

单词 喷射
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FIRE〕She frantically sprayed the flames with a fire extinguisher. 她慌乱地用灭火器往火焰上面喷射。朗文写作活用〔HOT〕Boiling-hot steam shoots out from underground. 滚烫的蒸汽从地底下喷射而出。朗文写作活用〔Mace〕He was maced in the face.他的脸上遭到了梅斯毒气的喷射。英汉大词典〔airway〕Giant jets have increasingly dominated the world's airways.大型喷射机已日益支配了世界的各航线。文馨英汉〔arc-jet engine〕A rocket engine that operates by heating the propellant gas with an electric arc.电弧喷射发动机:火箭引擎,通过用电弧加热推动气体而运行美国传统〔ash〕Geology Pulverized particulate matter ejected by volcanic eruption.【地质学】 火山灰:火山爆发喷射出来的粉末状颗粒物质美国传统〔belch out〕Vast quantities of smoke belched out from the volcano.这座火山喷射出滚滚浓烟。外研社新世纪〔belch〕To eject violently.猛烈喷射美国传统〔bite〕The fuel-injection system gives extra bite to the 24-valve engine.燃油喷射系统给24气门发动机增添了额外的动力。麦克米伦高阶〔blasting〕Blasting cold air over it makes the water evaporate.向它喷射冷空气可以使水蒸发。柯林斯高阶〔blast〕Police blasted the demonstrators with water cannons.警察用高压水炮喷射示威者。牛津高阶〔blast〕Toxic chemicals might be blasted into the atmosphere.有毒化学品可能被喷射进大气层中。外研社新世纪〔bomb〕A portable, manually operated container that ejects a spray, foam, or gas under pressure.气溶胶弹式容器:在压力作用下喷射气雾、泡沫或气体的可移动的手工操作的容器美国传统〔burnout〕The termination of rocket or jet-engine operation because of fuel exhaustion or shutoff.停烧:火箭或喷射发动机因燃料耗尽或切断而停止工作美国传统〔daylight〕It scared the living daylights out of me when the flames shot out.火焰向外喷射的时候吓得我魂飞魄散。朗文当代〔ejector〕A device using a jet of water, air, or steam to withdraw a fluid or gas from a space.喷射器:利用水、空气或蒸汽的喷射流的装置,用于将液体或气体从一个空间排挤出去美国传统〔equipment〕The marines took with them full combat equipment, including tanks, artillery, jeeps, and flamethrowers.海军陆战队带着全副战斗装备,包括坦克、大炮、吉普车和火焰喷射器。英汉大词典〔eruct〕To belch.打嗝,喷射美国传统〔fang〕Any of the hollow or grooved teeth of a venomous snake with which it injects its poison.蛇的毒牙:毒蛇的中空或带钩的且常伸出喷射毒液的牙美国传统〔fire extinguisher〕A portable apparatus containing chemicals that can be discharged in a jet to extinguish a small fire.灭火器:一种装有化学药品的手提器械,经喷射口发出后可用来扑灭小型火灾美国传统〔flamethrower〕A weapon that projects ignited incendiary fuel, such as napalm, in a steady stream.喷火器:一种以固定流状形式喷射燃料(如凝固汽油)的武器美国传统〔fly〕It's not easy to fly a jumbo jet.要驾驶巨无霸喷射客机并不容易。文馨英汉〔fountain〕The amplifier exploded in a fountain of sparks.放大器爆炸,喷射出火星。牛津高阶〔fountain〕The volcano spewed a fountain of molten rock 650 feet in the air.这座火山喷射出的岩浆高达650英尺。柯林斯高阶〔freak〕For the real speed freak, there is a fuel-injection version of the car.对于那些玩命追求极速的车迷来说,现有一种燃油喷射的车型。牛津搭配〔geyser〕The kettle geysered all over the stove.喷射 水壶喷出的水洒满了炉子。21世纪英汉〔glitter〕His dark eyes glittered with anger behind his glasses.他那双黑眼睛透过镜片喷射出怒火。剑桥高阶〔hot-tempered〕He is so hot-tempered and excitable, like a bottle of soda water exploding.他是如此暴躁并且易激动, 就像一瓶突然喷射的苏打水。外研社新世纪〔injection molding〕A manufacturing process for forming objects, as of plastic or metal, by heating the molding material to a fluid state and injecting it into a mold.射出成型:形成物体的制造过程,例如制造塑料或是金属,将铸造原料加热至液体状再将它喷射注入铸模中美国传统〔jet engine〕An engine that develops thrust by ejecting a jet, especially a jet of gaseous combustion products.喷气式发动机:一种用喷射流体来产生推进力的发动机,尤其指燃烧气体的喷气式发动机美国传统〔jet〕A jet-propelled vehicle, especially a jet-propelled aircraft.喷射器:喷气式机动装置,尤指喷气式飞机美国传统〔jet〕He constantly jets around the world.他经常搭喷射机到世界各地。文馨英汉〔jet〕She soaped herself beneath the refreshing jets of water.她在舒服的喷射水流下面擦肥皂。朗文当代〔jet〕The firefighters are jetting streams of water at the burning house.消防队员正向燃烧的房屋喷射水注灭火。21世纪英汉〔jet〕The geyser jets a tower of water into the air.那口间歇泉向空中喷射出一道水柱。韦氏高阶〔jet〕The telescope has photographed jets of gas shooting out from the distant star.望远镜已经拍下了那颗遥远星球喷射出气流的影像。韦氏高阶〔jet〕Water jetted from the hose.水从软管里喷射出来。外研社新世纪〔loose〕All the machine guns cut loose with their bullets.所有的机枪都猛烈地喷射出子弹。英汉大词典〔mist〕A mist of perfume issued from the sprayer.一阵香水的轻雾从喷雾器中喷射出来。英汉大词典〔nozzle〕If he put his finger over the nozzle he could produce a forceful spray.如果他把手指按在喷嘴上,就可以产生强力的喷射。柯林斯高阶〔nozzle〕If he put his finger over the nozzle, he could produce a forceful spray.如果他用手指头按住喷嘴, 就可以造成强力喷射。外研社新世纪〔overrun〕The new jet overran the runway.那架新的喷射机滑出了跑道。文馨英汉〔pendulum〕The spaceship's jets were fired periodically to dampen a side-to-side pendulum motion that had developed.宇宙飞船的喷射装置周期性地喷射,以减缓飞船出现的左右摇摆现象。剑桥高阶〔play〕The firemen played their hoses on the burning building at the street corner.消防队员将水龙带对着街角燃烧的大楼喷射。21世纪英汉〔propulsion〕Interest in jet propulsion was now growing at the Air Ministry.航空部对喷射推进的兴趣渐浓。外研社新世纪〔pull〕He was pulled round to face a pair of glaring eyes.他被拉转身去面对着一双喷射怒火的眼睛。英汉大词典〔respond〕The army responded with gunfire and tear gas.部队开火并喷射催泪瓦斯予以回击。外研社新世纪〔retract〕As it takes to water the wheels retract and a jet unit propels the machine.入水时, 轮子收起, 喷射装置推动机器前进。外研社新世纪〔shoot〕The fountain shoots water 20 feet into the air.喷泉把水喷射到 20 英尺高的空中。朗文当代〔shoot〕The snake shot venom into his eyes.蛇将毒液喷射进他的眼睛。韦氏高阶〔solar wind〕A stream of ionized particles ejected at high speeds from the surface of the sun.太阳风:从太阳表面高速喷射出来的离子粒子流美国传统〔sparge〕A sprinkle.喷射美国传统〔sparge〕To spray or sprinkle.喷射或喷洒美国传统〔spit〕He felt as if a serpent had spat venom into his eyes.他感觉就像有一条蛇朝自己的双眼里喷射了毒液。柯林斯高阶〔spit〕To express contempt or animosity by or as if by ejecting matter from the mouth.口出恶语:通过或好象从嘴里喷射出物体以表示轻蔑或愤恨美国传统〔spout〕Clear water spouted from the fountains.清澈的水从喷泉中喷射出来。牛津高阶〔spout〕In a storm, water spouts out of the blowhole just like a whale.在暴风雨中,水从出气孔中喷射出来,就像鲸鱼喷水一样。柯林斯高阶〔spout〕The machinegun spouted angry bullets.机枪喷射出了愤怒的子弹。21世纪英汉〔spout〕The main square has a fountain that spouts water 40 feet into the air.主广场有个喷泉, 能将水喷射至40 英尺高的空中。外研社新世纪〔spout〕The main square has a fountain that spouts water 40 feet into the air.主广场有个喷泉,能将水喷射至 40 英尺高的空中。柯林斯高阶〔spout〕To cause to flow or spurt out.使流出或喷射出美国传统〔spray〕A fine jet of liquid discharged from a pressurized container.喷雾:从一个加有压力的容器中向外喷射的细雾美国传统〔spray〕The fountain's cool water sprayed upwards with a pleasant hiss.喷泉清凉的水带着轻快的嘶嘶声向上喷射着。麦克米伦高阶〔sprinkler〕A device with perforations through which water issues from a hose to sprinkle a lawn.喷射装置:一种有孔装置,通过它可以从管道中喷射出水来浇灌草地美国传统〔sprinkler〕An outlet on a sprinkler system.喷洒头:喷射装置上的喷洒头美国传统〔sprinkler〕To equip with a sprinkler system.装喷射系统美国传统〔spritz〕To squirt or spray (something) quickly.喷:很快地喷或喷射(某物)美国传统〔spurt〕A spurt of diesel came from one valve and none from the other.一股柴油从一个阀门中喷射出来,另一个阀门中则没有喷出任何东西。柯林斯高阶〔spurt〕A sudden forcible gush or jet.喷射:突然而有力量的喷出或射出美国传统〔spurt〕To force out in a sudden jet.喷射器突然地喷出美国传统〔spurt〕To gush forth suddenly in a jet.喷射器突然地喷射美国传统〔spurt〕Water spurted from the hole.水从洞里喷射出来。牛津同义词〔sputter〕To eject in short bursts with spitting or popping sounds.喷射:突然迸发地射出,喷射声美国传统〔sputter〕To spit out or spray particles of saliva or food from the mouth in noisy bursts.喷溅唾沫或食物:迸发地从嘴中喷射出唾沫或食物美国传统〔squirt〕An instrument, such as a syringe, used for squirting.喷射器:用于喷射液体的喷射器美国传统〔squirt〕The act of squirting.喷:喷射的行为美国传统〔squirt〕The liquid is squirted out in powerful jets.液体一股股猛地喷射出来。柯林斯高阶〔squirt〕The snake can squirt poison from a distance of a metre.这种蛇能把毒液喷射到一米处远。牛津高阶〔squirt〕They squirted water at us.他们用水喷射我们。牛津同义词〔squirt〕To eject (liquid) forcibly in a thin stream from a narrow opening.喷射, 注射:从一个窄口使以一道强有力的细细的(流体)形式射出美国传统〔squirt〕To eject liquid in a jet.喷射液体美国传统〔squirt〕To issue forth in a thin forceful stream or jet; spurt.喷,射:以一道细而有力的流体或喷射物的形态射出来;喷出来美国传统〔squirt〕Water suddenly squirted out from a hole in the pipe.突然有水从管子上的一个洞里喷射出来。朗文当代〔steam〕The steam from the volcano rose 3,000 metres into the air.火山冒出的蒸汽喷射到3,000米的高空。麦克米伦高阶〔tail〕The animal sprays liquid from a gland under its tail.该动物从尾巴下面的腺体里喷射出液体。麦克米伦高阶〔utter〕The fountains uttered glittering streams of water.喷泉喷射出一股股晶莹的水流。英汉大词典〔whoosh〕A swift movement or flow; a rush or spurt.冲出,喷射:飞快的移动或流动;冲出或喷射美国传统〔wide-body〕A jet aircraft having a wide fuselage with passenger seats divided by two lengthwise aisles.广体客机:机身宽大的喷射飞机,其乘客座位间有两条纵长走道隔开美国传统A mist of perfume issued from the atomizer. 一阵香水的轻雾从雾化器中喷射出来。译典通Both fighters went into the ring with deep loathing in their eyes.两名拳击手走进拳击场,眼中喷射出憎恶的怒火。剑桥国际Hundreds of wild animals had been poisoned by the insecticide sprays.数百只野生动物由于喷射杀虫剂而被毒死。剑桥国际Jet travel is now a commonplace. 乘喷射机旅行现在是寻常的事。译典通She shook the bottle violently and showered us with champagne.她用力摇着瓶子,向我们喷射香槟。剑桥国际The paint comes out of the can in a fine spray.颜料从罐子里呈细雾状喷射出来。剑桥国际The police sprayed CS gas at the crowd to try and control them.警察向人群喷射催泪性毒气以制服他们。剑桥国际The spaceship's jets were fired periodically to dampen a side-to-side pendulum motion that had developed.宇宙飞船的喷气发动机定期喷射以减小飞船产生的左右摇摆。剑桥国际Volcanoes discharge massive quantities of dust into the stratosphere.火山喷射出大量的灰尘进入大气平流层。剑桥国际Water squirted out of a hole in the pipe. 水从水管的一个洞里喷射出来。译典通We are going to travel by jet. 我们打算乘喷射机旅行。译典通We watched the jet plane taxiing down the runway. 我们看著喷射机沿跑道滑行。译典通




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