

单词 女性的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BMI〕The average BMI in women is around 23.女性的平均体重指数为23左右。外研社新世纪〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕She formed enduring friendships with women and more intense, volatile ones with men. 她与女性的友谊稳定持久,而与男性则更为激烈、多变。朗文写作活用〔CRUEL〕Doctors believed that there was no evidence of abuse, despite the woman's claims. 医生们相信,尽管有那位女性的陈述,还是没有虐待的证据。朗文写作活用〔Casanova〕A promiscuous man; a philanderer.好色者:好色的男人;玩弄女性的男人美国传统〔Dark Ages〕Her father's ideas about women are from the Dark Ages.她父亲对女性的看法远没有跟上时代发展。韦氏高阶〔Don Juan〕A man who is an obsessive seducer of women.大情人:沉缅于勾引女性的人美国传统〔INSTINCT〕Women are supposed to be more intuitive than men, but I don't know if that's true. 据说女性的直觉优于男性,但我不知道这是否属实。朗文写作活用〔LIFE〕Women have a longer life expectancy than men. 女性的预期寿命比男性长。朗文写作活用〔LIMIT〕Men hold most of the top jobs, and this limits women's opportunities for promotion. 大部分高职都由男性担任,这就限制了女性的晋升机会。朗文写作活用〔ORDER〕Women's lives used to follow a predictable pattern: school, then marriage and children. 以前女性的生活往往遵循一种可以预见的模式:上学,然后结婚生子。朗文写作活用〔PREJUDICED〕The movie is a moral tale about a misogynist who dies and is reborn as a beautiful woman. 这部影片是个寓言,讲述一位厌恶女性的男子死后重生为漂亮女子的故事。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕Society's attitudes about women hinder any real progress toward equality. 社会对于女性的态度阻碍着通向平等的真实进展。朗文写作活用〔SEXY〕She was encouraged to use her feminine charms, to be coy and alluring. 她更有信心地运用自己女性的魅力,显出娇媚诱人的姿态。朗文写作活用〔VIOLENT〕The statistics show that male violence against women is widespread. 数据显示,男性对女性的暴力普遍存在。朗文写作活用〔adoration〕He had been used to female adoration all his life.他一生中已经对女性的爱慕习以为常了。外研社新世纪〔anima〕The feminine inner personality, as present in the unconscious of the male. It is in contrast to the animus, which represents masculine characteristics.男性的女性倾向,男性的女性性格:男性具有的无意识中的女性内在性格。与表现男性特征的女性的男性倾向相反美国传统〔antediluvian〕My mother has some hopelessly antediluvian ideas about the role of women.我母亲对女性的角色持有一些老掉牙的观念。剑桥高阶〔baronetess〕Baronetess Abbr. Btss.Used as the title for such a woman. Baronetess 缩写 Btss.用作这类女性的头衔美国传统〔bias〕There have been allegations of bias against women.有人称存在对女性的偏见。外研社新世纪〔bible〕Vogue magazine quickly became the bible of fashionable women.《时尚》杂志很快就成了时尚女性的必读宝典。剑桥高阶〔birth rate〕The UK has the highest birth rate among 15 to 19-year-olds in Western Europe.英国15到19岁女性的生育率在西欧最高。外研社新世纪〔colour〕I shall nail my colours firmly to the mast on this subject — as a feminist I find movies like this offensive.我要非常明确地表明自己对这个主题的看法:作为一名女权主义者我认为这类电影是对女性的侮辱。柯林斯高阶〔conduct〕Education was conducted separately for males and females.男性和女性的教育是分开进行的。牛津搭配〔constrain〕Women's employment opportunities are often severely constrained by family commitments.女性的就业机会常常受到家庭责任的严重限制。朗文当代〔contrast〕The birth rate for older women has declined, but, by contrast, births to teenage mothers have increased.大龄女性的生育率已有下降,但相比之下少女妈妈的生育率却上升了。朗文当代〔controversial〕He addresses such potentially controversial issues as the role of women in society.他探讨女性的社会角色等可能引起争议的问题。牛津搭配〔database〕They maintain a database of hotels that cater for businesswomen.他们维护着一个服务于商界女性的酒店资料库。柯林斯高阶〔depersonalize〕She does not feel that the book depersonalises women.她并不觉得这本书不尊重女性的感受。柯林斯高阶〔devalue〕History has tended to devalue the contributions of women.历史往往贬低女性的贡献。朗文当代〔dietary〕Dr Susan Hankinson has studied the dietary habits of more than 50,000 women.苏珊·汉金森博士对5万多名女性的饮食习惯进行了研究。柯林斯高阶〔dietary〕Dr Susan Hankinson has studied the dietary habits of more than 50,000 women.苏珊•汉金森博士对5万多名女性的饮食习惯进行了研究。外研社新世纪〔domain〕Childcare is no longer solely a female domain.照管儿童已不再只是女性的工作。韦氏高阶〔drag queen〕A man, especially a performer, who dresses as a woman.装扮成女性的男性,特别是男演员美国传统〔drag〕The band dressed up in drag.乐队成员穿着女性的服装。外研社新世纪〔feminine〕Abbr. fem.,f.,F.Grammar Designating or belonging to the gender of words or grammatical forms that refer chiefly to females or to things classified as female.缩写 fem.,f.,F.【语法】 阴性的:属于或指示性别的词或语法形式,主要指女性的或归为女性类的事物美国传统〔feminine〕Of or relating to women or girls; female.女性的:是或关于女人或女孩子的;女性的美国传统〔femininity〕The quality or condition of being feminine.作为女性的气质或条件美国传统〔feminize〕To give a feminine appearance or character to.使女性化:给予…女性的外表或性格美国传统〔glass ceiling〕Various reasons are given for the apparent glass ceiling women hit in many professions.显然,在很多行业中女性的升迁都受到无形的限制,对此人们给出了不同的解释。剑桥高阶〔highlight〕The survey highlighted the needs of working women.这个调查突显了职业女性的需求。外研社新世纪〔iconography〕I am studying the iconography of Islamic texts, with special reference to the representation of women.我正在研究伊斯兰教文献中的象征手法,特别是关于女性的表达。剑桥高阶〔ideal〕Throughout his career she remained his feminine ideal.在他整个职业生涯中,她一直是他心中完美女性的代表。柯林斯高阶〔implicit〕This assumption is often implicit in the way a person addresses a woman.人们称呼女性的方式上常常隐含着这种假设。麦克米伦高阶〔influence〕He makes a nice drink for women by influencing orange juice.他在橘子汁里加了少量烈性酒即制成了适于女性的爽口饮料。21世纪英汉〔interest〕The group wasn't able to interest them in reproducing literature specifically for women.这个团体没能说服他们再版专门面向女性的文学作品。柯林斯高阶〔intuition〕Her feminine intuition told her that he was unhappy.女性的直觉告诉她他不快乐。牛津搭配〔killer〕Police are still hoping to find the dead woman's killer.警方仍然希望找到杀害那名女性的凶手。剑桥高阶〔lady〕A woman, especially when spoken of or to in a polite way.对女性的尊称:尤指那些言谈之间很有礼貌的妇女美国传统〔lament〕She spoke of the professional woman's lament that a woman's judgment is questioned more than a man's.她谈到职业女性的悲哀:与男性相比,她们的判断力更易遭人质疑。柯林斯高阶〔limited〕The role that women could play was socially limited.女性的角色受社会限制。牛津搭配〔lucky〕A middle-aged woman had a lucky escape when a tree crashed down onto her car.一棵树砸在一位中年女性的车上,她却有幸躲过一劫。朗文当代〔magnetism〕She exudes sexual magnetism.她洋溢着女性的魅力。牛津高阶〔male〕Female influence is at least as important as male dominance.女性的影响力至少与男性的支配力一样重要。外研社新世纪〔marginal〕The report suggests that there has only been a marginal improvement in women's pay over the past few years.报告显示,过去几年女性的工资只有小幅增长。剑桥高阶〔memorial〕The painting will be a lasting memorial to a remarkable woman.这幅油画将成为对一位杰出女性的永久纪念。牛津高阶〔merkin〕A pubic wig for women.对女性的公开斥责美国传统〔migrant〕Migrant women are paid a fraction of men's wages.新近移民(到澳大利亚)的女性的工资比男性要少很多。外研社新世纪〔modern〕The programme examines the role of women in modern society.这个节目审视现代社会中女性的作用。麦克米伦高阶〔off-colour〕He denies making off-colour remarks about women.他否认说了关于女性的下流话。外研社新世纪〔offensive〕There were complaints that the advertisement was offensive to women.有人投诉说这则广告是对女性的冒犯。麦克米伦高阶〔overtake〕Lung cancer has now overtaken breast cancer as a cause of death for women in the US.肺癌现在已经取代乳腺癌成为美国女性的一大杀手。柯林斯高阶〔over〕Almost 40% of women are size 14 or over .差不多有 40% 的女性的服装尺码是 14 码或 14 码以上。朗文当代〔parallelism〕There is some degree of parallelism between the lives of the two women.这两位女性的生活有某种程度上的类似。韦氏高阶〔part〕Work plays an important part in a single woman's life.工作在单身女性的生活中扮演着重要角色。外研社新世纪〔permeate〕Bias against women permeates every level of the judicial system.司法体制中各个层面都有歧视女性的现象。柯林斯高阶〔popularly〕She possessed the vibrant personality that is so often popularly associated with Spanish women.她拥有通常会令人联想到西班牙女性的充满活力的个性。外研社新世纪〔prehistoric〕He has prehistoric views about women who have careers.他对职业女性的看法完全过时。剑桥高阶〔present〕The article presents an accurate picture of the contemporary lives of Japanese women.这篇文章准确描述了当代日本女性的生活状况。韦氏高阶〔profile〕There is a growing number of women in high-profile positions (= positions which they are noticed) in the government.在备受注目的政府职位上,女性的数量在逐渐增长。剑桥高阶〔proportion〕Women's bodies tend to have a higher proportion of fat to water.女性的身体内脂肪与水分的比例往往更高。柯林斯高阶〔pudendum〕The human external genitalia, especially of a woman. Often used in the plural.外生殖器,外阴:尤指女性的外生殖器官。常用复数美国传统〔put〕Robert's attitude towards women really puts me off.罗伯特对女性的态度真的使我很反感。麦克米伦高阶〔segregate〕Women's work has always been highly segregated.女性的工作一直严格与男性分开。牛津搭配〔shift〕Society's attitudes towards women have shifted enormously over the last century.在过去一个世纪中,社会对女性的态度有了巨大的改变。剑桥高阶〔shiksa〕Used as a disparaging term for a non-Jewish girl or woman.非犹太姑娘:用来指非犹太姑娘或女性的贬义用语美国传统〔socialization〕Female socialization emphasizes getting along with others.女性的社会化强调与人相处。柯林斯高阶〔spellbinding〕Gray describes in dramatic and spellbinding detail the lives of these five ladies.格雷以富于戏剧性和令人着迷的细腻笔触描写了这 5 位女性的生活。柯林斯高阶〔spontaneously〕Usually a woman's breasts produce milk spontaneously after the birth.女性的乳房通常在产后会自然泌乳。柯林斯高阶〔standpoint〕From the standpoint of women, this looks like a policy of discrimination.从女性的立场出发,这一政策似乎有歧视之嫌。牛津搭配〔surrealistic〕Man Ray's surrealistic study of a woman's face with glass teardrops.曼·雷运用超现实主义手法以几颗玻璃珠来代替眼泪拍摄出的一张流泪女性的脸柯林斯高阶〔swing〕She should be able to swing a significant number of women's votes.她应该能够拉到大量女性的选票。麦克米伦高阶〔traditional〕He has a traditional view of women.他对女性的看法很传统。朗文当代〔unlike〕Unlike in men, heart disease in women is often found in the smaller arteries.与男性不同, 女性的心脏病经常出现在小动脉部位 。外研社新世纪〔wage〕Women's wages were lower than men's.女性的工资比男性低。牛津搭配〔wearable〕She designs wearable clothes to suit modern women's lifestyles.她设计适应现代女性的生活方式的舒适服装。外研社新世纪〔womanhood〕The book is a celebration of womanhood.这是一本赞美女性的书。韦氏高阶〔womankind〕In her latest book she discusses the menopause, which is a subject that concerns all womankind.在最新的书里,她讨论了更年期这一涉及所有女性的话题。剑桥高阶〔woman〕He is writing a book on the representation of woman in medieval art.他正在写一本关于中世纪艺术如何表现女性的书。剑桥高阶〔work〕She's currently at work on a book about women in space.她目前正在写一本关于进入太空的女性的书。麦克米伦高阶A variety of reasons was given for the apparent glass ceiling women hit in many professions.对于许多行业中对女性的职位明显地存在无形的限制,有着各种各样的解释。剑桥国际During this period he acquired a reputation for being a womanizer.在这期间,他得了一个玩弄女性的名声。剑桥国际From the wounds of these women, we can extrapolate that they were killed by the same serial killer. 由这几位女性的死亡征状,我们可以推判是同一个凶手所为。译典通His book is yet another load of nonsense from someone with highly suspect ideas about women.他的书只不过是又一堆胡言乱语,他对女性的看法是极不可信的。剑桥国际Male power apparently increases with seniority, but women's decreases.随着资历的增加,男性的权力明显上升,可女性的却在下降。剑桥国际My grandfather was a dreadful philanderer, so he and Grandma had some amazing arguments.我祖父是个爱玩弄女性的恶棍,所以他和祖母有些惊人的争吵。剑桥国际Sewing is considered a female occupation. 缝纫被认为是女性的职业。译典通She has the figure of a mature woman. 她有成年女性的体型。译典通The increase in the number of women in Parliament, she hoped, would bring about the feminization of politics (=the greater involvement of women in politics).她希望议会中女性的增加能够使更多的女性介入政治。剑桥国际The novel focuses on a middle-aged housewife's attempts to punish her philandering husband.小说围绕一个中年妇女如何企图惩罚她爱玩弄女性的丈夫。剑桥国际Women were well/poorly represented at the conference (=there were many/few present).会议中代表女性的很多/少。剑桥国际




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