

单词 如电影
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔blockbuster〕Informal Something, such as a film or book, that sustains widespread popularity and achieves enormous sales.【非正式用语】 流行佳作:一些受到广泛普及和销售量巨大的事物,例如电影或书美国传统〔cut〕An abrupt change of image or sound, as between shots in a film.切换:图象或声音的突然转换,如电影中的两个镜头之间的切换美国传统〔darkly〕The atmosphere after Wednesday's debut was as darkly comic as the film itself.星期三首映之后的气氛就如电影本身一样,充满了黑色喜剧色彩。柯林斯高阶〔fade-in〕A gradual increase in the visibility of an image or the audibility of a sound, as in cinema, television, or radio.淡入:一个画面渐现直到完全可见或一种声音渐增到完全所见,如电影、电视或收音机美国传统〔fade-out〕A gradual disappearance of an image or a sound, as in cinema, television, or radio.淡出:影象或声音的逐渐消失,如电影、电视或收音机中美国传统〔freeze〕To capture or preserve a likeness of, as on film.抓取并保存(如电影中的)的图象美国传统〔loveliness〕Coffee was being handed out by a girl of film-star loveliness.一位有如电影明星可爱的女孩正将咖啡分送给大家。文馨英汉〔megahit〕A product or event, such as a movie or concert, that is exceedingly successful.广受欢迎的,轰动的:某种非常成功的产品或者事件,例如电影或是演唱会美国传统〔multimedia〕The combined use of several media, such as movies, slides, music, and lighting, especially for the purpose of education or entertainment.多媒体:多种媒体的联合使用,例如电影、幻灯片、音乐和照明的组合,尤其是出于教育或娱乐的目的美国传统〔outtake〕A section or scene, as of a movie, that is filmed but not used in the final version.(影片的)剪余片:(如电影的)被拍摄但在最后的改写本里末被采用的片断或镜头美国传统〔preview〕An advance showing, as of a movie or an art exhibition, to which a selected audience is invited before public presentation begins.预审,预看:在公映或公开展览之前的预先放映或开放,如电影或艺术展览,只有少数经过挑选的观众被邀请美国传统〔recordist〕One that records sound electronically, as for films or at concerts.录音师:利用电子来录制声音的人,如电影或音乐会的录音师美国传统〔rip-off〕Something, such as a film or story, that is clearly imitative of or based on something else.冒牌货,抄袭之作:明显是模仿别人的或建立在别的东西基础上的事物,如电影或小说美国传统〔screen〕To show or project (a movie, for example) on a screen.放映:在银幕上显示或放映(例如电影)美国传统〔shoot-'em-up〕An entertainment, such as a movie or television show, featuring gunfire and violence.枪战片:描写 枪战和暴力的娱乐片,如电影或电视剧美国传统〔showtime〕The time at which an entertainment, such as the showing of a movie, is scheduled to start.开演时间:一项娱乐活动计划开始的时间,如电影开映美国传统〔superstar〕A widely acclaimed star, as in movies or sports, who has great popular appeal.超级明星:广受欢迎具有大众吸引力的明星,如电影明星或体育明星美国传统




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