

单词 夏季
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔GOOD〕a glorious summer 一个美丽的夏季朗文写作活用〔alive〕seaside resorts that come alive in the summer 夏季变得热闹的海滨度假胜地朗文当代〔at〕in summertime 在夏季朗文当代〔ball〕the college's summer ball 学院的夏季舞会麦克米伦高阶〔bonanza〕the usual bonanza of sport in the summer 夏季体育运动的一贯热潮牛津高阶〔build-up〕in the build-up to the Games next summer在为来年夏季运动会做准备的期间外研社新世纪〔carnival〕this summer's carnival of sport 今年夏季的体育盛会牛津高阶〔contribute〕contributed two stories to the summer issue. 投两篇故事给夏季版美国传统〔disamenity〕the disamenities of warm countries in the summer time 气候温暖国家在夏季的缺点英汉大词典〔event〕the last major/big event of the summer 夏季的最后一个重大事件韦氏高阶〔fete〕a garden fete (常在夏季举行的)慈善游园会英汉大词典〔fete〕a summer fete 夏季义卖会剑桥高阶〔gossamer〕a summer dress of lightest gossamer 极轻的薄纱制夏季女服英汉大词典〔graduate〕a nice summer pool-cleaning job for a high-school graduate一份为高中毕业生提供的夏季清洁游泳池的好工作外研社新世纪〔heat〕the steamy heat of New York in summer 纽约夏季潮湿闷热的天气牛津搭配〔idyllic〕an idyllic setting for a summer romance适合夏季谈情说爱的优美环境外研社新世纪〔ingress〕the ingress of summer tourists 夏季游人的涌入英汉大词典〔light〕a light summer jacket 轻薄的夏季短上衣麦克米伦高阶〔melt〕glacial melt water; the summer melt season. 冰川融的水;酷热的夏季美国传统〔month〕hot summer months 夏季炎热的几个月牛津搭配〔parliament〕the day Parliament rises for the summer recess 议会夏季休会后复会的那一天牛津搭配〔searing〕the searing heat of a tropical summer 热带夏季灼人的热浪牛津高阶〔season〕the Royal Ballet's summer season. 皇家芭蕾舞团的夏季献演期柯林斯高阶〔serotinal〕the serotinal season 晚夏季节英汉大词典〔session〕the autumn session of Parliament (夏季休会后的)议会秋季会议英汉大词典〔steamy〕a steamy summer 闷热潮湿的夏季英汉大词典〔steamy〕steamy summer weather 闷热潮湿的夏季天气剑桥高阶〔summery〕a cool summery breeze 清凉的夏季微风麦克米伦高阶〔summery〕light summery fruit salads. 清淡的夏季水果色拉柯林斯高阶〔summer〕the long hot summer of 1976 1976年漫长而炎热的夏季麦克米伦高阶〔term〕the spring/summer/autumn/fall term 春季╱夏季╱秋季学期牛津高阶〔term〕the summer term. 夏季学期柯林斯高阶〔term〕the summer term夏季学期外研社新世纪〔the Olympics〕the Summer/Winter Olympics 夏季/冬季奥运会剑桥高阶〔torrid〕a torrid summer 酷热的夏季牛津高阶〔torrid〕the torrid heat of the summer 夏季的酷热英汉大词典〔tourism〕winter (summer) tourism 冬季(夏季)旅游英汉大词典〔visitable〕a wildlife preserve visitable only during the summer months. 只有在夏季月份才对外开放的野生动物美国传统〔wet〕the wettest summer on record 有记录以来雨天最多的夏季朗文当代〔whip through〕whipping through his summer reading list快速阅读他的夏季读书单外研社新世纪




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