

单词 天下
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔afternoon〕this [that] afternoon 今[那]天下午文馨英汉〔afternoon〕this/yesterday/tomorrow afternoon 今天╱昨天╱明天下午牛津高阶〔afternoon〕tomorrow [yesterday] afternoon 明[昨]天下午文馨英汉〔after〕this after 今天下午英汉大词典〔clash〕a clash between two classes held at 3 p.m. on the same day 在同一天下午3点钟的有冲突的两堂课英汉大词典〔contemplate〕contemplate all working men being brothers 认为天下劳动者皆兄弟英汉大词典〔damning〕a damning report 一份把恶行昭告天下的报告朗文当代〔dwell〕men who refuse to let the world dwell in peace那些唯恐天下不乱的人外研社新世纪〔exact〕that afternoon, June 22, to be exact 那天下午,准确地说,是6月22日韦氏高阶〔expect〕expecting a telephone call; expects rain on Sunday. 等电话;等待星期天下雨美国传统〔following〕the following afternoon/month/year/week 第二天下午;第二个月;第二年;第二周牛津高阶〔hip〕a Washington columnist, who is hip to what's happening. 对天下事消息灵通的一位华府专栏作家。文馨英汉〔loll around〕spending afternoons lolling around a swimming pool. 每天下午在泳池边闲躺着柯林斯高阶〔mark〕an old Mark 2 Ford Cortina 一辆旧的 2 型福特跑天下朗文当代〔outing〕families on a Sunday afternoon outing. 星期天下午远足的家庭柯林斯高阶〔received〕the universally received opinion (view) 普天下广泛接受的意见(观点)英汉大词典〔remote〕the remote time when dinosaurs walked the earth 恐龙霸行天下的远古时代朗文当代〔somnolent〕a somnolent Sunday afternoon 使人昏昏欲睡的星期天下午牛津高阶〔tomorrow〕tomorrow afternoon/morning/night/evening 明天下午╱上午╱夜里╱晚上牛津高阶〔tube〕went tubing on Sunday afternoon. 星期天下去玩飘游美国传统〔wile〕wile away a Sunday afternoon. 消磨掉星期天下午的时光美国传统〔worldful〕a whole worldful of light and joy 普天下的光明和欢乐英汉大词典〔world〕go round the world 走遍天下英汉大词典




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