

单词 大调
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔A〕a symphony in A major 一首A大调交响曲英汉大词典〔a〕a symphony in A major 一首 A 大调交响曲文馨英汉〔full-dress〕a full-dress investigation of the scandal. 对丑闻的大调查美国传统〔key〕a sonata in the key of E flat major 一首降 E 大调奏鸣曲牛津高阶〔key〕an etude in the key of E. E大调练习曲美国传统〔key〕the key of G major G 大调的调子牛津搭配〔major〕a concerto in A major A 大调协奏曲剑桥高阶〔major〕a major chord 大调三和弦英汉大词典〔major〕a major scale 大调音阶韦氏高阶〔major〕a minor key and its relative major小调及其关系大调外研社新世纪〔major〕a symphony in D major D 大调交响乐朗文当代〔major〕the key of C major C大调剑桥高阶〔major〕the key of D major *D 大调牛津高阶〔major〕the scale of C major C 大调音阶英汉大词典〔mode〕major/minor mode 大调╱小调调式牛津高阶〔modulate〕to modulate from C major to A minor从C大调转入到A小调21世纪英汉〔reorganize〕a major reorganization of child care services 儿童看管服务的重大调整朗文当代〔restructure〕the major restructuring of our armed forces 我们武装力量的重大调整朗文当代〔scale〕the scale of C major *C 大调音阶牛津高阶〔scale〕the scale of C major C 大调音阶牛津搭配〔scale〕the scale of C major. C 大调音阶柯林斯高阶〔scale〕the scale of G major G大调音阶剑桥高阶〔scale〕the scale of G major G 大调音阶朗文当代〔shake-up〕a management shake- up 管理层的大调整韦氏高阶〔shake-up〕a management shake-up 管理层的大调整牛津高阶〔shake-up〕a radical shake-up of the secondary education system. 对中学教育体制的重大调整柯林斯高阶〔shake〕the government's plans to shake up the educational system 政府要对教育体系进行大调整的计划朗文当代〔strepitoso〕a strepitoso in C major 一支C大调吵闹乐曲英汉大词典〔turnover〕a large turnover of personnel 人员的大调整英汉大词典〔uturn〕a government U-turn over plans to cut social security payments 政府削减社会保障支出方案的重大调整牛津搭配〔violin〕the Brahms violin concerto in D勃拉姆斯D大调小提琴协奏曲外研社新世纪




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