

单词 失衡
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕At the higher levels of management, there's definitely a gender imbalance. 在高级管理层中,肯定存在着男女比例失衡的问题。朗文写作活用〔balance〕His work life and his family life are out of balance. = His work life is out of balance with his family life.他的事业和他的家庭生活失衡了。韦氏高阶〔correct〕These medicines are used for correcting chemical imbalances in the brain.这些药物是用来治疗大脑化学物质失衡的。韦氏高阶〔hypothesize〕Psychologists hypothesized that his odd behavior was caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain.心理学家猜测,他奇怪的行为是由大脑中的化学物质失衡引起的。韦氏高阶〔im-〕The illness is triggered by a chemical imbalance in the brain.这种疾病是大脑化学物质失衡诱发的。柯林斯高阶〔imbalanced〕Today's figures show a deeply imbalanced economy.今天的数字表明经济严重失衡。外研社新世纪〔imbalance〕An imbalance in certain chemicals leads to disturbances in the brain's function.某些化学成分失衡会导致大脑功能紊乱。牛津搭配〔imbalance〕Can he resolve the structural imbalance of the deficit? 他能解决赤字的结构性失衡吗?牛津搭配〔imbalance〕Chemical imbalances actually cause the sleep disturbances.这些睡眠障碍其实是由体内化学成分失衡引起的。牛津搭配〔imbalance〕Her depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain.她的抑郁症是大脑中化学物质失衡引起的。韦氏高阶〔imbalance〕Increased recruitment of women engineers will help correct the gender imbalance in the profession.增加女性工程师聘用人数会有助于改善业内员工的性别失衡。牛津搭配〔imbalance〕The patient had long shown signs of mental imbalance.患者早就表现出心理失衡的迹象了。牛津搭配〔imbalance〕Vigorous action is needed to address global imbalances.需要采取强有力的行动来解决全球失衡问题。牛津搭配〔inequity〕Social imbalance worries him more than inequity of income.社会失衡比收入不公平更令他忧虑。柯林斯高阶〔kilter〕A seizure is just a surge of electrical energy going through your brain which throws it out of kilter.癫痫发作就像是一股电流涌上大脑, 使大脑失衡。外研社新世纪〔kilter〕Unexpected expenses threw the budget out of kilter.一些意外支出导致预算失衡。韦氏高阶〔masculinize〕To cause (a female) to assume masculine characteristics, as through hormonal imbalance or male hormone therapy.变性:使(女性)具有男性特征,通过荷尔蒙失衡或男性荷尔蒙疗法美国传统〔redress〕It's an attempt to redress the economic imbalance between developed and developing countries.这是一次调节发达国家和发展中国家间经济失衡问题的尝试。外研社新世纪〔sputter〕The economy is already sputtering, with low or no growth.经济运行已经失衡, 增长放缓甚至已经停止。外研社新世纪〔sync〕Normally, when demand and supply are out of sync, you either increase the supply, or you adjust the price mechanism.通常,当供需失衡时,要么加大供给,要么调整价格机制。柯林斯高阶〔unbalanced〕Not in balance or in proper balance.失衡的:不平衡的或不均衡的美国传统〔unbalance〕Having children can often unbalance even the closest of relationships.有了孩子,即使原本再亲密的关系也常常会失衡。朗文当代〔unbalance〕The condition of being unbalanced.失衡:失去平衡的状态美国传统〔unbalance〕The result was to further unbalance the monetary-fiscal policy mix.结果将使货币—财政政策组合更加失衡。剑桥高阶〔unbalance〕The tax cuts have unbalanced the budget.减税已使预算失衡。韦氏高阶




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