

单词 大镰刀
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Grim Reaper〕The personification of death as a cloaked man or skeleton carrying a scythe.死神,狰狞持鎌收割者:将死亡拟人化为披着斗篷的男人或是手持长柄大镰刀的骷髅头(系死神形象)美国传统〔cradle〕A frame projecting above a scythe, used to catch grain as it is cut so that it can be laid flat.摇篮架:大镰刀上的突起框架,是用来使割下来的作物平整放置的配件美国传统〔cradle〕A scythe equipped with such a frame.镰刀:装配有摇篮架的大镰刀美国传统〔cradle〕To reap (grain) with a cradle.收割:用附有摇篮架的大镰刀收割(作物)美国传统〔death〕Often Death A personification of the destroyer of life, usually represented as a skeleton holding a scythe. 常作 Death 死神:生命的毁灭者的拟人形象,通常是一具手持大镰刀的骷髅美国传统〔scythe〕An implement consisting of a long, curved single-edged blade with a long, bent handle, used for mowing or reaping.长柄大镰刀:有一个长长的、弯曲单刃刀片和一个长长的、弯曲柄的镰刀,用于割草或收割美国传统〔scythe〕To cut with or as if with a scythe.用长柄大镰刀割:使用或象用长柄镰刀割美国传统〔scythe〕Two men were attempting to scythe the long grass.两个人正试着用长柄大镰刀割掉高高的草。外研社新世纪




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