

单词 头足纲
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ammonite〕The coiled, flat, chambered fossil shell of an extinct mollusk belonging to the class Cephalopoda, which was abundant in the Cretaceous period.菊石,鹦鹉螺化石:已灭绝软体动物的螺旋形、扁平的化石外壳,属头足纲动物,大量存在于中生代美国传统〔belemnite〕A cone-shaped, fossilized internal shell of any of an extinct genus of cephalopods related to the cuttlefish.箭石:由灭绝的与乌贼有血亲关系的头足纲动物的内壳形成的尖锥状化石美国传统〔cephalopod〕Of, relating to, or belonging to the class Cephalopoda.头足纲动物的:属于、关于或隶属与头足纲动物的美国传统〔dibranchiate〕A member of the order Dibranchiata, a classification formerly used for the two-gilled cephalopods, which include the octopuses, cuttlefish, and squids.二鳃目:二鳃目的一员(一种正式使用于二鳃的头足纲动物的分类),包括章鱼、乌贼和鱿鱼美国传统〔octopod〕Any of various cephalopod mollusks of the order Octopoda, such as an octopus, having eight tentacles.八足类动物:任何一种八腕目头足纲的软体动物,有八个触脚,如章鱼美国传统




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