

单词 威严
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔august〕an august-looking grandmother 相貌威严的老祖母英汉大词典〔august〕the august presence of the monarch.See Synonyms at grand 主教威严的到来 参见 grand美国传统〔bearing〕a man of military/dignified/regal bearing 有军人风度/举止庄重/相貌威严的男子韦氏高阶〔commanding〕a commanding figure/presence/voice 威严的人物╱气派╱说话声牛津高阶〔commanding〕his commanding presence 他的威严气度剑桥高阶〔commanding〕his commanding voice/presence 他那威严的声音/气质麦克米伦高阶〔controlled〕a controlled, authoritative voice 冷静克制的威严语调朗文当代〔dignity〕respect the dignity of the court 尊重法庭的威严英汉大词典〔fashion〕slowly descending the stairs in a grand fashion 威严地缓缓走下台阶牛津搭配〔grand〕a grand air 尊贵威严的气势英汉大词典〔grand〕was ushered into the archbishop's august presence. 为主教威严的外表所陶醉。美国传统〔greatly〕rule greatly and wisely 威严而英明地统治英汉大词典〔haughty〕the haughty voices of the cannon 大炮威严的轰鸣 英汉大词典〔honor〕awed by the honor of his office. 慑于他职位的威严美国传统〔imposing〕an imposing headmaster 威严的校长英汉大词典〔imposing〕the monarch's imposing presence.See Synonyms at grand 君主威严的仪容 参见 grand美国传统〔larger-than-life〕a larger-than-life leader 极有威严的领导人文馨英汉〔magisterial〕his magisterial presence 他威严的仪态剑桥高阶〔magisterial〕his magisterial voice and bearing. 他威严的言行举止柯林斯高阶〔magisterial〕raise a magisterial hand 威严地举起一只手英汉大词典〔majestic〕a man of majestic appearance and great dignity 外表庄重威严的男子麦克米伦高阶〔majesty〕the majesty of a fully grown lion 成年狮子的威严麦克米伦高阶〔might〕two individuals who took on the might of the English legal system 挑战英国法律制度威严的两个人朗文当代〔regal〕a judge with a shrewd regal face 面容睿智又威严的法官英汉大词典〔terrible〕the terrible nature of God 神的威严性英汉大词典




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