

单词 天山
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Ala-Tau〕Several mountain ranges of central Asia in the Tien Shan. The northernmost branch forms part of the Soviet-Chinese border.阿拉套:位于天山的亚洲中部几个山脉。最北的支脉构成了苏联和中国的部分边界美国传统〔Issyk-Kul〕A lake of northeast Kirghiz in the Tien Shan near the northwest Chinese border.伊赛克湖:吉尔吉斯东北部一湖,位于与中国西北边界附近的天山美国传统〔Taklimakan〕A desert of western China between the Tien Shan and the Kunlun Mountains.塔克拉玛干大沙漠:中国西部一沙漠,位于天山山脉和昆仑山脉之间美国传统〔Tarim Pendi〕An arid basin of western China south of the Tien Shan and traversed by the Tarim He. The ancient Silk Road passed through the region.塔里木盆地:中国西部一干燥盆地,位于天山以南,中间有塔里木河流过。古时的丝绸之路就从这一地区穿过美国传统〔may〕Up to five inches of snow may cover the mountains in winter.冬天山上的积雪可能厚达5英寸。外研社新世纪The hills are very green in spring. 春天山上一片葱绿。译典通There was more rainfall than usual this summer in the mountain areas.今年夏天山区降水比一般要多。剑桥国际




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