

单词 应给
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISAPPOINTED〕No wonder the nurses feel let down - they were promised a big pay increase, but nothing has happened. 难怪护士会感到失望。先是答应给她们大幅度提高工资,但后来就只字不提了。朗文写作活用〔answer〕The minister promised to give a written answer to the MP's detailed question.对于议员提出的那个涉及很多细节的问题,部长答应给予书面答复。剑桥高阶〔aspirin〕Aspirin should not be given to young children.阿司匹林不应给儿童服用。剑桥高阶〔assistance〕The World Bank promised assistance of $5 million.世界银行答应给予 500 万美元的援助。牛津搭配〔babysit〕I promised to babysit for Mrs Plunkett.我答应给普伦基特太太看孩子。外研社新世纪〔bewilder〕He was bewildered by his daughter's reaction.他被女儿的反应给弄糊涂了。朗文当代〔bribery〕Eventually, I resorted to bribery and promised them ice cream.最后我采取收买的办法,答应给他们买冰淇淋。麦克米伦高阶〔cajole〕He cajoled his parents into consent giving him money to buy a new car.他哄骗父母答应给他钱买辆新汽车。21世纪英汉〔charge up〕He promised to charge up my car battery.他答应给我车上的蓄电池充电。21世纪英汉〔credit〕We should give due credit to all who helped make the event a success.对于所有为这次活动成功作出贡献的人,我们都应给予应有的赞扬。牛津搭配〔depletable〕The drought has depleted their supply of water.干旱使供应给他们的水大为减少。21世纪英汉〔distribute〕Milk is distributed to the local shops by Herald's Dairies.牛奶是由赫勒尔德乳品公司供应给当地商店的。朗文当代〔dope〕The curtain material has to be treated with some dope.应给那块帘布上些漆胶。英汉大词典〔due〕Refunds are considered due within seven days of flight cancellation.一般认为航班取消后7天之内应给予退款。英汉大词典〔emerging〕Western governments should be giving more aid to the emerging democracies of the Third World.西方政府应给予第三世界新兴的民主政权更多的援助。剑桥高阶〔emphasis〕Both subjects should be given equal emphasis.应给予两门课程同等的重视。牛津搭配〔enjoy〕Here's that book I promised you. Enjoy! 这就是我答应给你的那本书。好好欣赏吧!牛津高阶〔feel for〕You should feel for others in their suffering.在别人不幸时你应给予同情。21世纪英汉〔finger〕Mr Walesa burned his fingers by promising he would give every Pole 100m zlotys to start a business.瓦文萨先生因为答应给每个波兰人一亿兹罗提做生意而大吃苦头。外研社新世纪〔fond〕We said a fond farewell to each other (= we said goodbye in a loving way) and promised to write.我们深情告别,答应给彼此写信。剑桥高阶〔formal〕They have offered me the job, but I don't yet have a formal contract.他们答应给我这份工作,但我还没有签订正式的合同。麦克米伦高阶〔half〕They had only received half the money promised.答应给他们的钱他们只收到了一半。外研社新世纪〔here〕Here's the money I promised you.这是我答应给你的钱。牛津高阶〔house〕The car should be housed with a cover for a longer time's parking.长时间的存放汽车,应给汽车罩上套子。21世纪英汉〔immunization〕All parents should have their children immunized.所有父母都应给孩子打疫苗。柯林斯高阶〔interpret〕She promised to interpret for me.她答应给我当翻译。英汉大词典〔materialize〕The money they promised us has so far failed to materialize.他们答应给我们的钱至今还未兑现。韦氏高阶〔materialize〕The money we had been promised failed to materialize .答应给我们的钱并没有兑现。朗文当代〔materialize〕The promotion he had been promised failed to materialize.答应给他晋升的许诺未能实现。牛津高阶〔means test〕An investigation into the financial well-being of a person to determine the person's eligibility for financial assistance.经济情况调查:以确定是否应给予补助而进行的经济状况的调查美国传统〔merit〕His good work merits a raise.他工作表现良好,应给予加薪。韦氏高阶〔mess〕Don't mess me about – I want the money you promised me.别糊弄我 — 我要你答应给我的那笔钱。朗文当代〔nutrient〕Provide plants with their proper nutrients.把适当的养料供应给植物。牛津同义词〔option〕He's promised me first option on his car.他答应给我买他那部车的优先权。牛津搭配〔overclothe〕Babies should never be overclothed.绝对不应给婴儿穿衣过多。英汉大词典〔parent〕The government has promised a better deal for working parents.政府答应给予需要上班的父母更好的待遇。牛津搭配〔perusal〕Peter Cooke undertook to send each of us a sample contract for perusal.彼得·库克答应给我们每人寄一份合同样本供审阅。外研社新世纪〔perusal〕Peter Cooke undertook to send each of us a sample contract for perusal.彼得·库克答应给我们每人寄送一份合同样本供阅读。柯林斯高阶〔power〕You were acting beyond your powers when you agreed to give her a pay rise.你答应给她加薪,这是在越权行事。剑桥高阶〔promise〕He promised his grandchildren the money.他答应给孙儿孙女们这笔钱。牛津高阶〔promise〕I can't give you the book; I've promised it to Susan.我不能把这本书给你,我已经答应给苏珊了。英汉大词典〔provision〕Special provision should be made for children.应给孩子在经济上专门作好安排。柯林斯高阶〔publicly〕The company publicly apologized and agreed to contribute some money to charity.公司公开致歉,并答应给慈善组织捐款。剑桥高阶〔pull〕With the reduction in the money allowed, we shall have to pull back on our spending.原来答应给的钱减少了,我们得紧缩开支。英汉大词典〔put sth up〕His brother has agreed to put up bail for him.他哥哥答应给他交保释金。剑桥高阶〔respect〕We should give him a sum of money in respect of the work he has done.我们应给他一笔钱作为他的工作报酬。英汉大词典〔rundown〕Connors promised to give me a rundown on local police activity.康纳斯答应给我简单介绍一下当地警方的工作。朗文当代〔scope〕He believed in giving his staff scope for initiative.他认为应给员工提供发挥主动性的机会。柯林斯高阶〔self-respect〕Due respect for oneself, one's character, and one's conduct.自尊:应给予自己、自己的性格和行为的尊重美国传统〔seniority〕Remember the precedence due to seniority.记住应给长辈以优先权。英汉大词典〔shelter〕Parents should set aside a time for their children to study, a period sheltered from television.父母应给孩子们规定一段温课的时间,在此时间内不得看电视。英汉大词典〔stimulate〕Parents should give children books that stimulate them.父母应给孩子能启发他们的书。牛津高阶〔sweet〕He'd promised her a new car, just to keep her sweet (= keep her in a good mood).他答应给她一辆新轿车,只是为了让她高兴。牛津搭配〔trickle-down theory〕A theory in economics that financial benefits accorded to big business enterprises will in turn pass down to smaller businesses and consumers.点滴投资理论:一种将应给予大企业的经济利益转而给小企业和消费者的经济理论美国传统〔true〕They used to guarantee housing for all workers, but that's no longer true.他们过去答应给所有员工提供住房,但现在不再如此了。麦克米伦高阶〔world〕He seems to think that the world owes him a living.他似乎认为社会应给他一条谋生之路。牛津搭配A soldier should not bring scandal upon the uniform. 军人不应给军队丢脸。译典通Coffee was served to us in tiny little cups.咖啡用极小的杯子供应给我们。剑桥国际Food was rationed to the public during the war. 战争期间,食物限量供应给公众。译典通He baited the broker by promises of higher commissions. 他答应给更高的佣金来引诱那位经纪人。译典通He promised me the book. 他答应给我这本书。译典通He promised to save a room for me. 他答应给我留个房间。译典通He restated his belief that sanctions should be allowed sufficient time to work.他重申他的看法,强调制裁应给予充足的时间才能奏效。剑桥国际Most of our products are supplied to furniture manufacturers for indirect export to North America.我们的大部分产品是供应给家具制造商间接出口到北美。牛津商务New manufacturers should be given a five-year tax holiday to develop their products.应给予新制造商五年的免税期以开发产品。牛津商务Parliament should give the courts extra powers to deal stringently with those who commit these terrible offences.议会应给予法院特别权力以严厉打击那些犯重罪的歹徒。剑桥国际Professors are supposed to give trigger warnings to students before giving them a test. 教授在测试学生前,应给学生事先的触发预警。译典通The Minister promised to give a written answer to the MP's detailed question.对于议员详细的提问,部长答应给予书面的答复。剑桥国际The company publicly apologized and agreed to contribute some money to charity.这个公司公开道歉,并答应给慈善组织捐款。剑桥国际The salary they're offering is very attractive (=interesting because of being to my advantage), but I still don't want the job.他们答应给的薪水很有吸引力, 但我还是不想要这份工作。剑桥国际These are wines for the discerning palate.这些酒是供应给识货的品酒人的。剑桥国际They tempted him to join the company by offering him a large salary and a company car.他们答应给他优厚的薪水和一辆公司汽车,诱使他加入公司。剑桥国际We had a marvellous meal at that restaurant you recommended--incidentally, I must give you the number of a similar one I know of that you might like.我们在你推荐的餐馆中吃了一顿美餐----顺便我应给你一家我知道的你可能喜欢的类似餐馆的号码。剑桥国际We said a fond farewell to each other (=We said goodbye in a loving way) and promised to write.我们深情地相互道别,答应给对方写信。剑桥国际When I took it back to the shop, they agreed to replace it without a smidgin of fuss.当我把它拿回商店时,他们毫不嗦地答应给予调换。剑桥国际You were acting beyond your powers when you agreed to give her a pay rise.你答应给她加薪你是在越权行事。剑桥国际




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