

单词 外交家
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔UNUSUAL〕a remarkable statesman and diplomat 一位卓越的政治家和外交家朗文写作活用〔budding〕a budding diplomat 初露头角的外交家英汉大词典〔career〕a career diplomat 职业外交家朗文当代〔diplomat〕a career diplomat 职业外交家英汉大词典〔earn〕a diplomat who had earned his spurs as the prime minister's personal assistant. 外交家经过奋斗获得首相私人助理之职美国传统〔elegance〕tact and urbanity, the marks of a true diplomat. inelegance 机智老练、温文尔雅,一个真正的外交家的特点 inelegance美国传统〔equation〕diplomats who work out the delicate equations of power 设法获得微妙的势力均衡的外交家们英汉大词典〔first-string〕a first-string critic (diplomat) 第一流的评论家(外交家)英汉大词典〔formula〕diplomats seeking a formula 探求协商准则的外交家们英汉大词典〔metal〕show one's metal in dealing with such austere diplomats 与如此严厉的外交家打交道时显示出勇气英汉大词典〔plenary〕a diplomat with plenary powers. 具有极权的外交家美国传统〔rub〕diplomats rubbing elbows with heads of state. 与国家元首交往密切的外交家美国传统〔tactful〕a tactful diplomat 圆滑老练的外交家英汉大词典〔would-be〕would-be diplomats/lawyers/referees 未来的外交家/律师/裁判麦克米伦高阶




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