

单词 天公
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔NUMBER〕Government figures published today show that unemployment is rising again. 政府今天公布的数据显示,失业人数又在上升。朗文写作活用〔announcement〕Today's announcement of a peace agreement came after weeks of discussion.经过几周的讨论之后,今天公布了和平协议。牛津高阶〔assist〕Salvage operations have been greatly assisted by the good weather conditions.天公作美,这大大促进了救援行动的顺利进行。柯林斯高阶〔bring〕The point is brought home in yesterday's detailed statistics.昨天公布的详尽统计资料清楚地说明了这一点。英汉大词典〔commercially〕British Aerospace reckon that the plane will be commercially viable if 400 can be sold.英国航空航天公司估计这个型号的飞机如果能卖出400架,就可实现盈利。柯林斯高阶〔consultation〕The Government proposed a common retirement age of 63 in a consultation paper published yesterday.政府在昨天公布的征求意见稿中提出,一般退休年龄为63岁。柯林斯高阶〔cross your fingers〕We're keeping our fingers crossed that the weather stays nice.我们企求天公作美,希望能一直保持这么好的天气。剑桥高阶〔dive〕The company's shares dived by 90p to 65p on the stock market yesterday.昨天公司股票在证券市场上猛降90便士,跌到了65便士。剑桥高阶〔divulge〕Newsmen divulged that the President had been considering the idea for some time before making it public yesterday.记者们透露说,总统在昨天公开这一计划前曾对此作过一番考虑。英汉大词典〔except〕We had a very pleasant time, except for the weather.除了天公不作美外,我们过得很愉快。英汉大词典〔extent〕The full extent of the losses was disclosed yesterday.昨天公布了整个损失情况。柯林斯高阶〔favor〕The weather favored our plans for a picnic.我们计划去野餐,正好天公作美。韦氏高阶〔figure〕The industry remains in the doldrums, according to official figures out today.根据今天公布的官方数字,这个行业仍不景气。牛津搭配〔finding〕The findings of the commission will be published today.委员会的调查结果将于今天公布。牛津高阶〔half-yearly〕Their half-yearly results were published yesterday.昨天公布了他们的半年度业绩。外研社新世纪〔heartened〕He will have been heartened by the telephone opinion poll published yesterday.他会为昨天公布的电话民意调查结果感到鼓舞。柯林斯高阶〔hearten〕He will have been heartened by the telephone opinion poll published yesterday.昨天公布的电话民意测验将会使他受到鼓舞。外研社新世纪〔independent〕An independent opinion poll published today shows growing discontent with the government.今天公布的一项中立民意测验显示对政府的不满情绪正在上涨。外研社新世纪〔league table〕The government's school league tables are published today.政府的学校排名表今天公布。朗文当代〔mock〕The weather mocked him.天公耍了他。英汉大词典〔more〕There are more cars on the roads in summer than in winter.夏天公路上的汽车要比冬天多。英汉大词典〔open〕The film opened yesterday to excellent reviews.这部影片昨天公映,获得佳评。朗文当代〔pistol〕BAE was accused of holding a pistol to the cabinet's heads with the threatened redundancies and closure.英国航空航天公司被指责以裁员和倒闭为由胁迫内阁。外研社新世纪〔poll〕The final result of the poll will be known tomorrow.投票结果将于明天公布。牛津高阶〔promise〕She promised to announce the results tomorrow.她答应明天公布结果。韦氏高阶〔publish〕The latest unemployment figures will be published tomorrow.最新的失业数字将于明天公布。朗文当代〔punctual〕The bus is punctual today.今天公共汽车准时。牛津同义词〔range〕The findings of a wide-ranging (= including many subjects) survey of young people's attitudes are published today.今天公布了年轻人对众多问题看法的调查结果。剑桥高阶〔rate〕Figures published today show another fall in the rate of inflation.今天公布的数字表明通货膨胀速度又一次下降。牛津高阶〔release〕Figures released yesterday show retail sales were down in March.昨天公布的数据显示零售额在3月份有所下滑。柯林斯高阶〔release〕The committee is expected to release its findings this summer.委员会有望在今年夏天公布其调查结果。牛津搭配〔resounding〕The good weather helped to make the occasion a resounding success.天公作美,使得这次活动获得了巨大成功。柯林斯高阶〔reversible〕Heart disease is reversible in some cases, according to a study published last summer.根据去年夏天公布的一项研究,心脏病在某些情况下是可以治愈的。柯林斯高阶〔service〕There is a very limited bus service on Sundays.星期天公共汽车班次有限。剑桥高阶〔should〕The European Commission ruled that British Aerospace should pay back tens of millions of pounds.欧洲委员会裁定英国航空航天公司应该偿还数千万英镑。柯林斯高阶〔smile〕Let's hope the gods smile on us and it's sunny tomorrow.但愿天公作美,明天天晴。麦克米伦高阶〔unlucky〕We were unlucky with the weather this weekend. It rained constantly.我们真不走运,这个周末天公不作美,不停地下雨。朗文当代Interim figures released yesterday show strong growth.昨天公布的期中数字显示出强劲的增长。牛津商务The company's shares fell 3 per cent yesterday.昨天公司的股票下跌百分之三。牛津商务The figures of the missing will be published tomorrow. 失踪人数明天公布。译典通There are lots of skaters (= people on skates) in the park today.今天公园里有许多滑冰者。剑桥国际Today the company takes the wraps off the hotel, which they have spent millions of dollars restoring.今天公司展示了这家已花费数百万美元整修的旅馆。剑桥国际




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