

单词 威吓
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CRUEL〕Lewis was a tyrannical boss who frightened and humiliated his employees. 刘易斯是个专横的老板,他威吓、羞辱员工。朗文写作活用〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕Their lawyers tried to frighten us into signing the contract. 他们的律师尝试威吓我们签下这份合约。朗文写作活用〔THREATEN〕One of the guards gave a low, menacing laugh. 其中一个警卫发出了一声低沉威吓的笑声。朗文写作活用〔THREATEN〕The boss is quite tough, but don't let him intimidate you. 老板很强硬,但别让他威吓你。朗文写作活用〔blackmailer〕The tactics employed can range from overt bullying to subtle emotional blackmail.从公然威吓到微妙的情感胁迫,各种战术都用上了。柯林斯高阶〔bounce〕Chiefly British Loud, arrogant speech; bluster.【多用于英国】 虚张声势:高声、傲慢的讲话;大声的威吓美国传统〔clearly〕All exits must be kept clear in case of fire or a bomb scare.所有出口必须保持畅通,以防有火灾或炸弹威吓发生。柯林斯高阶〔commination〕A formal denunciation.威吓,警告:正式的斥责美国传统〔hector〕I suppose you'll hector me until I phone him.我想若是我不给他打电话,你就会一直威吓我。柯林斯高阶〔hector〕To intimidate or dominate in a blustering way.威吓,欺凌:以威胁的方式恐吓或威迫美国传统〔huff〕She huffed him.她威吓他。外研社新世纪〔intimidate〕Jones had set out to intimidate and dominate Paul.琼斯开始威吓、支配保罗。外研社新世纪〔minacious〕Of a menacing or threatening nature; minatory.威吓的:具有威胁或恐吓性的;威胁性的美国传统〔minatory〕Of a menacing or threatening nature; minacious.威吓的,威胁性的:具有恐吓或威胁性的;威吓的美国传统〔scare〕The ruffians tried to scare us.流氓想法威吓我们。牛津同义词〔shoot〕To damage or terrorize (a town, for example) by intense or random gunfire.乱一开枪:用密集或零星的炮火破坏或威吓(比如一个小镇)美国传统〔swash〕To swagger.威吓美国传统〔thunder〕To utter loud, vociferous remarks or threats.威吓,恐吓:大声叫嚷地说或威胁美国传统He did not take kindly to the hectoring moral tone of the speaker.他对演讲者那种威吓性的说教口吻产生了厌恶感。剑桥国际His father threatened to disown him if he continued behaving so commonly.他的父亲威吓他说如果他再表现得如此粗俗,就和他断绝关系。剑桥国际The robber menaced him with a revolver. 强盗用左轮手枪威吓他。译典通They frightened him into selling the house. 他们威吓他把房子卖了。译典通




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