

单词 安和
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PICTURE〕Anna's bedroom wall was covered in posters of James Dean and Marilyn Monroe. 安娜的卧室墙上全是詹姆斯·迪安和玛丽莲·梦露的海报。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕Vivian and her boyfriend are making arrangements to join us in Australia. 薇薇安和男友在作准备,在澳大利亚与我们会合。朗文写作活用〔TALK〕Don't go in there right now - I think Dean and Carlo are having a heart-to-heart. 现在别进去,我看迪安和卡洛正在谈心呢。朗文写作活用〔agree〕Ann and I never seem to agree.安和我好像从来都没有意见一致过。剑桥高阶〔and〕Ann and Jim 安和吉姆剑桥高阶〔anxiety〕At the most, he will experience feelings of anxiety, shame, insecurity, and helplessness" (Alice Miller).他至多能体验到忧虑、耻辱、不安和无助感” (艾丽斯·米勒)。美国传统〔brood〕Ann was at the party with her brood.安和她的孩子们参加了聚会。剑桥高阶〔come〕Diane and Ian are coming for dinner tonight.黛安和伊恩今天晚上要来吃晚餐。外研社新世纪〔disorderly conduct〕An offense involving disturbance of the public peace and decency.妨害治安行为:涉及到扰乱公共治安和礼仪的不法行为美国传统〔dissatisfied〕He felt restless and dissatisfied.他感到不安和不满。外研社新世纪〔disturbed〕I was deeply disturbed and depressed by the news.这消息使我深感不安和沮丧。牛津高阶〔exhibit〕He has exhibited symptoms of anxiety and overwhelming worry.他表现出焦躁不安和过度忧虑的症状。柯林斯高阶〔fear〕These nouns all denote the agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger.这些名词都含有因危险的出现或迫近而引起的不安和焦虑之意。美国传统〔frightened〕I was nervous and frightened about the future.我对将来感到不安和害怕。牛津搭配〔go together〕How long have Ann and Peter been going together?安和彼得谈朋友多长时间了?外研社新世纪〔happy〕We hadn't planned to be in France at the same time as Ann and Charles - it was just a happy coincidence.我们从未打算与安和查尔斯同时到法国——那只是一个幸运的巧合。剑桥高阶〔hire out〕His agency hires out security guards and bodyguards.他这家中介公司有保安和保镖可供雇用。柯林斯高阶〔marriage〕Mr and Mrs Wall invite you to the marriage of their daughter Ann to Mr Thomas Lea.沃尔先生及夫人邀请您参加他们的女儿安和托马斯・利先生的婚礼。牛津搭配〔prejudice〕A sergeant was also cleared of conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline.一位中士也被证明没有扰乱治安和军纪的行为。外研社新世纪〔scar〕The early years of fear and the hostility left a deep scar on the young boy.早年的恐惧不安和别人的敌意给这个小男孩留下了深深的创伤。柯林斯高阶〔sleep〕We had dinner with Ann and Charles and slept the night there (= at their home).我们与安和查尔斯共进晚餐并在他们家过夜。剑桥高阶〔take〕Lots of couples have problems in the first year of marriage. Take Ann and Paul.在婚后头一年里,许多夫妇都出现一些问题。安和保罗就是个例子。牛津高阶〔talk〕Ann and Joe aren't talking to each other right now(= they refuse to speak to each other because they have argued).安和乔两人现在互不理睬。牛津高阶〔team〕Teaming Ann with John could have been disastrous.让安和约翰搭档可能会很糟糕。外研社新世纪〔them〕Ann and Sophie came, and Graham was with them.安和索菲来了, 格雷厄姆同她们一道。外研社新世纪Ann and Jim 安和吉姆剑桥国际




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