

单词 完不成
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔axe〕The main office axed those in the field who didn’t meet their quota.主要办公室裁减那些在工作中完不成定额的人。21世纪英汉〔but〕I want this done today, and I don't want to hear any buts about it.我希望今天把这事完成,而且我不想听任何完不成的借口。韦氏高阶〔double〕A bid doubling one's opponent's bid in bridge, thus increasing the penalty for failure to fulfill the contract.加倍的倍数:在对方叫牌的基础上加倍,这样当完不成定约时则增加惩罚美国传统〔leg〕Shake a leg there! We'll never finish if you don't hurry up. 快点吧! 假如你不抓紧,我们就完不成了。英汉大词典〔piece〕I couldn't finish the jigsaw because some of the pieces were missing.我完不成这个拼图, 因为有几个拼块找不到了。外研社新世纪〔pooh〕Pooh! You can't finish that paper by tomorrow.哈! 那篇文章到明天你是完不成的。朗文当代〔quota〕He was worried he might not meet his monthly sales quota.他担心可能完不成每月的销售定额。麦克米伦高阶〔quota〕They're worried that they won't achieve this year's sales quota.他们担心完不成今年的销售指标。朗文当代〔stir〕Stir yourself, or we'll never get this finished! 振作起来赶快干,要不我们就完不成这件事了!英汉大词典〔strike ... out〕We have to strike out at once. Otherwise we won't be able to finish the work.我们必须马上开始工作,不然我们就完不成任务了。21世纪英汉〔target〕The government may fail to meet (=achieve) its target of recycling 25% of domestic waste.政府可能完不成回收利用 25% 的生活垃圾的目标。朗文当代〔wild goose chase〕It looks like they've sent us on a wild goose chase.看来他们是给了我们一个完不成的任务啊。朗文当代We really must get going with these proposals or they'll never be ready for the meeting.我们真得开始准备这些提案了,否则到开会时还完不成。剑桥国际You'll be in a shitload (= a lot) of trouble if you don't finish that job by tomorrow.如果你明天还完不成这项工作的话,你会倒大霉的。剑桥国际




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