

单词 bravery
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔ARMY〕a tribute to the bravery of our servicemen and -women 对我们军人的大无畏精神的颂扬朗文写作活用〔above〕medals awarded for bravery above and beyond the call of duty (=greater than it is your duty to show) 为超越职责要求的勇敢精神颁发的奖章朗文当代〔action〕a heroic act of bravery 英勇壮举牛津高阶〔act〕a heroic act of bravery 勇敢的英雄举动牛津搭配〔act〕an act of bravery = a brave act 英勇行为韦氏高阶〔bravery〕bravery above and beyond the call of duty 大大超过职责要求的无畏精神英汉大词典〔bravery〕bravery in the face of danger 面对危险的英勇无畏麦克米伦高阶〔bravery〕acts of exceptional bravery 异常勇敢的行为剑桥高阶〔bravery〕an act of great bravery 大无畏的行为朗文当代〔bravery〕an award for bravery 勇敢奖麦克米伦高阶〔bravery〕be given a medal for bravery under fire 因在枪林弹雨中表现得勇敢而被授予勋章英汉大词典〔bravery〕crowds wearing their holiday bravery 穿着节日盛装的人群英汉大词典〔brave〕acts of skill and bravery 有勇有谋的行为牛津高阶〔brave〕an award for outstanding bravery 杰出英勇奖牛津高阶〔citation〕a citation for bravery 因勇敢而受到的嘉奖牛津高阶〔citation〕a citation for bravery 对勇敢的表彰朗文当代〔citation〕gave her a citation for bravery 对她的勇敢给以嘉奖韦氏高阶〔commendation〕a commendation for bravery 因勇敢而受到的嘉奖牛津高阶〔commend〕commend a soldier for bravery 表扬士兵勇敢英汉大词典〔conspicuous〕conspicuous bravery 非凡的勇敢英汉大词典〔conspicuous〕conspicuous bravery 非常勇敢韦氏高阶〔decorate〕soldiers decorated for bravery 因勇敢而获授勋章的士兵朗文当代〔exceptional〕exceptional bravery 非凡的勇气朗文当代〔field〕a medal for bravery in the field (of battle) 作战英勇奖章牛津高阶〔fire〕display conspicuous bravery under fire 在遭到炮火袭击时表现突出的勇敢 英汉大词典〔medal〕a medal for bravery 英勇勋章牛津搭配〔medal〕to award a medal for bravery 奖赏一枚英勇勋章牛津高阶〔medal〕win a medal for bravery 因勇敢而赢得勋章英汉大词典〔numberless〕numberless acts of personal bravery by firefighters and rescue workers.消防员和救援人员数不清的英勇行为柯林斯高阶〔numberless〕numberless acts of personal bravery by firefighters and rescue workers消防员和救援人员数不清的英勇壮举外研社新世纪〔posthumous〕a posthumous award for bravery 死后荣膺的英勇奖牛津高阶〔posthumous〕posthumous awards for bravery 死后获得的英勇表彰麦克米伦高阶〔prodigious〕prodigious feats of bravery 大无畏的壮举麦克米伦高阶〔recognize〕recognize an act of bravery with the award of a medal 授勋以嘉奖英勇行为英汉大词典〔remarkable〕be remarkable for one's bravery 勇武出众 英汉大词典〔tale〕tales of bravery and romance 英雄传奇故事麦克米伦高阶〔unexampled〕with unexampled bravery 无比英勇地 英汉大词典




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