

单词 外形
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Arabize〕To make Arabic in form, style, or character.使阿拉伯化:在外形、作风或性格上阿拉伯化美国传统〔LIKE OR SIMILAR|像|相似〕Although the fish have little external resemblance to each other, skeletally they are quite similar. 虽然这种鱼在外形上相互之间几乎没有相同的地方,但它们的骨骼很相似。朗文写作活用〔Proteus〕A sea god who could change his shape at will.普罗特斯:一个能任意改变自己外形的海神美国传统〔aerodynamic〕These planes are becoming increasingly aerodynamic in shape.这些飞机的外形变得越来越呈流线型。英汉大词典〔affordability〕The company makes wearable, beautifully cut clothes at affordable prices.这家公司生产经久耐穿、外形美观且价格合理的服装。柯林斯高阶〔anthropoid〕Resembling a human being, especially in shape or outward appearance.似人的,类人的:似人的,尤指在外形或外貌上美国传统〔anything〕To anything but the architect's eye, the house is cheap and ugly.除了那个建筑师,在任何别人的眼光里,那房屋质量低劣,外形丑陋。英汉大词典〔arch〕Anatomy An organ or structure having a curved or bowlike appearance, especially either of two arched sections of the bony structure of the foot.【解剖学】 足弓,齿弓:具有弯曲的或弓状外形的器官或结构,尤指脚的骨架结构的两个弓形部分之一美国传统〔attract〕I'm not physically/sexually attracted to him.他在外形上/性方面对我没有吸引力。剑桥高阶〔bay〕An area of land, such as an arm of prairie partially enclosed by woodland, that resembles in shape or formation a partially enclosed body of water.山坳:一片陆地区域,其中一部分为森林所围绕的大草原,它与一部分被围绕的水域在外形相似美国传统〔classic〕I like the car's classic contours.我喜欢这辆车简洁典雅的外形。韦氏高阶〔cloverleaf〕Resembling or shaped like a leaf of the clover plant.形状似苜蓿叶的:似苜蓿植物叶或其外形的,或与之相似的美国传统〔comb〕An implement, such as a card for dressing and cleansing wool or other fiber, that resembles a hair comb in shape or use.梳棉机:一种工具,如梳洗羊毛或其他纤维的梳棉机,在外形或用途上很像梳子美国传统〔comb〕Something suggesting a fowl's comb in appearance or position.鸡冠状的东西:在外形或位置上使人想到鸡冠的东西美国传统〔come〕Bikes come in all shapes and sizes.各种外形和尺寸的自行车都有。柯林斯高阶〔conformation〕The animals are judged on their conformation and ability.按照外形和能力来鉴定评价这些动物。剑桥高阶〔contour feather〕Any of the outermost feathers of a bird, forming the visible body contour and plumage.廓羽:任一形成鸟的外形轮廓以及全身羽毛的最外层羽毛美国传统〔contoured〕It is smoothly contoured to look like a racing car.这辆车外形设计流畅,看起来像赛车。牛津高阶〔contour〕He loved the sleek/smooth/flowing contours of the car.他喜欢这辆车的流线外形。韦氏高阶〔contour〕I cradled my video camera nervously on my lap, but its cold contours did nothing to comfort me.我紧张地把摄影机架在大腿上,但是它冰冷的外形并没能给我任何安慰。柯林斯高阶〔contour〕Often contours A surface, especially of a curving form. 常作 contours 外形:表面,尤指曲线形态美国传统〔dart〕An object likened to a slender, pointed missile either in shape, use, or effect.外形似镖的事物:物体在形状、使用或效果上像一细长带尖的投掷物的物体美国传统〔deformation〕The act or process of deforming.变形:使外形受毁的行为或过程美国传统〔depend〕What the products will look like will depend largely on what customers want.这些产品将来的外形主要取决于顾客的需要。麦克米伦高阶〔diagram〕A plan, sketch, drawing, or outline designed to demonstrate or explain how something works or to clarify the relationship between the parts of a whole.图示,图解:为演示或解释某物如向工作或者为澄清整体各部分之间关系而设计的平面图、示意图、图底或外形图美国传统〔different〕The two cars are different in shape.这两辆车的外形不同。麦克米伦高阶〔differ〕The models differ in size and shape.这些模型的大小和外形都不一样。牛津搭配〔dignity〕Stateliness and formality in manner and appearance.庄严:方式和外形上很庄严和正式美国传统〔disfigure〕To mar or spoil the appearance or shape of; deform.损毁或毁坏…的面容或外形;使变丑美国传统〔drift〕The smoke pall drifted off to reveal the blackened shell of the building.浓烟逐渐散开,被熏黑的大楼外形显露出来。英汉大词典〔face-lift〕The automobile factory will face-lift most of its lines.这家汽车厂将更新其多数产品的外形。英汉大词典〔facies〕Biology The general aspect or outward appearance, as of a given growth of flora.【生物学】 外观,外形:总体方面或外观,如一个植物区系的美国传统〔feature〕He has the right physical features for the role.他的外形容貌与角色很相称。牛津搭配〔figure〕The outline, form, or silhouette of a thing.外形,轮廓:某物的外廓、外形或轮廓美国传统〔formal〕Relating to or involving outward form or structure.外形的,形式的:关于或涉及事物外在形式或结构的美国传统〔funnel〕Something resembling this utensil in shape.漏斗状物:外形象漏斗的物体美国传统〔gargoyle〕A roof spout in the form of a grotesque or fantastic creature projecting from a gutter to carry rainwater clear of the wall.怪形生物状的滴水嘴:外形为一种奇形怪状或有趣的动物的屋顶上的排水嘴,从水槽中升出,装从墙上流下来的雨水美国传统〔herbaceous〕Green and leaflike in appearance or texture.似绿叶的:绿色并在外形或纹理上象树叶的美国传统〔homomorphism〕Biology Similarity of external form or appearance but not of structure or origin.【生物学】 同型性:外形或样子的相似但结构或起源不同美国传统〔homomorphism〕Zoology A resemblance in form between the immature and adult stages of an animal.【动物学】 成幼同型:一种动物在未成熟阶段与成年阶段外形的相似美国传统〔honeycomb〕Something resembling this structure in configuration or pattern.蜂窝状物:在外形或结构上类似这种构造的东西美国传统〔humanoid〕The robot was humanoid in appearance.那个机器人外形像人。朗文当代〔image〕Images of strange-looking animals are carved into the rocks.外形奇特的动物图像被刻在岩石上。麦克米伦高阶〔incarnation〕In its new incarnation, the car has a more rounded body shape.这种车的新款车身外形更加圆润。牛津搭配〔job〕The bike was a good-looking job much like the typical English bicycle.那辆自行车外形很漂亮,颇像典型的英国产品。英汉大词典〔lick〕To bring into satisfactory condition or appearance.使成形,使象样:把某物整理好或使某物外形美观美国传统〔lycanthropy〕In folklore, the magical ability to assume the form and characteristics of a wolf.使人变成狼:传说中用神奇的力量使人具有狼的外形和特征美国传统〔lyrate〕Having a form or curvature suggestive of a lyre.象里拉琴的:外形和曲线类似里拉琴的美国传统〔makeover〕An overall treatment to improve the appearance or change the image.翻新:为改善外观或改变外形而进行的全面处理美国传统〔mar〕To inflict damage, especially disfiguring damage, on.损坏:对…实施破坏,尤指那种损坏外形的破坏美国传统〔masculinize〕To give a masculine appearance or character to.使男子化:使具有男性外形或性格美国传统〔miliary〕Having the appearance of millet seeds.粟粒状的:有粟粒的外形的美国传统〔miliary〕Pathology Characterized by the presence of small skin lesions that have the size and appearance of millet seeds.【病理学】 粟粒状的,粟粒性的:以皮肤上出现粟粒大小和外形的小泡为特征的美国传统〔modeling〕Visual shape and texture of something regarded aesthetically, especially the human face or form.造型:从审美的角度观察某事物的形状或质地,尤指人的脸或外形美国传统〔notable〕The proposed new structure is notable not only for its height, but for its shape.所推荐的建筑物不仅因其高度而闻名, 也因其外形而著称。外研社新世纪〔notable〕The proposed new structure is notable not only for its height, but for its shape.拟建的新建筑令人瞩目,不仅是因其高度,也因其外形。柯林斯高阶〔orchestrion〕A large mechanical instrument resembling a barrel organ that produces sound in imitation of an orchestra.机械风琴:外形类似手摇风琴、可仿管弦乐效果奏出声音的一种大型机械乐器美国传统〔outline〕A style of drawing in which objects are delineated in contours without shading.略图:不用明暗法而用轮廓线勾画物体外形的手法美国传统〔outline〕The outlines of animals were cut into the rock.动物的外形被刻在岩石上。朗文当代〔outline〕The shape of an object or a figure.外形或轮廓:物体或图形的形状美国传统〔outline〕To display or accentuate the outline of.显示…的外形轮廓:展示或强调…的外形轮廓美国传统〔personality inventory〕A questionnaire that is scored to yield a profile of the particular traits or characteristics that make up the respondent's personality.人格调查表:一种调查表,它被记录以产生特殊的特性外形或组成回答者个性的特点美国传统〔physically〕The buildings were designed to resemble one another physically.这些建筑的外形设计彼此相似。韦氏高阶〔pin〕Something, such as a safety pin, that resembles such a piece of wire in shape or use.别针:象安全别针这样的东西,外形或用途类似一根铁丝美国传统〔pisciform〕Having the shape of a fish.鱼形的,鱼状的:具有鱼类外形的美国传统〔pot〕Something, such as a chimney pot or a chamber pot, that resembles a round cooking vessel in appearance or function.壶状物:外形或功用与圆形炊具相似的东西,例如烟囱顶管或尿壶美国传统〔pouch〕To assume the form of a pouch or pouchlike cavity.成袋状物:成袋状外形或袋状的窝美国传统〔redesign〕To make a revision in the appearance or function of.修改…的外形,修改…的功能美国传统〔reptile〕The bird was reptilian in appearance.这种鸟的外形像爬行动物。韦氏高阶〔resemble〕The plant resembles grass in appeara nce.这种植物的外形像草。牛津高阶〔saponite〕A clay mineral that is a hydrous silicate of aluminum and magnesium and occurs in soft amorphous masses in the cavities of certain rocks.皂石:一种土质矿物,为含结晶水的硅化铝或硅化镁,常发现于特定岩石的空隙中,通常柔软且无固定外形美国传统〔shaft〕A projectile suggestive of a spear or an arrow in appearance or configuration.类似矛或箭之物:轮廓或外形象矛或箭的抛射物美国传统〔shape〕A quince is something like a pear in shape.榅桲外形似梨。英汉大词典〔shape〕Something distinguished from its surroundings by its outline.外形:通过其轮廓与其周围的事物相区别的某物美国传统〔similar〕Although similar in appearance, the two breeds have some basic differences.尽管外形上相似,但这两个品种有着一些根本性的差异。麦克米伦高阶〔simulate〕To have or take on the appearance, form, or sound of; imitate.模仿,冒充:有或采用…的外形、形式或声音;模仿美国传统〔sinuosity〕A bending or curving shape or movement.弯曲:弯曲或曲折的外形或动作美国传统〔sin〕The Citroen 2CV was as French as the Eiffel Tower and as ugly as sin.雪铁龙2CV曾是法国的国民汽车, 地位等同于埃菲尔铁塔, 而且外形丑得可怜。外研社新世纪〔species〕The outward appearance or form of the Eucharistic elements that is retained after their consecration.祭祀后留下的圣餐品的外形或轮廓美国传统〔spider〕One that resembles a spider, as in appearance, character, or movement.在外形、特点或行动上与蜘蛛相似者美国传统〔spool〕Something similar to such a cylinder in shape or function.有边筒子状物:在外形或功能上与这种柱状物相象的东西美国传统〔spurious〕Botany Similar in appearance but unlike in structure or function. Used of plant parts.【植物学】 假的:外形相似而结构和功能不同的。用于植物美国传统〔strength〕He had a physical strength that matched his outward appearance.他的体力与外形相称。牛津高阶〔tip-top〕The car is in tip-top shape/condition.这辆车的外形/车况一流。韦氏高阶〔trade in〕He had a Rolls-Royce, and he traded it in for two matching silver Range Rovers.他有辆劳斯莱斯,他把它折价贴换了两辆外形相配的银色路虎车。柯林斯高阶〔trefoil〕An ornament, a symbol, or an architectural form having the appearance of a trifoliate leaf.三叶形:有车轴草外形的装饰、符号或建筑形式美国传统〔undulant〕Resembling waves in occurrence, appearance, or motion.波浪形的:在出现、外形或动作上像波浪的美国传统〔unprepared〕They are unprepared to accept the real reasons for their domestic and foreign situation.他们不愿意接受造成这种国内外形势的真实原因。柯林斯高阶〔wing〕Something that resembles a wing in appearance, function, or position relative to a main body.翼状物:在外形、功能或与主体相对的位置上与翅膀类似的东西;翼状物美国传统〔wreathe〕To form a wreath or wreathlike shape around.成圈状:四周形成环或环状的外形美国传统By looking at this model you can get a better idea of how the bridge will look.看着这个模型,你对那座桥梁的外形可以有一个更好的认识。剑桥国际So many boring new buildings reveal a complete lack of imagination on the part of their architects.这么多外形单调的新建筑物说明它们的建筑师完全缺乏创造力。剑桥国际The contour of the car has been changed making the new model less boxlike.这种车的外形已作了改变,使其新车型不至于太像盒子。剑桥国际




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