

单词 大叫大嚷
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAUSE〕He would often yell at his wife until he had reduced her to tears. 他常常会对妻子大叫大嚷,直到她流泪为止。朗文写作活用〔DO/NOT DO〕Listen, I'm only trying to do my job - don't yell at me. 听我说,我只不过是在做我份内的工作,别朝我大叫大嚷。朗文写作活用〔a bundle of nerves〕Sorry for shouting - I'm a bundle of nerves these days.很抱歉冲你大叫大嚷——这些天我很焦躁。剑桥高阶〔bang〕Kathy yelled and then banged the phone down.凯西大叫大嚷起来,然后砰地放下电话。麦克米伦高阶〔buckle under〕If he yelled and screamed, my parents buckled under and gave him whatever he wanted.如果他大叫大嚷,我父母就会让步,满足他的任何要求。柯林斯高阶〔ear〕There is no need to shout; we have good ears.不需要大叫大嚷,我们的听觉灵着呢。英汉大词典〔left〕The Left became vociferous.左派议员们大叫大嚷起来。英汉大词典〔misbehave〕They ran through the train, shouting and misbehaving.他们穿过车厢奔跑,大叫大嚷,粗暴无礼。英汉大词典〔place〕The place was full of screaming children.那地方全是大叫大嚷的孩子们。朗文当代〔punch〕My boss was furious about my mistake — he shouted at me and didn't pull any punches (或 pulled no punches).老板对我的过失大发雷霆——他冲着我大叫大嚷,毫不留情。英汉大词典〔rant〕He rants and raves when drunk.他喝醉了就大叫大嚷。英汉大词典〔rant〕To speak or declaim in a violent, loud, or vehement manner; rave.大叫大嚷,夸夸其谈:用粗野的,极大的声音或粗野的态度说话或下结论;大声责骂美国传统〔rave〕He was still ranting and raving the next morning.第二天上午他仍在大叫大嚷。朗文当代〔shout〕The speaker was shouted down by a group of protesters.一群抗议者大叫大嚷,盖过了讲话人的声音。牛津高阶〔solve〕Just calm down - shouting won't solve anything! 冷静下来——大叫大嚷并不能解决任何问题!剑桥高阶〔thump〕The speaker ranted and thumped the table.演讲人大叫大嚷并用拳头捶桌子。英汉大词典〔well〕Well!There's no need to shout. 嗳!用不着大叫大嚷嘛。英汉大词典〔yammer〕To talk volubly and loudly.大叫大嚷:没完没了地大声说话美国传统He ranted and raved about it. 他对此大叫大嚷。译典通




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