

单词 完全理解
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMPLETELY〕I can fully understand your concern. 我能完全理解你的担忧。朗文写作活用〔COMPLICATED〕I don't think you fully understood the complexity of his argument. 我觉得你没有完全理解他论点的复杂性。朗文写作活用〔REPEAT〕Don't worry if you don't understand everything - she'll go over the main points again at the end. 如果你没有完全理解也别担心—结束时她会把要点再重复一遍的。朗文写作活用〔SYMPATHIZE〕I completely understand how things are when money is tight. 我完全理解手头拮据是什么滋味。朗文写作活用〔SYMPATHIZE〕My dear, I completely understand and sympathize, but there's not much I can do about it, really. 亲爱的,我完全理解,也很同情你,但我真的是无能为力。朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕The significance of the disappearance of the buffalo and the passenger pigeon was not fully comprehended until much later. 水牛和旅鸽消失这个问题的重要性直到很久以后才被完全理解。朗文写作活用〔appreciate〕He did not fully appreciate the significance of signing the contract.他没有完全理解签署这份合同的意义。朗文当代〔comprehend〕I did not fully comprehend what had happened.我没有完全理解发生了什么事。朗文当代〔comprehend〕We fully comprehend people's anxieties.我们完全理解人们焦急的心情。麦克米伦高阶〔feel〕I know exactly how you feel(= I feel sympathy for you).我完全理解你的心情。牛津高阶〔fully〕I fully understand your motives.我完全理解你的动机。牛津高阶〔gist〕He couldn't fully understand the words, but he got the gist.他虽然无法完全理解所有词句, 但主要意思还是明白的。外研社新世纪〔head〕A lot of the technical stuff went completely over the audience's heads.很多技术方面的东西观众完全理解不了。外研社新世纪〔imperfectly〕This effect was imperfectly understood by designers at that time.当时的设计者们没有完全理解这种效果。柯林斯高阶〔incomprehensible〕He found his son's actions totally incomprehensible.他感觉他儿子的行为完全理解不了。牛津高阶〔nod〕David said nothing, but simply nodded, as if understanding perfectly.戴维什么都没说, 只是点点头, 好像完全理解了。外研社新世纪〔nod〕David said nothing, but simply nodded, as if understanding perfectly.戴维什么都没说,只是点点头,好像完全理解了。柯林斯高阶〔rather〕I quite understand your feelings.我完全理解你的感受。朗文当代〔relate to〕I can't relate to that at all.我完全理解不了这一点。外研社新世纪〔same〕I'm terrible at physics, and it's the same with chemistry - I get it all wrong.我对物理一窍不通,化学也一样——我完全理解不了。剑桥高阶〔sink in〕I had to tell him what to do over and over before it finally sank in.在他完全理解以前,我不得不再三告诉他该怎么做。韦氏高阶〔understand〕I fully understand the reason for your decision.我完全理解你作出这一决定的理由。牛津搭配〔understand〕Trish had not exactly understood his feelings.特里希并没有完全理解他的感受。外研社新世纪〔understand〕Trish had not exactly understood his feelings.特里希并没有完全理解他的感受。柯林斯高阶〔unsettling〕We fully appreciate that coming into hospital can be an unsettling experience.我们完全理解, 来到医院会是一次令人忐忑的经历。外研社新世纪〔well〕I can understand your dilemma very well.我完全理解你的两难处境。韦氏高阶〔well〕I well understand your intentions.我完全理解你们的意图美国传统〔wrong〕You've got it all wrong - it was your boss that she was annoyed with and not you! 你完全理解错了——让她生气的是你们老板,而不是你!剑桥高阶The school feels the family has not fully grasped the seriousness of the situation.学校觉得这个家庭并未完全理解这种情况的严重性。剑桥国际While I fully understand your point of view, I do also have some sympathy with Michael's.尽管我完全理解你的观点,但同时我也与迈克尔有些同感。剑桥国际




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