

单词 如水
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Bavarian cream〕A dessert of custard, whipped cream, gelatin, and often other flavorings, such as puréed fruit or chocolate.巴伐利亚奶油甜点:用蛋奶冻、掼奶油、果冻和其它调味料制成的甜品,如水果泥或巧克力泥美国传统〔INCREASE〕If condensation collects on the inside of the window, wipe it off with a clean cloth. 如水汽凝结在玻璃窗内面,就用一块干净的布把它擦掉。朗文写作活用〔agroindustrial〕Of or relating to the production or supply of various needs, such as water or power, for agriculture and industry.为工农业的:关于农业和工业各种所需产品或供应的,如水力或电力的生产和供应美国传统〔association〕Chemistry Any of various processes of combination, such as hydration, solvation, or complex-ion formation, depending on relatively weak chemical bonding.【化学】 缔合:靠相对弱的化学束缚而产生的化合过程的一种,如水合、融合或结合美国传统〔boundary layer〕The layer of reduced velocity in fluids, such as air and water, that is immediately adjacent to the surface of a solid past which the fluid is flowing.边缘层:速度较低的流体层,如水和空气,该层紧靠流体流经的固体表面美国传统〔brawl〕To flow noisily, as water.哗哗地流:喧闹地流动,如水美国传统〔buffalo〕Any of several oxlike Old World mammals of the family Bovidae, such as the water buffalo and Cape buffalo.水牛,野牛:一种似牛的东半球牛科哺乳动物,如水牛和非洲野牛美国传统〔cavy〕Any of various similar or related rodents, such as the capybara, coypu, and agouti.类似的动物:类似的或相关的啮齿动物,如水猪、河狸鼠和刺豚鼠美国传统〔circulation〕Movement or passage through a system of vessels, as of water through pipes; flow.流动:沿容器系统的运行或穿行,如水沿管道流动;流动美国传统〔cold drink〕A drink, as of water, served or taken cold.冷饮:一种用于降温的饮品,如水美国传统〔demineralization〕The act or process of removing minerals or mineral salts from a liquid, such as water.脱矿质作用,除盐作用:从液体,例如水中除去矿物质或矿物盐分的动作或过程美国传统〔deoxygenate〕To remove dissolved oxygen from (a liquid, such as water).除氧气,使脱氧:从(液体,例如水)中除去不溶解的氧气美国传统〔dessert〕A usually sweet course or dish, as of fruit, ice cream, or pastry, served at the end of a meal.甜点:饭后上的甜食,例如水果、冰淇淋或糕点美国传统〔dilute〕To make thinner or less concentrated by adding a liquid such as water.稀释:加入液体(如水)使稀释冲淡美国传统〔drag〕The retarding force exerted on a moving body by a fluid medium such as air or water.阻力:流体介质,如水或空气对移动物体施加的阻力美国传统〔e.g.〕You should eat more food that contains a lot of fibre, e.g. fruit, vegetables, and bread.你应当多吃些富含纤维的食物,例如水果、蔬菜和面包。剑桥高阶〔erupt〕To force out or release something, such as steam, with violence or suddenness.发出:突然或者是猛烈地喷发或放出,如水蒸气美国传统〔evacuate〕We will have to evacuate if the flood gets any worse.假如水灾情况恶化,我们只得撤离。英汉大词典〔flea〕Any of various small crustaceans that resemble or move like fleas, such as the water flea.水蚤:各种长得象或行动象蚤的小甲壳类动物,如水蚤美国传统〔floral tube〕A tube usually formed by the basal fusion of the perianth and stamens, as in the flowers of the daffodil.花管:由花被和雄蕊在其根部的结合处组成的管状物,如水仙花的花管美国传统〔flush〕A flooding flow or rush, as of water.奔流,涌出:洪水般的奔涌或冲撞,如水的奔涌美国传统〔heave〕Geology To displace or move (a vein, lode, or stratum, for example).【地质学】 (地层,矿脉等)转位,滑动:置换或移动(例如水脉、矿脉、地层等)美国传统〔horizontal〕Something, such as a line, a plane, or an object, that is horizontal.水平物:水平的物体(例如水平直线,水平面线或水平物)美国传统〔impoundment〕A body of water, such as a reservoir, made by impounding.集水区:一块集水域,例如水库,用以集水美国传统〔inelastic〕The demand for services such as water, gas, and electricity is relatively inelastic.对于诸如水、气、电服务的需求是相对稳定的。剑桥高阶〔infiltrate〕To cause (a liquid, for example) to permeate a substance by passing through its interstices or pores.渗透:透过间隙或小孔使一种物质(如水)渗过另一种物质美国传统〔inset〕An inflow, as of water.如水的流入美国传统〔lead〕To be a channel or conduit for (water or electricity, for example).引:作为(如水或电)的渠道或导管美国传统〔lip〕The tip of a pouring spout, as on a pitcher.壶口:倒水口的末端,如水罐上的美国传统〔medusa〕The tentacled, usually bell-shaped, free-swimming sexual stage in the life cycle of a coelenterate, such as a jellyfish.水螅水母:有触手的,通常呈带状的,生命周期中有性阶段自由游动的腔肠动物,如水母美国传统〔mist〕Fine drops of a liquid, such as water, perfume, or medication, sprayed into the air.喷雾:细小的液滴,如水,香水或药剂被喷入空气中美国传统〔musk〕A similar secretion produced by certain other animals, such as the otter or civet.似麝香的:由别的动物,如水獭或者麝香猫,分泌的相似的促胰液素美国传统〔packing〕A material used to prevent leakage or seepage, as around a pipe joint.密封圈:用来防止漏水或渗漏的一种材料,如水管的接合处美国传统〔passionless〕They had a passionless marriage.他们的婚姻平淡如水。剑桥高阶〔polyp〕A coelenterate, such as a hydra or coral, having a cylindrical body and an oral opening usually surrounded by tentacles.水螅型珊瑚虫,水螅虫:一种有柱状身体和通常被触角包围的口部开口的腔肠动物,比如水螅或珊瑚虫美国传统〔pox〕A disease such as chickenpox or smallpox, characterized by purulent skin eruptions that may leave pockmarks.痘,痘疮:皮肤疾病,如水痘或天花,其特点为皮肤上生有脓疮,并会留下痘痕美国传统〔riffle〕To become choppy, as water.使湍急:使变得波浪滔滔的,如水美国传统〔rise〕An increase in height, as of the level of water.上涨,上升,升高:高度的升高,如水平线美国传统〔rooster tail〕A projected mass of fine particles, as of water or snow, having an arced shape similar to that of a rooster's tail.鸡尾形状:一个突起的精细颗粒团块,如水或雪的,呈拱形,类似于公鸡的尾巴美国传统〔slurry〕A thin mixture of a liquid, especially water, and any of several finely divided substances, such as cement, plaster of Paris, or clay particles.灰浆:一种液体,尤指水和几种颗粒细致的物质的很稀混合物,如水泥、巴黎灰泥或粘土微粒的混合物美国传统〔testis〕An analogous gland in an invertebrate animal, such as a hydra or a mollusk.睾丸:无脊椎动物如水螅或软体动物的类似腺体美国传统〔thoroughfare〕A heavily traveled passage, such as a waterway, strait, or channel.干道:如水路、海峡或运河等繁忙的旅行通道美国传统〔thrush〕Any of various similar or related birds, as a water thrush or thrasher.如水鸫或打谷鸟等各种相似或相关的鸟类美国传统〔turboshaft〕A gas turbine engine that powers a rotating cylindrical shaft, as to a pump or a helicopter rotor.涡轮轴:驱动旋转圆轴的燃气涡轮引擎,如水泵或直升飞机旋翼的美国传统〔undershot〕Driven by water passing from below, as a water wheel.(水车)下射式的:由从下面流过的水驱动的,如水轮美国传统〔unruffled〕Regular and smooth, as the surface of water.平静:有规律的和平滑的,比如水平面美国传统〔water pipe〕An apparatus for smoking, such as a hookah, in which the smoke is drawn through a container of water or ice and cooled before inhaling.水烟筒:一种吸烟器具,如水烟筒,烟在吸入前通过一个装水或冰的容器被冷却美国传统〔water〕The young boy was scolded by his teacher but it was water off a duck's back.那个小男孩受到老师的责骂,可是责骂犹如水落鸭背,毫无作用。 英汉大词典〔wet〕Covered or soaked with a liquid, such as water.湿的:涂满或浸透液体的,如水美国传统Her singing voice has a pure, crystalline quality.她的歌唱音质如水晶般纯净、清澈。剑桥国际




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