

单词 如猫
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Little Richard〕American rock 'n' roll singer. Noted for his flamboyant style, he influenced many artists, among them Elvis Presley and the Beatles.小理查德:美国摇滚乐歌手。以其夸张的风格出名,他影响了许多音乐家,其中如猫王埃尔维斯·普里斯莱和披头四美国传统〔alter〕To castrate or spay (an animal, such as a cat or a dog).阉割;割除:切除(动物,如猫或狗)的卵巢美国传统〔calico〕An animal, such as a cat, having a coat that is mottled in tones of white with red and black.带斑纹动物:一种有白色夹杂红色和黑色斑纹皮毛的动物,如猫美国传统〔feline〕She walks with feline grace.她步履如猫般轻盈。牛津高阶〔petnapping〕The stealing of a pet, such as a dog or cat, usually for sale to experimental laboratories or for ransom.偷窃玩赏动物,偷盗宠物:偷窃宠物,如猫或狗,通常为贩卖给实验室或敲诈赎金美国传统〔vibrissa〕Any of the long, stiff hairs that project from the snout or brow of most mammals, as the whiskers of a cat.刚毛:大多数哺乳动物的长且刚直的鼻口毛或眉毛,比如猫的胡子美国传统




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