

单词 奶油
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALL/EVERYTHING〕Janine bought four cream cakes, but her friends didn't turn up for dinner so she ate the lot herself. 贾宁买了四个奶油蛋糕,但是她的朋友没来吃晚饭,所以她就自己全部吃了。朗文写作活用〔FINISH〕She served us a splendid dinner, rounded off with a marvellous orange mousse. 她给我们做了一顿丰盛的晚餐,结束时上了一道美味的橘子奶油冻。朗文写作活用〔Muenster〕A semisoft, creamy cheese of mild flavor.明斯特干酪:一种有温和香味的、半软的、多奶油的奶酪美国传统〔alternatively〕Stir in some cream. Alternatively, use natural yogurt.拌入一些奶油, 或者使用天然酸奶。外研社新世纪〔balance〕The tangy fruit balances out the creaminess of the sauce.味道浓烈的水果抵消了调味汁奶油般的滑腻。麦克米伦高阶〔blend〕Add the fruit and cream and blend well.加入水果和奶油,搅拌均匀。牛津搭配〔brandade〕A dish of Provençal origin prepared from salted cod.腌鳕鱼,奶油鳕鱼:一道菜,源于北爱尔兰的盐腌鳕鱼美国传统〔brioche〕A soft, light-textured bread made from eggs, butter, flour, and yeast and formed into a roll or a bun.奶油鸡蛋卷:一种柔软,蓬松的面包,用鸡蛋、黄油、面粉、和酵母做成卷或圆形美国传统〔butterfat〕The natural fat of milk from which butter is made, consisting largely of the glycerides of oleic, stearic, and palmitic acids.乳脂:牛奶中的天然脂肪,是奶油的成分之一,主要由含有油酸、硬脂酸和软脂酸的甘油脂混合物构成美国传统〔butyrin〕Any of three isomeric glyceryl esters of butyric acid, naturally present in butter.酪酯:丁酸的三种同分异构甘油基酯的任一种,以自然形态存在于奶油之中美国传统〔cannoli〕A fried pastry roll with a sweet, creamy filling.奶油甜馅煎饼卷美国传统〔caramel〕A smooth, chewy candy made with sugar, butter, cream or milk, and flavoring.卡拉梅尔糖:一种光滑宜多咀嚼的糖块,用砂糖、黄油、奶油或牛奶,以及调味香料制成美国传统〔cheesecake〕A cake made of sweetened cottage cheese or cream cheese, eggs, milk, sugar, and flavorings.干酪饼:用甜的农家鲜干酪或奶油干酪以及鸡蛋、牛奶、糖和面粉做成的饼美国传统〔churn〕A vessel or device in which cream or milk is agitated to separate the oily globules from the caseous and serous parts, used to make butter.搅乳器:做黄油的容器或装置,将奶油或奶搅拌,使油滴从干酪和浆液中分离出来美国传统〔churn〕To agitate or stir (milk or cream) in order to make butter.搅拌:搅动或搅拌(牛奶或奶油)以制黄油美国传统〔consistency〕Beat the mixture until it has the consistency of thick cream.搅打混合物,直到黏稠度与浓奶油类似。朗文当代〔consistency〕The mixture should have the consistency of thick cream.混合液应该像稠奶油那样黏。牛津搭配〔contain〕Greek yogurt contains much less fat than double cream.希腊酸奶比高脂浓奶油所含脂肪要少得多。柯林斯高阶〔creamy〕The chocolate mousse was smooth and creamy.巧克力奶油冻光滑细腻。剑桥高阶〔creamy〕We had fish with a creamy sauce.我们吃了奶油沙司鱼。麦克米伦高阶〔cream〕Cream the butter and sugar together in a bowl.在碗里把黄油和蔗糖搅成奶油状。麦克米伦高阶〔cream〕Do you like cream in your coffee? 你的咖啡要加奶油吗?剑桥高阶〔cream〕Let the milk stand till it creams.让牛奶静置,直至结成奶油。英汉大词典〔cup〕Mix the butter with 1 cup of powdered sugar until light and fluffy.在黄油里加一杯糖粉,搅拌成松软的奶油状为止。朗文当代〔deliciously〕This yoghurt has a deliciously creamy flavour.这酸奶有一种香甜的奶油味。柯林斯高阶〔dish〕Sliced peaches and cream is my favourite dish.奶油桃片是我最爱吃的食品。英汉大词典〔dive in〕Pile tortilla chips high around a delicious dip like guacamole or sour cream and let everyone dive in!把玉米片堆放在像鳄梨酱或酸奶油这样美味的蘸料旁边, 让大家尽情享用。外研社新世纪〔dollop〕He dolloped whipped cream over the bread.他在面包上涂抹一层奶油。21世纪英汉〔drawn butter〕Melted butter, often seasoned and used as a sauce.融化奶油:融化的奶油,一般加香料,用作调味汁美国传统〔drop〕Add the cream a few drops at a time.每次加入几滴奶油。外研社新世纪〔fat〕Cream has a high fat content .奶油脂肪含量很高。朗文当代〔fluffy〕Beat the butter and sugar until soft and fluffy.搅打奶油和糖直到松软为止。牛津高阶〔fool〕Serve fruit fools with thin, crisp biscuits.奶油水果泥配薄脆饼干一起上。外研社新世纪〔for〕Reduced-calorie cheese is a great substitute for cream cheese.低卡路里干酪是奶油干酪的极佳替代品。外研社新世纪〔frankly〕The chocolate mousse was, quite frankly, inedible.说老实话,这份巧克力奶油冻不宜食用。麦克米伦高阶〔from〕Remove the bowl from the ice and stir in the cream.从冰里把碗取出,搅入奶油。柯林斯高阶〔funky〕The sour cream smells kind of funky.发酸的奶油有股难闻的味道。剑桥高阶〔high〕It's got cream in it and is high in calories.这里面有奶油, 热量很高。外研社新世纪〔hollandaise sauce〕A rich, creamy sauce made of butter, egg yolks, and lemon juice or vinegar.荷兰式沙司:由黄油、蛋黄和柠檬酱或醋制成的一种浓烈的奶油状酱美国传统〔increase〕Increase the speed of the mixer and whip until the cream begins to thicken.加快搅拌器的速度, 不停搅打直到奶油开始变稠。外研社新世纪〔keep〕A few cows are kept to provide milk, cheese, and cream.养了几头牛以提供牛奶、乳酪和奶油。麦克米伦高阶〔lashing〕Serve by cutting the scones in half and spreading with jam and lashings of clotted cream.上菜时把烤饼从中间切开, 涂上果酱和大量的凝脂奶油。外研社新世纪〔mostly〕The sauce is mostly cream.这沙司主要是奶油。牛津高阶〔off〕This cream is slightly off.这奶油有点变质了。麦克米伦高阶〔ooh〕Ooh, this cream cake's delicious.嗬,这奶油蛋糕好吃极了。英汉大词典〔palomino〕A horse with a golden or tan coat and a white or cream-colored mane and tail, thought to have been developed from Arabian stock.鸠形马:一种全身金黄色或淡棕色的马,鬃和尾是白色或奶油色,被认为是从阿拉伯系发展来的美国传统〔parfait〕A dessert made of several layers of different flavors of ice cream or ices, variously garnished and served in a tall glass.多味奶油冻,多味冰淇淋果冻:一种饰以不同的花色且装在高脚玻璃杯中的有多种味道的冰淇淋或雪糕的多层甜点美国传统〔peak〕Whip the cream continuously until it thickens and stands in peaks.不停搅打奶油,直到它变浓,像尖峰一样竖起来。麦克米伦高阶〔penuche〕A fudgelike confection of brown sugar, cream or milk, and chopped nuts.奶油软糖:常用红糖、奶油或牛奶、碎的坚果仁做成的软脂状蜜糖美国传统〔pie〕A layer cake having cream, custard, or jelly filling.分层饼:中填奶油、蛋白或果冻的夹层蛋糕美国传统〔pipe〕She piped a reverse scroll of chocolate ganache around the base of the cake.她沿着蛋糕基部裱了一圈反向卷形巧克力奶油花边。外研社新世纪〔potage〕A thick, often creamy soup.浓汤,肉汤:浓而通常含奶油的汤美国传统〔puff〕There were fairy cakes and cream puffs.有小仙人松糕和奶油泡芙。外研社新世纪〔purée〕Purée the strawberries in the liquidizer and add the lightly whipped cream.在食物搅拌器中将草莓捣成泥,再加上轻轻搅打过的奶油。剑桥高阶〔recipe〕She always said that if a recipe calls for cream you shouldn't use yogurt instead.她总是说,如果食谱要求用奶油就不能用酸奶替代。牛津搭配〔rich〕This chocolate mousse is too rich for me.这种巧克力奶油冻对我来说太油腻了。剑桥高阶〔rugelach〕A cookie of cream-cheese dough spread with filling, such as jam or nuts, and then rolled up.卢吉拉奇甜饼:奶油-干酪面团上撒着诸如果酱或坚果等馅,然后卷起制作而成的甜饼美国传统〔sandwich sth together〕I sandwiched the cakes together with chocolate butter cream.我在蛋糕之间涂上了一层巧克力奶油。剑桥高阶〔schav〕A chilled soup made with sorrel, onions, lemon juice, eggs, and sugar and served with sour cream.酸凉汤:由酢酱草、洋葱、柠檬汁、鸡蛋和糖做成的凉汤,配有酸奶油美国传统〔shortbread〕A cookie made of flour, sugar, and much butter or other shortening.奶油甜酥饼:一种由面粉、糖,大量奶油或其它起酥油制成的小饼美国传统〔simmer〕The chicken was simmered in a cream sauce.鸡肉是放在奶油沙司里炖的。韦氏高阶〔spare〕A walnut sundae, and don't spare the whipped cream! 来一客胡桃圣代,多放点儿掼奶油!英汉大词典〔special〕Our fish special tonight is salmon in a lemon-cream sauce.我们今晚的特色鱼是柠檬奶油沙司鲑鱼。麦克米伦高阶〔spike〕The pasta was served in a cream sauce spiked with black pepper.意大利面配的是黑胡椒奶油汁。剑桥高阶〔stiff〕The whipped cream is not stiff enough.这掼奶油还不够稠。英汉大词典〔stir〕Add the cream and stir thoroughly.加入奶油并搅拌均匀。麦克米伦高阶〔sundae〕A dish of ice cream with a topping such as syrup, fruits, nuts, or whipped cream.圣代冰淇凌:圣代冰淇凌,顶部有诸如糖浆、水果、干果或搅打起泡的奶油美国传统〔sweet〕There was only one sweet on the menu - chocolate cake with cream.菜单上只有一种甜点——巧克力奶油蛋糕。剑桥高阶〔swirl〕He topped the icing with small swirls of chocolate cream.他用巧克力奶油在糖霜上淋了好多小螺旋形。外研社新世纪〔take〕Do you take cream in your coffee? 你的咖啡要加奶油吗?韦氏高阶〔tea〕I decided to treat myself to a cream tea in the tea room next door.我决定到隔壁的茶室给自己要一份奶油茶点。牛津搭配〔toast〕She was spreading butter on a slice of toast.她正把奶油涂在一片土司上。文馨英汉〔toffee〕A hard, chewy candy made of brown sugar or molasses and butter.太妃糖:一种用红糖或糖蜜和奶油做成的硬而难嚼的糖美国传统〔top〕He topped the cake with whipped cream.他在蛋糕上浇了掼奶油。21世纪英汉〔top〕The dessert was topped off with whipped cream and pieces of fruit.这份甜点上涂了泡沫状奶油,放了几块水果。剑桥高阶〔whip in〕Whip in the cream.把奶油搅打进来。外研社新世纪〔whip〕She whipped the cream.她把奶油搅打好了。韦氏高阶〔whip〕To beat (cream or eggs, for example) into a froth or foam.把…打起泡沫:将(奶油或鸡蛋)搅成泡沫状美国传统〔whip〕Whip the cream stiffly before decorating the cake with it.先把奶油打稠,然后再用它在蛋糕上裱花。英汉大词典A lot of white and cream paints yellow over time.许多白色或奶油色的油漆时间长了会变黄。剑桥国际Add some more cream to the sauce.往调味汁里多加点奶油。剑桥国际For breakfast, she had only a slice of bread and butter. 她早餐只吃了一片奶油面包。译典通Give me less cream, please.请少给我点奶油。剑桥国际He brought out a large plate of scones with lots of jam and cream.他取出一大盘涂上许多果酱和奶油的司康。剑桥国际He had two pieces of bread thickly pasted with butter. 他吃了两片涂有厚厚一层奶油的面包。译典通He made a delicious toffee pudding for his dinner party.他晚饭请客做了一道鲜美的奶油太妃布丁。剑桥国际He managed to swallow a little soup and dry toast. 他设法吞下一点汤和不涂奶油的土司。译典通I can see you don't like cream cakes--much! 我看出你不喜欢吃奶油蛋糕----其实正相反!剑桥国际I couldn't get any cream cheese so I bought the nearest equivalent that I could find.我买不到一点奶油干酪,我就买了所能买到的最接近的食品。剑桥国际I sandwiched the cakes together with chocolate butter cream.我把巧克力奶油抹在饼上做成夹心饼。剑桥国际Our cream-coloured rug really shows the dirt.我们的奶油色小地毯真显脏。剑桥国际She filmed a slice of bread with butter. 她涂一层薄薄的奶油在一片面包上。译典通She loved the cream-like consistency of fresh paint.她喜欢新鲜油漆奶油般的黏性。剑桥国际She put a jug on the table full to the brim (=completely filled) with cream.她把壶放在桌子上,里面装的奶油满到了边。剑桥国际She sank (= put) her spoon into the large bowl of cream.她将勺子伸进一大碗奶油里。剑桥国际She's made a pavlova.她做了个奶油蛋白甜饼。剑桥国际The butter churn had two paddles to whip the cream. 奶油制造机有两根搅棍搅打奶油。译典通The chocolate mousse she makes is sheer ambrosia (=tastes extremely good).她做的巧克力奶油冻可真是美味佳肴。剑桥国际They're saying now that margarine is bad for you.现在他们在说人造奶油对人不好。剑桥国际You didn't use to/(slightly fml) You usedn't to like cream.你过去不喜欢奶油食品。剑桥国际




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