〔minimize〕She plays up her strong points and minimizes her weaknesses.她夸大自己的长处,极力缩小自己的缺点。英汉大词典〔optimistic〕I don't want to exaggerate our chances, but I'm cautiously optimistic.我不想夸大我们的机会,但我持谨慎的乐观态度。牛津搭配〔overblown〕The reporting of the hostage story was fair, if sometimes overblown.尽管这篇关于人质的报道有些夸大其词,但还算公正。柯林斯高阶〔overblown〕Warnings of disaster may be overblown.灾难预警可能被夸大了。外研社新世纪〔overdraw〕He was overdrawn as a hero.他被夸大描绘成了一名英雄。21世纪英汉〔overplay〕I think the historical factor is overplayed, that it really doesn't mean much.我认为历史因素被过分夸大了, 它实际上并不十分重要。外研社新世纪〔overplay〕The network news overplayed the story just to get good ratings.网络新闻为了收视率夸大了这篇报道的重要性。韦氏高阶〔overrated〕Success in the eyes of others is an overrated achievement.在他人眼中,成功常常被夸大为了不起的成就。柯林斯高阶〔overstate〕He may have overstated his ability in the interview.他可能在面试中夸大了自己的能力。麦克米伦高阶〔overstate〕The impact of the new legislation has been greatly overstated.新立法的影响被过分夸大了。剑桥高阶〔parallelism〕I think he exaggerates the parallelism between the two cases.我认为他夸大了两件事的相似之处。牛津高阶〔paranoia〕A psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution or grandeur, often strenuously defended with apparent logic and reason.妄想狂,偏执狂:一种通常用表面的逻辑和道理来设想的具烦扰或夸大妄想特征的精神错乱症美国传统〔pardonable〕This was an exaggeration but a pardonable one.那是夸大其词, 但情有可原。外研社新世纪〔play up〕The media played up the prospects for a settlement.媒体夸大了达成和解的可能性。柯林斯高阶〔pompous〕The article was pompous and dismissed completely everybody else's opinions.这篇文章夸大其词, 对别人的观点全然不予理会。外研社新世纪〔poormouth〕An exaggerated assertion of poverty.对自己贫穷的夸大美国传统〔probability〕His story-telling can push the bounds of probability a bit far at times.他讲故事的时候,不时会有些夸大。柯林斯高阶〔proportion〕The whole issue has been blown out of all proportion.整个问题被过分夸大了。朗文当代〔proportion〕This issue was about to be blown out of proportion.这个问题快要被夸大得没边没沿儿了。牛津搭配〔rhetorician〕A person given to verbal extravagance.夸大其辞的人美国传统〔sceptically〕I looked at him skeptically, sure he was exaggerating.我怀疑地看着他,确信他在夸大其词。柯林斯高阶〔sober-sided〕Devoid of extreme qualities, such as exaggeration; sober.持重的:没有极端性质,如夸大的;严肃的美国传统〔sober〕He made a sober estimate of the deaths from police bullets at 100.他毫不夸大地估计死于警察枪弹的人数约为100。英汉大词典〔stretch the truth〕He was accused of stretching the truth about how much he had helped in the project.他被指责夸大了自己在整个项目中的作用。剑桥高阶〔stretch〕Reporters sometimes stretch the facts to make a point.记者为了说明问题,有时会夸大事实。朗文当代〔stretch〕What you said isn't true. Is it stretched by you?你说的不全是真的,你是不是有点儿夸大其词?21世纪英汉〔sublimely〕She elevated every rare small success to the sublime.她把每一个极不起眼的小小成功都夸大成非凡的成就。柯林斯高阶〔sublime〕She elevated every rare small success to the sublime.她把每一个极不起眼的小小成功都夸大成非凡的成就。外研社新世纪〔superiority complex〕An exaggerated feeling of being superior to others.优越感:一种高于他人夸大的感觉美国传统〔superlative〕Excessive or exaggerated.过分的或被夸大了的美国传统〔take sth with a pinch of salt〕You have to take everything she says with a pinch of salt, because she tends to exaggerate.你不能完全相信她的话,她总是喜欢夸大其词。剑桥高阶〔talk up〕Politicians accuse the media of talking up the possibility of a riot.政治家们谴责媒体夸大了发生骚乱的可能性。柯林斯高阶〔tone down〕We have had to ask the agency and their client to tone their ads down.我们不得不要求广告公司及其客户不要在广告里夸大其词。外研社新世纪〔vanity〕She described her accomplishments without exaggeration or vanity.她描述自己的成就时没有丝毫的夸大和自负。韦氏高阶〔verbiage〕Stripped of their pretentious verbiage, his statements come dangerously close to inviting racial hatred.抛开那些夸大其词的冗词赘语不论,他的言论有挑起种族仇恨的危险。柯林斯高阶〔weathered〕Some of the riders in this section made heavy weather of the cross-country race.这个环节的部分骑手夸大了这场越野比赛的困难。柯林斯高阶〔weather〕To exaggerate the difficulty of something to be done.夸大困难:夸大做某事的困难美国传统〔would〕There could be more unrest, but I wouldn't exaggerate the problems.可能会有更大的动荡,不过我想也不必夸大问题。柯林斯高阶An employee claimed that earnings had been inflated by accounting tricks.一位雇员声称收入通过会计手法而被夸大了。牛津商务Few people were convinced by his overstatement of the advantages of the scheme.没有几个人相信他对这个计划优越性的夸大其辞。剑桥国际He hurt his hand in the accident but he was laying it on a bit thick about how painful it was.他的手在事故中是受了伤,但是他夸大其词说痛得不得了。剑桥国际He knowingly inflated sales figures.他故意夸大销售额。牛津商务It's ridiculous -- we have a tiny disagreement and you blow the whole thing up out of proportion (= treat the matter far too seriously)! 这太可笑了----我们只是意见稍有不同,你就夸大了整件事的严重性。剑桥国际The company admitted it had overstated its revenues by $20 million.这家公司承认夸大了 2 000 万元收益。牛津商务The company disclosed that it had overstated its profits by $11 million.这公司透露其利润被夸大了 1100 万元。牛津商务The impact of the new legislation has been greatly overstated.新立法产生的影响被极大地夸大了。剑桥国际To say that all young people are involved with drugs is to overstate the problem.要是说所有的年轻人都卷入了吸毒乃是夸大了这个问题。剑桥国际We are tired of his aggrandizement of his own achievements. 我们对他夸大自己的成就感到厌恶。译典通We find newspaper ballyhoo difficult to live with. 我们觉得难以容忍报纸的夸大宣传。译典通




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