

单词 存在
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔BEFORE〕to happen or exist before someone or something else 比别人或其他事发生或存在得要早朗文写作活用〔REAL〕when things or people really exist 东西或人确实存在朗文写作活用〔TEMPORARY〕continuing or existing for only a limited period of time 只持续或存在有限的时间朗文写作活用〔breach〕widespread breaches of security at Ministry of Defence bases. 国防部各基地普遍存在的安全系统遭到攻破的现象柯林斯高阶〔computerized〕computerized dental records 储存在计算机上的牙科记录麦克米伦高阶〔conundrum〕this theological conundrum of the existence of evil and suffering in a world created by a good God. 在善良的上帝创造的世界里存在着邪恶和苦难这一神学之谜柯林斯高阶〔corporeal〕corporeal existence 实体存在韦氏高阶〔corporeal〕man's corporeal existence. 人的物质存在柯林斯高阶〔cousin〕the popular idea that creativity and madness are kissing cousins 认为创造力和疯狂存在着密切关系的流行观点牛津搭配〔deep-rooted〕the deep-rooted divisions and suspicions between the two superpowers两个超级大国之间长期存在的分歧与猜疑外研社新世纪〔defunct〕the leader of the now defunct Social Democratic Party. 现已不复存在的社会民主党的领导人柯林斯高阶〔depth〕the depth of feeling that exists in the area这一地区存在的强烈情绪外研社新世纪〔dilemma〕the perennial dilemma between work and family commitments 事业成功与履行家庭义务之间长期存在的矛盾牛津搭配〔dualism〕a dualism between knowing and being 认知和存在之间的二元性英汉大词典〔ever〕an ever-present danger 始终存在的危险牛津高阶〔evidence〕evidence for the existence of life on other planets 表明其他星球上有生命存在的证据麦克米伦高阶〔existence〕put out of existence 使不复存在 英汉大词典〔existence〕the mystery of human existence 人类存在的奥秘牛津搭配〔existential〕an existential proposition一个特称存在的命题外研社新世纪〔existential〕existential differences 存在的分歧英汉大词典〔exist〕old customs that still exist in rural areas. 在农村地区旧的风俗依然存在美国传统〔hardship〕widespread hardship among students 学生中普遍存在的贫困牛津搭配〔hold〕records held on computer 存在计算机中的记录牛津高阶〔incoherence〕the general incoherence of government policy. 政府政策普遍存在的不连贯性柯林斯高阶〔institutionally〕the Macpherson report, which accused the Metropolitan Police of institutional racism. 指控伦敦警察厅存在根深蒂固的种族主义的麦克弗森报告。柯林斯高阶〔lifetime〕a chemical with a lifetime of only a few minutes 一种仅能存在几分钟的化学品韦氏高阶〔like〕technological advances the like of which the world had previously only dreamed of只存在于前人梦想中的这些惊人科技进步外研社新世纪〔nonexistent〕a nonexistent fact 不存在的事实英汉大词典〔overcapacity〕the problem of overcapacity in many large industries. 许多大型工业存在着生产能力过剩的问题美国传统〔past〕a new device that makes such problems a thing of the past 使这类问题不复存在的新装置牛津搭配〔pitfall〕pitfalls in the interpretation of statistics 对统计数字的理解可能存在的问题牛津搭配〔place〕place 200 yuan to sb.'s credit 把200元存在某人名下英汉大词典〔profligacy〕the continuing profligacy of certain states. 某些州持续存在的肆意挥霍现象柯林斯高阶〔seminal〕the seminal existential novel of the early 1960s 20世纪60年代初期开创性的存在主义小说英汉大词典〔speculative〕a purely speculative theory about life on other planets 关于其他行星上存在生命的纯属猜测的理论朗文当代〔successive〕a trait found in successive generations 世世代代都存在的一个特征韦氏高阶〔symbiotic〕fungi that have a symbiotic relationship with the trees of these northwestern forests. 与西北部这些森林里的树木存在共生关系的真菌柯林斯高阶〔unethical〕to investigate widespread unethical and illegal practices in banking. 调查银行业普遍存在的不道德和违法行为柯林斯高阶〔warlike〕hopes of a peaceful solution despite increased warlike rhetoric from both sides. 双方唇枪舌剑,火药味儿越来越浓,但仍然存在和平解决的希望柯林斯高阶〔wood〕woods Living, growing, or present in forests: woods 森林中的:生活、生长或存在于森林里的:美国传统




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