

单词 字节
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MORE〕It took me three hours to back up the computer's 400-plus megabyte memory. 给电脑中400多兆字节的储存信息做备份花了我三小时。朗文写作活用〔SIZE〕The computer's memory has a capacity of over 200 megabytes. 这台电脑的内存容量有200多兆字节。朗文写作活用〔TOTAL〕A thousand-word essay might amount to roughly 6,000 bytes on a computer disk. 一篇千字散文在电脑磁盘上总计约占6,000个字节。朗文写作活用〔bpi〕Bytes per inch.每英寸字节数美国传统〔byte〕A sequence of adjacent bits operated on as a unit by a computer.字节:计算机中作为一个单位处理的一系列相邻的位美国传统〔byte〕Each character requires one byte of storage space.每个字符需要一个字节的储存空间。朗文当代〔disk〕Each disk holds 4.7 GB.每张磁盘容量为 4.7 吉字节。牛津搭配〔expandable〕The system has 1GB RAM, expandable to 4GB.这个系统的内存为 1 千兆字节,可扩充到 4 千兆字节。牛津高阶〔gig〕A gigabyte.十亿字节;十亿位组;千兆位美国传统〔gulp〕Computer Science A small group of bytes that may be either data or instruction.【计算机科学】 字节组:可以表示数据或指令的一小组字节美国传统〔mask〕Computer Science A pattern of characters, bits, or bytes used to control the elimination or retention of another pattern of characters, bits, or bytes.【计算机科学】 掩码,屏蔽:字符、字位或字节的模式,用来控制另一字符、字位或字节模式的消除或保留美国传统〔megabyte〕One million bytes.兆字节美国传统〔megabyte〕The CD has a storage capacity of 800 megabytes.这个CD有800兆字节的存储量。韦氏高阶〔memory〕A 64k memory can store 65,536 bytes.一个64K的存储器可存储65,536个字节。外研社新世纪〔memory〕This particular model has 256 megabytes of memory.这种型号有256兆字节的存储量。麦克米伦高阶〔qubyte〕A sequence of eight quantum bits operated on as a unit by a computer.量子字节:计算机中作为一个运算单位的八量子位序列美国传统〔represent〕Representing an image accurately requires a great many bytes of digital information.精确显示图像需要大量字节的数字信息。牛津搭配〔sector〕Data is stored on the disk in 512-byte sectors.数据被存储在每个分区512字节的磁盘中。韦氏高阶〔speed〕We offer subscribers a download speed of 8 MB.我们为用户提供 8 兆字节的下载速度。牛津搭配〔terabyte〕One trillion bytes.百万兆字节美国传统〔zip〕I sent him the requested file, zipped and broken up into 10MB chunks.我把他索要的文件压缩后拆分成若干10兆字节大小的组块发给了他。外研社新世纪A computer memory needs eight bits called a byte to represent a single alphabetical character.计算机存储器需要二进制八位即一个字节来表示一个英文字母。剑桥国际Eight bits make a byte.八比特构成一字节。剑桥国际The device has a 512 Kb memory.这台装置有 512 kb 千字节内存。牛津商务The software requires about 20 megabytes of free hard-disk space.这个软件大约需要 20 兆字节的可用硬盘空间。牛津商务They limit the size of your mailbox to 20MB.你的电子邮箱的容量被限制在 20 兆字节。牛津商务




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