

单词 天壤之别
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DIFFERENT〕The first Olympic Games in 1896 were a far cry from the slick spectacle of today. 1896年的首届奥运会与如今的华丽场面比起来简直有天壤之别。朗文写作活用〔DIFFERENT〕There is a world of difference between home-made bread and the tasteless substance that many people buy today. 家里自制的面包与许多人今天买的淡而无味的东西之间有着天壤之别。朗文写作活用〔REAL〕I'd seen pictures of the painting, but it was very different seeing the real thing. 我见过这幅画的照片,但和看真迹简直有天壤之别。朗文写作活用〔a world apart from〕The place where she lives now is a world apart from the small town where she grew up.她现在生活的地方与她长大的那个小镇有天壤之别。韦氏高阶〔a world of difference〕There's a world of difference between the service in the two hotels.这两家宾馆的服务有着天壤之别。剑桥高阶〔be far removed from sth〕It's a wonderful experience but it's far removed from reality.这是一次美妙的经历,但是和现实生活有天壤之别。剑桥高阶〔chalk〕The two places, he insists, are as different as chalk and cheese.他坚持说那两个地方有天壤之别。柯林斯高阶〔chalk〕The two places, he insists, are as different as chalk and cheese.他坚称这两个地方有天壤之别。外研社新世纪〔contrast〕The poverty of her childhood stands in total contrast to her life in Hollywood.她孩提时的贫困处境与她在好莱坞的生活有着天壤之别。牛津高阶〔dichotomy〕There is a dichotomy between the academic world and the industrial world.学术界与工业界有着天壤之别。柯林斯高阶〔dichotomy〕There is often a dichotomy between what politicians say and what they do.政治家的言行之间常有天壤之别。剑桥高阶〔difference〕There's a world of difference between liking someone and loving them.喜欢一个人和爱一个人有天壤之别。牛津高阶〔difference〕There's a world of difference between us.我们之间有天壤之别。朗文当代〔far〕His style was far removed (=very different) from that of Picasso.他的风格与毕加索有天壤之别。朗文当代〔light year〕Her life in Hollywood was light years away from her childhood in the East End of London.她在好莱坞的生活与她童年时在伦敦东区的生活有着天壤之别。麦克米伦高阶〔lot〕There's not a whole lot of difference between them.他们之间并无天壤之别。牛津搭配〔strikingly〕The two islands are strikingly different.这两座岛有天壤之别。韦氏高阶〔substantially〕The skin of an eighty-year-old looks substantially different from that of a twenty-year-old.80 岁人的皮肤与 20 岁人的皮肤看起来有天壤之别。柯林斯高阶〔substantially〕The skin of an eighty-year-old looks substantially different from that of a twenty-year-old.80岁人的皮肤与20岁人的皮肤看起来有天壤之别。外研社新世纪〔totally〕We have such totally different backgrounds.我们的出身背景有天壤之别。麦克米伦高阶〔tremendously〕The two cars vary tremendously.这两辆车有天壤之别。韦氏高阶〔utter〕We're so utterly different from each other.我们之间有着天壤之别。牛津高阶〔world〕His world seemed so different from mine.他的生活圈子和我的似乎有天壤之别。柯林斯高阶〔world〕I realized we were still worlds apart (=very different, especially concerning your ideas, opinions etc) .我意识到我们的观念仍旧有着天壤之别。朗文当代〔world〕Intellectually, this man and I are worlds apart.在智力上,我和这个男子有天壤之别。柯林斯高阶〔world〕The two men are worlds apart in personality.这两人的个性有天壤之别。英汉大词典〔world〕There's a world of difference between an amateur video and a slick Hollywood production.业余制作的录像短片与好莱坞制作精湛的电影作品有天壤之别。柯林斯高阶〔world〕There's a world of difference between the two situations.这两种情况有天壤之别。麦克米伦高阶Income levels in Japan and India are astronomically different.日本与印度的收入水平有着天壤之别。剑桥国际That will make a vast difference. 那将会有天壤之别。译典通The two sisters are (Br and Aus) (as) different as chalk and/from cheese/(esp. Am) (as) different as night and day (= very dissimilar).两姐妹之间有天壤之别,有如粉笔和干酪/黑夜和白天。剑桥国际Their ways of life are worlds apart. 他们的生活方式真是有天壤之别。译典通There is often a dichotomy between what politicians say and what they do.政客们说的和做的之间常有天壤之别。剑桥国际There's a world of difference between the service in the two hotels.这两家旅馆的服务有着天壤之别。剑桥国际




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