

单词 学说
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Copernican〕the Copernican theory [system] 哥白尼学说,地动说文馨英汉〔Darwinian〕a Darwinian theory/principle 达尔文学说/法则韦氏高阶〔Einsteinian〕the importance of the Einsteinian relativity theory 爱因斯坦相对论学说的重要性英汉大词典〔Epicurean〕the Epicurean doctrine prizing suicide as a dignified exit from life将自杀视为有尊严的离世方式的伊壁鸠鲁学说外研社新世纪〔absolute〕an absolute law/principle/doctrine 放之四海而皆准的法则/原则/学说剑桥高阶〔absolute〕the doctrine of absolute monarchy based upon divine right. 以神权为基础的君主专制学说柯林斯高阶〔advertise〕advertise the virtues of a new doctrine to the world 向全世界宣传一种新的学说体系的优点英汉大词典〔bring someone or something back to life〕an old theory that is being brought back to life 被再度利用的旧学说韦氏高阶〔classic〕a classical theory 古典学说牛津高阶〔constitutionalism〕the doctrine of constitutionalism 立宪主义学说韦氏高阶〔doctrine〕an influential body of doctrine 一批有影响的学说牛津搭配〔doctrine〕communities divided on points of doctrine 对同一学说见解有别的团体牛津搭配〔doctrine〕the Christian doctrine of resurrection 基督教关于基督复活的学说麦克米伦高阶〔doctrine〕the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty 议会主权学说牛津高阶〔economic〕economic theory 经济学说文馨英汉〔economic〕the economic doctrines of Ricardo 李嘉图的经济学说英汉大词典〔embrace〕sb.'s ready embrace of a new doctrine 某人对一种新教义 (或学说) 的欣然接受英汉大词典〔erect〕the philosophical doctrine erecting pleasure as the sole end of our actions这种把快感上升为我们行动唯一目标的哲学学说外研社新世纪〔fabricate〕philosophers fabricating new theories of the universe 创立新的宇宙学说的哲学家们英汉大词典〔faithful〕be faithful to a doctrine 忠于一种学说英汉大词典〔husband〕husband a doctrine 信奉某一学说英汉大词典〔odor〕a doctrine that is not currently in good odor. 一种时下不再走红的学说美国传统〔propound〕propound a doctrine 提出一种学说英汉大词典〔repudiate〕repudiate a new doctrine 批判一种新的学说英汉大词典〔service〕the doctrine that a highly developed service sector was the sign of a modern economy. 高度发展的服务业是现代经济标志的学说柯林斯高阶〔slog〕a student's weary slog through Cicero; a slog through miles of jungle. 学生勉强地学习西塞罗学说;长时间疲惫地穿过数里远的丛林美国传统〔stumble〕stumble at a doctrine 怀疑一种学说英汉大词典〔teaching〕the teachings of Confucius 孔子学说韦氏高阶〔teaching〕the teachings of Gandhi 甘地的学说朗文当代〔teaching〕the teachings of Lenin 列宁的学说牛津高阶〔that〕children that learn to talk early 学说话早的孩子韦氏高阶〔theorist〕theorists unaligned with any particular doctrine不追随任何特定学说的理论家外研社新世纪〔theory〕according to atomic/economic theory 根据原子/经济学说韦氏高阶〔theory〕different theories about how the brain works 关于大脑如何运作的各种学说朗文当代〔transformational〕transformational theory 转换学说英汉大词典〔xerothermic〕a xerothermic theory 干温学说英汉大词典




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