

单词 告知
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔acknowledge〕acknowledge sb.'s letter 告知收到某人来信英汉大词典〔acknowledge〕to acknowledge a letter告知收到来信21世纪英汉〔advertise〕advertise sb. of one's intention to compromise (或 advertise sb. that one intends to compromise) 告知某人自己准备妥协英汉大词典〔advise〕the decision requiring police to advise suspects of their rights. 要求警方告知疑犯他们所享权利的决定柯林斯高阶〔apprise〕to be apprised of the death of an old friend被告知一位老朋友的死讯[亦作apprize]21世纪英汉〔brief〕be briefed about the secret cash payments 被告知支付现金秘密交易的情况英汉大词典〔coded〕a coded warning of a bomb at the airport 告知机场有炸弹的密码警报牛津高阶〔drink〕ads that tell people to drink responsibly 告知人们要理性饮酒的广告牛津搭配〔ignoble〕when she is mature enough to be told of her ignoble start to life在她足够成熟可被告知其低贱的出身时外研社新世纪〔impart〕to impart the bad news 告知坏消息剑桥高阶〔involve〕was told that the job would involve travel.See Synonyms at include 被告知那份工作将需要出差 参见 include美国传统〔notice〕give one's employer notice that one intends to leave 预先告知雇主打算辞职英汉大词典〔p's and q's〕was told to watch his p's and q's or he would be fired. 他被告知要注意自己的行为举止否则就会被解雇美国传统〔privacy〕be told in strict privacy 绝对秘密地被告知英汉大词典〔secret〕pass secrets to sb. 把内情告知某人英汉大词典〔solemnity〕he had undergone an emergency operation for a stomach condition which—the doctors solemnly assured him—was potentially fatal. 他接受了一次紧急手术,因为他的胃病非常严重,有可能致命——这是医生郑重告知他的。柯林斯高阶〔test〕a campaign advising women of the need for regular Pap / smear tests 告知妇女需要定期进行帕普涂片检查的活动牛津搭配〔uninformed〕uninformed voters; an uninformed decision. 没有情报根据的选举人;未被告知的决定美国传统




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