

单词 室里
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔backside〕sit on one's backside(s) in an office 安坐在办公室里英汉大词典〔bawdry〕smoking-room bawdry (吸烟室里的) 污言秽语英汉大词典〔boarding〕the white-painted boarding in the sitting room. 起居室里粉刷成白色的门板柯林斯高阶〔boarding〕the white-painted boarding in the sitting room起居室里漆成白色的地板外研社新世纪〔broadcast〕broadcast one's views to everyone in the office 向办公室里的每个人传播自己的观点英汉大词典〔built-in〕built-in cupboards in the bedrooms卧室里的壁橱外研社新世纪〔cabinet〕a shower cabinet installed in the bathroom 安装在浴室里的淋浴间英汉大词典〔closet〕closeted themselves with their attorneys. 和他们的律师在密室里密谈美国传统〔clutter〕the clutter of soaps, shampoos and towels in the bathroom 浴室里杂乱无章的肥皂、洗发水和毛巾朗文当代〔day〕a hard day at the office 办公室里劳累的一天牛津搭配〔drone〕one of many office drones 办公室里众多的寄生虫之一韦氏高阶〔eternity〕waited in the dentist's office for an eternity. 在牙医的办公室里无休止的等待美国传统〔exotic〕exotic tropical plants in a greenhouse.See Synonyms at foreign 温室里引进的热带植物 参见 foreign美国传统〔ivory-towered〕ivory-towered, laboratory-sheltered physical scientists 生活在象牙塔内,躲在实验室里的物理科学家文馨英汉〔lighting〕the bright fluorescent lighting of the laboratory. 实验室里明亮的日光灯照明柯林斯高阶〔litter〕littered towels all over the locker room. 乱扔在更衣室里的毛巾美国传统〔locker-room〕locker-room humor 更衣室里的幽默韦氏高阶〔man〕if they see your man cuddle you in the kitchen or living room. 假如他们看见你的男朋友在厨房或起居室里搂着你的话柯林斯高阶〔mood〕the general mood of depression in the office 办公室里普遍的沮丧情绪朗文当代〔naturalistic〕to study behaviour in laboratory and naturalistic settings 研究实验室里的以及仿自然环境中的行为牛津高阶〔nurture〕plants nurtured in a greenhouse 温室里培育的植物麦克米伦高阶〔nurture〕plants nurtured in the greenhouse 在温室里培育的植物朗文当代〔peevish〕peevish patients in the doctor's waiting room 候诊室里不耐烦的病人韦氏高阶〔pilfer〕an office pilferer 办公室里小偷小摸的人朗文当代〔poisonous〕the poisonous atmosphere of the office 办公室里敌对的气氛朗文当代〔pool〕the office basketball pool 办公室里赌篮球的活动朗文当代〔rack〕a trophy rack; a rack for baseball bats in the dugout; a drying rack for laundry. 奖品架;球员休息室里的球棒架;洗衣房的晾衣架美国传统〔rampage〕rage and rampage up and down one's bedroom 在卧室里狂暴地大闹英汉大词典〔scent〕to scent the bedroom往卧室里洒香水21世纪英汉〔sink〕the sink counter in the bathroom 浴室里的洗涤台牛津搭配〔smoke-filled room〕long discussions in smoke-filled rooms. 密室里长久的讨论柯林斯高阶〔smoke-filled room〕long discussions in smoke-filled rooms在密谈室里的长时间讨论外研社新世纪〔space〕floor/office/shelf, etc. space 楼面面积、办公室里的空间、搁架上的空当等牛津高阶〔splash〕children splashing around in the bath 在浴室里嬉水的孩子们麦克米伦高阶〔stick〕had to stick out a bad situation in the office. 不得不忍受办公室里不利的环境美国传统〔stow〕equipment stowed away in a closet 收藏在贮藏室里的设备朗文当代〔tie〕duties that tied him to the office. 职责把他拴到了办公室里美国传统〔white-knuckle〕a white-knuckle emergency landing; white-knuckle time in the hospital waiting room. 令人紧张的紧急降落;在医院候诊室里令人高度紧张不安的时刻美国传统〔worst〕the worst-dressed man in the office 办公室里衣着最差的男人朗文当代account books stored in the company's archives 存放在公司档案室里的账册牛津商务




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