

单词 宣讲福音
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PRISON〕The priest had been imprisoned for preaching the gospel. 那位牧师因宣讲福音被关押。朗文写作活用〔calling〕He realized that his calling was to preach the gospel.他体悟到宣讲福音是他的使命。牛津高阶〔evangelical〕Evangelical Of, relating to, or being a Protestant church that founds its teaching on the gospel. Evangelical 福音派的:属于或关于传播、宣讲福音的,福音派新教会的美国传统〔evangelize〕To preach the gospel to.传教:对…宣讲福音美国传统〔evangelize〕To preach the gospel.传福音:宣讲福音美国传统〔gospel〕I didn't shirk my duties. I visited the sick and I preached the gospel.我没有逃避职责,我探望病人,也宣讲福音。柯林斯高阶〔heathen〕He preached the Gospel to the heathen locals from this spot.他从这里向当地不信教的人们宣讲福音。外研社新世纪〔heathen〕He preached the Gospel to the heathens.他向不信教的人们宣讲福音。外研社新世纪〔preach〕He traveled the southern states, preaching the gospel .他游历南方各州宣讲福音。朗文当代〔preach〕His followers listened to him preach the gospel.他的信徒们听他宣讲福音。韦氏高阶St Pancras of Taormina is reputed to have been sent by St Peter to evangelize Sicily.道尔米那的圣潘克拉斯因曾受圣彼得之遣前往西西里宣讲福音而名声大振。剑桥国际




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