

单词 头部
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Cairn terrier〕A small dog of a breed developed in Scotland, having a broad head and a rough, shaggy coat.凯恩㹴狗:长于苏格兰的一种小狗,具有宽头部、粗糙而长短不齐的毛皮美国传统〔HURT/INJURE〕He died of a single gunshot wound to the left side of his head. 他头部左侧受了枪伤,一枪殒命。朗文写作活用〔HURT/INJURE〕The bullet grazed the side of his head, leaving him virtually unscathed. 子弹从他头部擦边而过,他几乎毫发未损。朗文写作活用〔Kol Nidre〕The opening prayer recited on the eve of Yom Kippur, declaring the annulment of all personal vows made to God in the preceding year.悔罪祈祷:在赎罪日前夜所颂读的祈祷文的开头部分,宣布取消前一年所有个人对上帝所发的誓言美国传统〔about〕He beat her about the head.他打在她的头部。21世纪英汉〔anterior〕Located near or toward the head in lower animals.头部附近的:位于或朝着低级动物头部附近的美国传统〔assail〕The victim had been assailed with repeated blows to the head and body.受害者的头部和身体遭到连续重击。剑桥高阶〔bang〕You've had a nasty bang on the head.你头部被狠狠地撞了一下。外研社新世纪〔bash on〕The boys bashed the old man on the head.这帮男孩猛击老人的头部。21世纪英汉〔bash〕I bashed him on the head and dumped him in the cold, cold water.我猛击他的头部,然后把他扔进了冰冷冰冷的水里。柯林斯高阶〔batter〕He battered her around the head.他连续重击她的头部。柯林斯高阶〔beak〕Concordes with their drooping beaks 头部呈喙状下垂的协和式飞机英汉大词典〔bean〕To hit (another) on the head with a thrown object, especially a pitched baseball.击头部:用扔出的物体来击打(另一个)的头,尤指棒球中的投球美国传统〔bell〕The hockey/football player had his bell rung during the play.比赛中,那个冰球/橄榄球运动员的头部挨了重重的一击。韦氏高阶〔bleed〕She was bleeding heavily from a head wound.她头部受伤,流了好多血。牛津搭配〔blow〕She died from a heavy blow to the head.她头部受重击死亡。朗文当代〔blow〕The young man blew his brains out because of a failed love affair.这个年轻人因为失恋而用枪击爆头部自杀。外研社新世纪〔blunt〕He had been struck 13 times over the head with a blunt object.他的头部被人用钝器击打了13下。外研社新世纪〔bonk〕He got bonked on the head.他头部挨了一击。21世纪英汉〔bullet〕He was killed by a bullet in the head.他头部中弹死亡。牛津高阶〔bullet〕He was killed by a single bullet to the head.他头部中了一颗子弹死了。牛津搭配〔butt〕He was hit over the head with a rifle butt.他头部被步枪枪托打了。麦克米伦高阶〔cephalalgia〕Pain in the head; a headache.头部疼痛;头痛美国传统〔cephalization〕An evolutionary trend in the animal kingdom toward centralization of neural and sensory organs in the head or anterior region of the body.头部形成,头向集中:动物界神经和感觉器官向头部或身体前部集中的一种进化趋势美国传统〔claw hammer〕A hammer having a head with one end forked for removing nails.鱼尾锤,拔钉锤:拔钉用的头部一端呈叉形的锤子美国传统〔collide〕As he fell, his head collided with the table.他跌倒时头部撞上了桌子。牛津高阶〔comb〕The fleshy crest or ridge that grows on the crown of the head of domestic fowl and other birds and is most prominent in the male.肉冠:长在家禽或其他鸟头部冠上的肉冠或肉脊,最主要是长在雄性头上美国传统〔conk〕The head.头部美国传统〔cosh〕He was coshed on the head.他的头部遭到短棍击打。韦氏高阶〔counterclockwise〕Rotate the head clockwise and counterclockwise.按顺时针方向转动头部,然后再逆时针旋转。柯林斯高阶〔crease〕A bullet creased his head.一颗子弹擦伤了他的头部。英汉大词典〔crown〕He got crowned with a beer bottle.他头部被啤酒瓶击中。韦氏高阶〔crown〕Informal To hit on the head.【非正式用语】 打…的头部美国传统〔crown〕To reach a stage in labor when a large segment of the fetal scalp is visible at the vaginal orifice. Used of a fetus or the head of a fetus.露顶:分娩中包括胎儿头盖的大部分出现在阴道口的阶段。用于指胎儿或胎儿的头部美国传统〔dazed〕Jimmy was still dazed by the blow to his head.吉米由于头部被击,仍然神志不清。牛津高阶〔deliver〕The police said that it was the blow delivered (= given) to her head that killed her.警方称她是因头部受到撞击而死的。剑桥高阶〔deliver〕Those blows to the head could have been delivered by a woman.头部所受的那些重击有可能出自一个女人之手。柯林斯高阶〔die〕The bullet went straight through his head, and he died instantly. 子弹穿过他的头部,他当场死亡。朗文当代〔effect〕Head injuries can cause long-lasting psychological effects.头部损伤会对心理产生长期影响。外研社新世纪〔hairline〕The outline of the growth of hair on the head, especially across the front.发际线:头部头发生长的外型,尤其是前额头发的轮廓美国传统〔hammer〕Someone tried to hammer him over the head with a club.有人企图用棍棒击打他的头部。韦氏高阶〔hang together〕The movie starts out well, but the story doesn't hang together after the first hour.电影的开头部分很精彩,但演了一个小时后故事情节就乱套了。韦氏高阶〔headdress〕A covering or an ornament for the head.头巾,头饰:头部的遮盖物或装饰物美国传统〔headroom〕Space above one's head, as in a motor vehicle, above a doorway, or in a tunnel; clearance.净空高度:如在机动车内、门上方或隧道中的某人头部上端的空间;空间美国传统〔headshot〕A bullet or shot aimed at and hitting the head.瞄准和击中头部的子弹或一枪美国传统〔head〕A portrait or representation of a person's head.头像:一个人物头部的肖像或艺术作品美国传统〔head〕The uppermost or forwardmost part of the body of a vertebrate, containing the brain and the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and jaws.头部:脊椎动物身体的最高部或最前部,包括大脑、眼睛、耳朵、鼻子、嘴巴和下颌美国传统〔head〕To remove the head or top of.除去…的头部或顶端美国传统〔head〕Wearing a helmet reduces the risk of head injury .戴头盔可以减少头部受伤的危险。朗文当代〔heavy〕He received a heavy blow to the head.他的头部受到重击。麦克米伦高阶〔hit〕Police at the scene said Dr Mahgoub had been hit several times in the head.现场的警察称马哈古卜医生的头部遭到了几次击打。柯林斯高阶〔instrument〕Death was due to a blow on the head with a blunt instrument .死亡是由于钝器击中头部所致。朗文当代〔knock〕He got a nasty knock on the head.他头部遭到重重一击。牛津高阶〔laceration〕She had lacerations to her head and back.她的头部和背部有几处伤口。麦克米伦高阶〔lump〕There was a lump on my head where the ball hit me.我头部被球击中的地方起了一个包。麦克米伦高阶〔mallard〕The male mallard has a green head and reddish-brown chest.雄性绿头鸭的头部呈绿色,胸部呈棕红色。剑桥高阶〔mask〕A figure of a head worn by actors in Greek and Roman drama to identify a character or trait and to amplify the voice.面具:古希腊和罗马的戏剧演员佩戴的人物面具或头部面具,用以标明戏中人物性格或品质,同时扩大声音美国传统〔mask〕An often grotesque representation of a head and face, used for ornamentation.头像:面或头部通常奇怪的象征,用于装饰美国传统〔maxilliped〕One of the three pairs of crustacean head appendages located just posterior to the maxillae and used in feeding.(甲壳动物的)颚足,颚肢:位于甲壳纲动物的上颔骨后面的三对头部附属器官,用于喂食美国传统〔mermaid〕A legendary sea creature having the head and upper body of a woman and the tail of a fish.美人鱼:一种传说中的海洋生物,长有女人的头部和上身,却生有一条鱼尾巴美国传统〔mophead〕Fluffy nylon mopheads collect dirt and dust.轻软的尼龙拖把头部会藏污垢。文馨英汉〔on〕I was hit on the head.我的头部受到了重击。外研社新世纪〔part〕More heat is lost through the head than any other part of the body .从头部散发的热量比身体其他部位都要多。朗文当代〔pass out〕I was hit on the head and passed out.我被击中了头部,一下就昏过去了。剑桥高阶〔position〕Hold the upper back and neck in an erect position to give support for the head.挺直上背部和脖子来支撑头部柯林斯高阶〔prone〕The photograph showed a man lying prone on the pavement, a puddle of blood around his head.这张照片上一名男子趴在人行道上,头部周围有一滩血。剑桥高阶〔real〕Maria's lace-ups had got holes in the toes, real holes.玛丽亚的缚带靴头部有破洞,破得可厉害啦。英汉大词典〔receive〕She died after receiving a blow to the head.她头部受击致死。剑桥高阶〔reflection〕The fact that soldiers are on the streets is a reflection of how terrified the government is.街头部署了士兵,这一情况显示出政府是多么惊恐。剑桥高阶〔result〕Fifty per cent of road accidents result in head injuries.50%的道路交通事故都会导致头部损伤。柯林斯高阶〔retard〕The injury to his head seems to have retarded his thought process.头部受的伤似乎妨碍了他的正常思考。英汉大词典〔severe〕He suffered a severe head injury.他头部受了重伤。韦氏高阶〔shingle〕To cut (hair) short and close to the head.把(头发)剪断,使其只剩下头部上面的一点美国传统〔shock〕He was bleeding from the head and suffering from shock .他头部流血,陷入休克状态。朗文当代〔snout〕The projecting nose, jaws, or anterior facial part of an animal's head.口鼻部,口吻:动物头部突出的鼻、颚或脸前部美国传统〔spearhead〕The marines went ashore as a spearhead this morning to capture key targets.今天早晨,海军陆战队作为先头部队率先登陆以占领主要目标。柯林斯高阶〔spike〕A sharp rise followed by a sharp decline in a graph or in the tracing of a scientific instrument.峰值:图表中或科学仪器里示之曲线的尖头部分美国传统〔strike off〕The dummy's head was struck off.人体模型的头部被弄掉了。外研社新世纪〔strike〕The autopsy revealed that his murderer had struck him on the head with an iron bar.尸体解剖显示,杀手用一根铁棍猛击了他的头部。剑桥高阶〔thorax〕The second or middle region of the body of an arthropod, between the head and the abdomen, in insects bearing the true legs and wings.胸节:生有真正的腿和翅膀的一些昆虫类节肢动物躯体的第二段或中段,位于头部和腹部之间美国传统〔toss〕An abrupt upward movement, as of the head.猛抬:迅猛的向上的动作,例如头部的美国传统〔treat〕The boy was treated for a minor head wound.那个男孩因头部轻伤接受了治疗。柯林斯高阶〔underrate〕He underrated the seriousness of William's head injury.他低估了威廉头部伤势的严重性。外研社新世纪〔vanguard〕The vanguard was sent ahead to clear the woods of enemy snipers.先头部队被派到前面去清除森林中的敌方狙击手。英汉大词典〔veil〕A length of netting attached to a woman's hat or headdress, worn for decoration or to protect the head and face.面罩:附于妇女的帽子或头巾上的一段网状物,穿戴起来用作装饰或保护头部或脸部美国传统〔video〕Rewind the video right to the beginning.把录像倒退到开头部分。朗文当代〔wearer〕Bicycle helmets offer wearers protection against head injury.自行车头盔可以保护骑车者头部免受伤害。朗文当代〔whack〕Singleton took a whack at (=tried to hit) Miller's head .辛格尔顿用力朝米勒的头部打去。朗文当代〔wound〕There was blood pouring down his face from a head wound.他的头部受了伤,血从脸上淌下来。麦克米伦高阶A bump on the head caused her amnesia. 她因头部撞了一下而得了健忘症。译典通A lot of head injuries to children are caused by their falling onto hard surfaces (= top layers of the ground) in playgrounds.许多孩子头部受伤都是因为摔倒在操场的坚硬地面上。剑桥国际A postmortem revealed that the child had died from head injuries.尸体解剖表明这个孩子死于头部伤。剑桥国际It was alleged that Johnson had struck Mr Rahim on the head.据称约翰逊打了拉姆先生的头部。剑桥国际Many of the survivors of the crash had amnesia, strongly suggesting they had head injuries.这次坠机事故的很多幸存者都患有记忆缺失,这极明显地说明他们的头部受到了损伤。剑桥国际The autopsy revealed that his murderer had struck him on the head with an iron bar.尸体解剖表明谋杀犯用铁棍猛击他的头部。剑桥国际The ball hit him fair in the head. 球不偏不倚正中他的头部。译典通The front of the car was staved in where it had hit the post.汽车头部撞上灯柱的地方被撞瘪了。剑桥国际The police said that it was the blow that had been delivered (= given) to her head that had killed her.警方说使她致死的是击中头部的一拳。剑桥国际The three parts of an insect's body are the head, the thorax and the abdomen.昆虫身体的三部分为头部、胸部和腹部。剑桥国际The victim had been assailed with repeated blows to the head and body.受害人的头部和身体曾遭到反复殴击。剑桥国际




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