

单词 天开
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ASK〕We all begged him not to drive in the storm, but he wouldn't listen to us. 我们大家都求他不要在暴风雨天开车,可他就是不听。朗文写作活用〔BEFORE〕Advance bookings for the concert start today. 这场音乐会今天开始预售门票。朗文写作活用〔COMPETITION〕There's a volleyball tournament at Sunset Park which begins today. 日落公园有一场排球锦标赛,今天开赛。朗文写作活用〔DISCUSS〕Negotiations with the Turkish government are due to begin tomorrow. 同土耳其政府的谈判预定从明天开始。朗文写作活用〔FIRST〕Working at home is a good option, because, to begin with, what's the point of driving two hours a day just to sit in front of a computer? 在家上班是个很好的选择,首先因为一天开两小时车就为了坐在电脑前有什么意思呢?朗文写作活用〔PROTECT〕It began to rain and we all ran for shelter. 天开始下雨了,我们都朝避雨的地方跑去。朗文写作活用〔ROTC〕ROTC training begins tomorrow.后备军官训练队明天开始训练。韦氏高阶〔SWITCH ON OR OFF〕In the winter, I keep the gas fire on all day. 到了冬天,我就把煤气取暖器整天开着。朗文写作活用〔UNTIL〕Visit the exhibition of modern art, open every day, 9:30-6:00. 参观当代艺术展览,每天开放,时间9:30-6:00。朗文写作活用〔alternative〕As the boat leaves only on alternate days, you have no alternative but to stay here overnight.因为船隔天开,你只好留宿一夜,别无其他办法。英汉大词典〔began〕Begin the job the day after tomorrow.后天开始干这活吧。21世纪英汉〔begin〕He began reading the novel yesterday.他昨天开始读那本小说。文馨英汉〔blip〕Interest rates generally have been declining since last spring, despite a few upward blips in recent weeks.尽管近几周出现了几次短暂的回升,但自去年春天开始利率在整体上还是一直呈下降趋势。柯林斯高阶〔bloom〕Most flowers bloom in summer.多数的花在夏天开。牛津同义词〔bloom〕The roses bloom every few days.玫瑰每隔几天开花。21世纪英汉〔burl〕I went for a burl in the hills today.我今天开车到山里了。外研社新世纪〔burst forth〕The roses burst forth yesterday.玫瑰花昨天开放了。21世纪英汉〔called〕He called it particularly cynical to begin releasing the hostages on Christmas Day.他认为在圣诞节这天开始释放人质尤为讽刺。柯林斯高阶〔cold〕As evening fell it got very cold.随着夜幕降临,天开始冷起来。牛津搭配〔come out〕Daffodils come out in spring.水仙在春天开花。剑桥高阶〔concession〕Open daily; admission £1.10 with concessions for children and OAPs.每天开放;门票1.10英镑,儿童和退休人士可享受票价优惠。柯林斯高阶〔copy〕Could you make a copy of (= use a special machine to copy) this for tomorrow's meeting, please? 这个明天开会用,你能复印一份吗?剑桥高阶〔daily〕The zoo is open daily.动物园每天开放。朗文当代〔dawn〕To begin to become light in the morning.破晓,日出:在早晨天开始变亮美国传统〔day〕The office is only open during the day.办事处仅在白天开门。外研社新世纪〔discharge into〕The policeman discharged his gun into the air.警察朝天开枪。21世纪英汉〔drag〕It was a drag driving to work every day.每天开车上班让人厌烦。外研社新世纪〔draw in〕In autumn the days begin to draw in.到了秋天,白天开始渐渐短起来。21世纪英汉〔drive〕I drive this route every day.我每天开车都走这条路线。韦氏高阶〔drive〕The rioters fired shots in the air to drive away news photographers.骚乱者朝天开枪驱散摄影记者。英汉大词典〔each〕As each day dawned, his smile greeted her.每天开始的时候,他都以微笑迎接她。麦克米伦高阶〔emerge〕The flowers emerge in the spring.花儿在春天开放。朗文当代〔erotically〕It might sound like some kind of wild fantasy, but it wasn't an erotic experience at all.这听起来可能像是异想天开,但是绝对不是什么性体验。柯林斯高阶〔estrangement〕That day marked the beginning of a 20-year estrangement.从那一天开始了长达20年的互不往来。柯林斯高阶〔fantastic〕They spun fantastic plans for a new world of music.她们编造了一套异想天开的音乐新世界计划。外研社新世纪〔flexible〕We can be flexible about your starting date.你从哪天开始,我们可以灵活一点。朗文当代〔flight〕A flight of fancy perhaps, but it's ideas like this that lead to change.这样的想法或许是异想天开, 但正是它们导致了变革。外研社新世纪〔fool's gold〕Was the bold dream of independence for Rutland just fool's gold?拉特兰大胆的独立梦想会不会只是异想天开呢?外研社新世纪〔force〕The curfew was put in force on Sunday.星期天开始实施宵禁。英汉大词典〔full〕The troops were sent into action in full daylight.军队在大白天开始行动。外研社新世纪〔grace〕Betty believed that it was through divine grace that her husband had recovered from his illness.贝蒂认为全靠上天开恩她的丈夫才得以痊愈。剑桥高阶〔he's〕From day one he's been a great asset to the company.从入职第一天开始,他就是公司难得的人才。柯林斯高阶〔holiday〕The school holidays start tomorrow.学校假期从明天开始。朗文当代〔hot up〕Campaigning is expected to start hotting up today.预计竞选活动从今天开始会日益激烈。柯林斯高阶〔iconoclastic〕Is it utopian to hope that such iconoclastic ideas will gain ground?希望此类有悖传统的观念会逐渐被人们接受, 是不是异想天开?外研社新世纪〔inclusive〕The castle is open daily from May to October inclusive.这个古堡从五月起每天开放,直至十月尾。牛津高阶〔lash out〕Riot police fired in the air and lashed out with clubs to disperse hundreds of demonstrators.防暴警察朝天开枪并挥舞警棍驱散数百名示威者。柯林斯高阶〔live〕The service should go live this summer.应该会在今年夏天开始提供这项服务。外研社新世纪〔magistrate〕The man had a history of violence, magistrates heard yesterday.地方治安法官昨天开庭,从审理中得知这名男子有施暴案底。牛津搭配〔nowt〕I've had nowt to eat since yesterday.我从昨天开始就什么也没吃。朗文当代〔open〕French and Scandinavian offices are due to open in the autumn.法国和斯堪的纳维亚的办事处预期将在秋天开始办公。朗文当代〔open〕The clouds opened and the rain began to fall.云层消散,天开始下雨。 英汉大词典〔open〕The museum is open daily in the summer months.夏季里这座博物馆每天开放。朗文当代〔open〕The new store will be open in the spring.新商店将在春天开业。牛津高阶〔operation〕Operations on the site begin tomorrow.现场工作明天开始。英汉大词典〔outburst〕There has been another angry outburst against the new local tax introduced today.于今天开始实施的新地方税再次遭到人们愤怒的抗议。柯林斯高阶〔overcast〕It began to overcast.天开始变阴了。英汉大词典〔over〕Government troops fired a few shots over their heads.政府军擦着他们的头顶朝天开了几枪。麦克米伦高阶〔people〕Dreams peopled his idle hours.他空闲的时候就异想天开。英汉大词典〔preregister〕Preregistration begins tomorrow.明天开始预先注册。韦氏高阶〔read〕She starts work every day by reading her e-mail.她每天开始工作时先查看电子邮件。韦氏高阶〔reinforce〕Crews started work today to reinforce the seriously damaged bridge.全体人员今天开始动工,修复这座严重毁坏的大桥。麦克米伦高阶〔rule〕Telephonists in the city areas start working to rule today.市区的电话接线员今天开始变相怠工。英汉大词典〔scurry〕It began to rain and we scurried home.天开始下雨了,我们急忙赶回家去。英汉大词典〔seed〕If unused, winter radishes run to seed in spring.如果不去动的话,冬萝卜会在春天开花结籽。柯林斯高阶〔snow〕It started snowing just as we were setting out.我们正要出发时,天开始下雪了。牛津搭配〔start〕It started in to rain.天开始下雨了。英汉大词典〔start〕It's starting to rain.天开始下雨了。朗文当代〔start〕It's starting to rain.天开始下雨了。麦克米伦高阶〔stretch〕It could by no stretch of the imagination be seen as a victory.无论怎样异想天开也不能把这事看作是一次胜利。 英汉大词典〔stretch〕It's not a great work of cinema by any stretch of the imagination.无论怎么异想天开这也不是一部伟大的电影作品。麦克米伦高阶〔strip-mine〕To engage in strip mining.从事露天开采美国传统〔subject〕The number of planes flying over the town has been the subject of (= has caused) concern since last summer.自去年夏天开始,从小镇上空飞过的飞机数量一直让人们忐忑不安。剑桥高阶〔sure enough〕We were finally ready to go outside, and sure enough, it started to rain.我们最后准备出发时,不出所料,天开始下雨了。韦氏高阶〔there〕It's too far to drive there and back in one day.一天开个来回也太远了。朗文当代〔touch〕Winter flowers add a welcome touch of colour to the garden.冬天开放的花朵给花园增添了一些悦目的色彩。麦克米伦高阶〔toward〕It began to rain toward morning.快到早晨的时候天开始下雨了美国传统〔wangle〕We'll wangle it so that you can start tomorrow.我们会使用非常规方法,这样你可以明天开始。麦克米伦高阶〔waste〕Leaving the heating on all the time wastes electricity.让暖气整天开着是浪费电力。朗文当代〔whimsicality〕A whimsical idea or its expression; a caprice.怪念头:异想天开的念头或表述;怪念头美国传统〔whimsicality〕The quality or state of being whimsical.异想天开的、心血来潮等的状态美国传统〔whimsical〕McGrath remembers his offbeat sense of humor, his whimsical side.麦格拉思记得他非同寻常的幽默感, 他异想天开的一面。外研社新世纪Alexander always thinks big. 亚历山大总是异想天开。译典通An icy sleet was beginning to fall. 天开始下起了冰冷的冻雨。译典通Do not on any account be late for the meeting tomorrow .明天开会千万不要迟到。剑桥国际Elementary school enrolment begins tomorrow. 小学入学注册明天开始。译典通Farmers start ploughing in the spring.农民春天开始耕种。剑桥国际Intelligence say(s) that the enemy attack will probably start tomorrow.根据情报,敌人的进攻将有可能明天开始。剑桥国际It began to overcast. 天开始变阴了。译典通Many Americans tour by car in summer. 许多美国人夏天开车旅游。译典通No one in his right senses would believe such a fantastic story. 任何有理性的人都不会相信这样异想天开的故事。译典通Plant hyacinth bulbs in a bowl of earth for winter flowers.将风信子的球茎种在泥盆中使其冬天开花。剑桥国际She did it out of mere freak. 她做这事完全是一时异想天开。译典通She's a member of a group that promotes cranky ideas about food and exercise.她是一个对食物和锻炼倡导异想天开想法的团体的成员。剑桥国际The steering committee is/are meeting tomorrow.程序委员会将在明天开会。剑桥国际The swimming pool is available only in summer. 这个游泳池只在夏天开放。译典通The troop withdrawal is scheduled to begin the day after the ceasefire.部队撤离安排在停火后的一天开始。剑桥国际This bush flowers in the spring. 这种灌木春天开花。译典通Today sees the launch of a government advertising campaign to discourage glue-sniffing.政府今天开始一项广而告之的运动来抵制吸胶毒。剑桥国际We started going out with each other exactly four years ago today.我们俩恰好是在四年前的今天开始约会一起外出的。剑桥国际




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