

单词 安哥
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-rich〕Angola's northern oil-rich coastline.安哥拉北部盛产石油的海岸柯林斯高阶〔ATTACK〕Government troops launched an offensive against UNITA positions in the north. 政府军向争取安哥拉彻底独立全国联盟的北方阵地发动进攻。朗文写作活用〔Angolan〕Angolans are worrying about a return to war.安哥拉人在担心战火重燃。外研社新世纪〔Angolan〕Angolans are worrying about a return to war.安哥拉人担心战火重燃。柯林斯高阶〔Angora cat〕A domestic cat having long, silky hair. It is now rare as a pure breed in the United States.安哥拉猫:一种有丝状长毛的家养猫,其纯种目前在美国很稀少美国传统〔Angora goat〕Any of a breed of domestic goats having long, silky hair.安哥拉羊:一种有丝状长毛的家养山羊美国传统〔Angora rabbit〕Any of a breed of domestic rabbits having long, soft, usually white hair.安哥拉兔:一种有丝状通常为白色长毛的家养兔美国传统〔Angora〕A yarn or fabric made from either of these fibers.安哥拉山羊毛线,安哥拉山兔毛线,安哥拉山羊毛织物,安哥拉山兔毛织物:由上述纤维织物制成的纺线或织物美国传统〔Angora〕An Angora cat.安哥拉猫美国传统〔Angora〕An Angora goat.安哥拉羊美国传统〔Angora〕An Angora rabbit.安哥拉兔美国传统〔Angora〕The fine, long hair of the Angora rabbit, sometimes blended with wool in fabrics.安哥拉兔毛:安哥拉长兔毛,有时和羊毛混在一起用于纺织美国传统〔Angora〕The long, silky hair of the Angora goat.安哥拉羊毛:安哥拉山羊的长羊毛美国传统〔angora〕They are made from the finest lambswool and angora.它们是用最细密的羔羊毛和安哥拉毛纱制成。外研社新世纪〔brass〕Angola's ruling party was due to get down to brass tacks today with a debate on the party's record.安哥拉执政党预定在今天就有关该党执政记录的问题进行实质性讨论。柯林斯高阶〔counterpart〕The British Foreign Minister met his Angolan counterpart.英国外交大臣会见了安哥拉外长。外研社新世纪〔famine〕The UN has launched an emergency famine appeal for Angola.联合国已为安哥拉发出饥荒紧急援助的呼吁。外研社新世纪〔load〕The first ship to load at the new port was the 'Secil Angola'.在这个新港口装货的第一艘轮船是“西塞尔‧安哥拉”号。朗文当代〔media〕Angolan media reported that an agreement had been reached.安哥拉媒体报道说已经达成了一项协议。麦克米伦高阶〔mohair〕The long, silky hair of the Angora goat.马海毛:安哥拉山羊的长而柔软的毛美国传统〔natural resources〕Angola was a country rich in natural resources.安哥拉是一个自然资源丰富的国家。柯林斯高阶〔natural resources〕Angola was a country rich in natural resources.安哥拉曾是个自然资源丰富的国家。外研社新世纪〔over〕We could see the Angolan flag flying over the governor's palace.我们能看见安哥拉国旗在总督府上空飘扬。麦克米伦高阶〔rule〕For four centuries, foreigners have ruled Angola.外国人统治了安哥拉四个世纪。外研社新世纪〔rule〕For four centuries, he says, foreigners have ruled Angola.他说,外来者统治安哥拉的时间已长达4个世纪。柯林斯高阶〔silent〕The guns along the Namibia-Angola border were starting to fall silent.纳米比亚和安哥拉边境的枪声开始沉寂下来。外研社新世纪〔war-torn〕It is a long-term task to rebuild the infrastructure of a war-torn country such as Angola.重建像安哥拉这样饱受战争蹂躏的国家的基础设施是一项长期的任务。剑桥高阶




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