

单词 哈马
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Abaco and Cays〕An island group, the northernmost of the Bahamas, in the Atlantic Ocean east of southern Florida.阿巴科和塞斯群岛:巴哈马最北部的一个群岛,在南佛罗里达东部的大西洋上美国传统〔Andros〕The largest island of the Bahamas, in the western part of the archipelago.安德罗斯岛:巴哈马群岛最大的岛屿,位于群岛西部美国传统〔Bahamian〕Bahamian Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham.巴哈马总理休伯特·英格拉哈姆柯林斯高阶〔British West Indies〕The islands of the West Indies that were formerly under British control, including Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, and the Bahamas.英属西印度群岛:西印度群岛上原属英国管辖的群岛,包括牙买加、巴巴多斯、特立尼达、多巴哥以及巴哈马群岛美国传统〔Caicos Islands〕One of the island groups constituting the Turks and Caicos Islands in the Atlantic Ocean southeast of the Bahamas.凯科斯群岛:大西洋巴哈马东南部的岛屿群之一,构成了特克斯岛和凯斯岛美国传统〔EXTREME〕Yassin is the founder of the militant Islamic movement Hamas. 亚辛是伊斯兰激进运动组织哈马斯的创始人。朗文写作活用〔Grand Bahama〕An island of the Bahamas in the Atlantic Ocean east of West Palm Beach, Florida.大巴哈马岛:大西洋中巴哈马群岛的一个岛屿,位于美国佛罗里达州西棕榈滩以东美国传统〔Great Abaco〕The largest island of the Abaco and Cays group in the northern Bahamas.大阿尔巴科岛:巴哈马群岛北部阿尔巴科岛和凯斯群岛中的最大岛屿美国传统〔HAPPY〕The time we spent together in the Bahamas was pure joy. 我们在巴哈马共度的时光无比快乐。朗文写作活用〔MYSTERIOUS〕Ever since the start of the journey Ahamado had remained enigmatic, silent and unforthcoming. 自从踏上旅途以来,阿哈马多就一直是个谜一般的人物,他沉默寡言、守口如瓶。朗文写作活用〔New Providence〕An island of the Bahamas in the West Indies. Nassau is on the island, which is a popular tourist resort.新普罗维登斯:西印度群岛的巴哈马群岛的一个岛屿。拿骚位于此岛是颇受青睐的旅游点美国传统〔Susa〕A ruined city of southwest Iran south of Hamaden. It was the capital of the kingdom of Elam and a capital of the Persian Empire under Cyrus the Great.苏萨:伊朗西南一城市遗址,位于哈马丹南部,它是埃兰王国以及普鲁士大帝统治下的波斯帝国的首都美国传统〔THINK〕Have you ever thought about a cruise to the Bahamas? 你有没有想过乘船游览巴哈马群岛?朗文写作活用〔WIN〕The prize is a 3-week holiday in the Bahamas. 奖品是巴哈马三周游。朗文写作活用〔agree〕You look great, Brian. The Bahamas certainly agree with you.你看上去气色好极了,布赖恩。巴哈马显然很适合你。柯林斯高阶〔agree〕You look great, Brian. The Bahamas certainly agree with you.你看上去气色很好, 布赖恩。巴哈马群岛真是适合你。外研社新世纪〔becalm〕He was becalmed for eight days north of the Bahamas.他在巴哈马群岛北面因无风而下锚停泊了8天。英汉大词典〔bliss〕My idea of bliss is a month in the Bahamas.我理想中的极乐是在巴哈马群岛度假一个月。牛津高阶〔concession〕He suggested that Hamas might demand huge concessions from the Israelis before a ceasefire.他暗示说, 哈马斯在停火之前可能会要求以色列人作出巨大的让步。外研社新世纪〔cruise〕We spent two weeks cruising the Bahamas.我们花了两个星期乘船游览巴哈马群岛。牛津高阶〔disgustingly〕He looked disgustingly healthy when he got back from the Bahamas.他从巴哈马群岛回来时看上去健康得令人眼红。牛津高阶〔dream〕Their cruise in the Bahamas was a dream come true.他们梦想成真,去了巴哈马漫游。牛津搭配〔easy〕They both retired and went off to lead an easy life in the Bahamas.他们两个都退休了,一起到了巴哈马群岛过安逸生活去了。剑桥高阶〔harmattan〕A dry, dusty wind that blows along the northwest coast of Africa.燥风,哈马丹风:一种沿非洲大陆西北岸吹送的干燥多沙的风美国传统〔honeymoon〕They are honeymooning in the Bahamas.他们正在巴哈马群岛度蜜月。剑桥高阶〔jack〕I'd love to jack in my job and go and live in the Bahamas.我想辞掉工作,去巴哈马居住。朗文当代〔life〕They're living a life of luxury in the Bahamas.他们在巴哈马过着奢华的生活。牛津搭配〔live it up〕He's alive and well and living it up in the Bahamas.他活蹦乱跳的,正在巴哈马群岛吃喝玩乐呢。剑桥高阶〔overwinter〕We usually overwinter in the Bahamas.我们常在巴哈马过冬美国传统〔pick-me-up〕This is an ideal New Year pick-me-up — a five day holiday in the Bahamas.这是一服理想的新年强心剂——巴哈马5日游。柯林斯高阶〔pick-me-up〕This is an ideal New Year pick-me-up: a five-day holiday in the Bahamas.这是一服理想的新年兴奋剂:巴哈马五日游。外研社新世纪〔pound〕The hurricane pounded the Bahamas.飓风猛烈袭击了巴哈马。外研社新世纪〔rejuvenate〕She felt rejuvenated by her fortnight in the Bahamas.在巴哈马群岛度了两周假,她觉得自己变年轻了。剑桥高阶〔serious〕Be serious! How would we pay for a holiday in the Bahamas? 你开什么玩笑!我们哪里有钱去巴哈马度假?麦克米伦高阶〔stash〕He has money stashed away in the Bahamas.他把钱藏在巴哈马。朗文当代〔surprise〕Imagine our surprise when they sold their house and moved to the Bahamas.他们卖掉了房子移居巴哈马群岛,你可想而知我们有多惊讶。韦氏高阶〔surprise〕They surprised everyone by moving to the Bahamas.他们移居巴哈马群岛,让所有人都感到惊讶。韦氏高阶〔thence〕Their travels took them to the Bahamas, thence south to Venezuela.他们旅行到了巴哈马群岛,从那里辗转南行,去了委内瑞拉。韦氏高阶〔trail〕The three men went to the Bahamas, on the trail of a sunken 17th-century galleon full of treasure.这3个人去了巴哈马,为的是寻找一艘满载金银财宝的17世纪西班牙沉船。剑桥高阶He's alive and well and living it up in the Bahamas.他非常活跃,在巴哈马群岛玩得很开兴。剑桥国际She felt rejuvenated by her fortnight in the Bahamas.在巴哈马呆了两周后她觉得充满活力。剑桥国际Tantalized by the prospect of two weeks in the Bahamas, she bought ten lottery tickets.她受去巴哈马群岛度假两周的诱惑,买了十张彩票。剑桥国际The three men went to the Bahamas, on the trail of (= searching for) a sunken 17th-century galleon full of treasure.这三个人到巴哈马去,寻找一艘装满了财宝的沉没了的17世纪西班牙大帆船。剑桥国际They are honeymooning in the Bahamas.他们正在巴哈马度蜜月。剑桥国际They both retired and went off to lead an easy life in the Bahamas.他们双双退休,去巴哈马群岛过着平静的生活。剑桥国际




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