

单词 家风
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔dazzle〕a figure skater who dazzled the audience with virtuosic jumps. 以名家风度的弹跳把观众看得眼花缭乱的花样滑冰者美国传统〔grand〕a speech delivered in the grand style of the great orators. 著名演说家风格庄严的演讲美国传统〔modernness〕the modernness of an artist's style 艺术家风格中的现代派气息韦氏高阶〔mould〕a young politician in the mould of the great statesmen of the past 颇具昔日伟大政治家风范的年轻政治家牛津搭配〔old-world〕an old-world hotel with character and charm 一家风格典雅的古式饭店牛津高阶〔sporting〕a sporting gesture 很有运动家风度的姿态麦克米伦高阶〔sportsmanship〕emphasize good sportsmanship 强调良好的运动家风度英汉大词典〔sportsmanship〕good/bad sportsmanship 良好的运动家风度/恶劣的体育道德麦克米伦高阶〔statesmanlike〕a politician with a gift for sounding statesmanlike 一位天生显出政治家风范的政界人士韦氏高阶〔statesmanlike〕a statesmanlike speech 具有政治家风范的演说剑桥高阶〔typify〕the new style of politician, typified by the Prime Minister 以首相为代表的新型政治家风格牛津高阶




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