

单词 喝醉
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔APPROVE〕I'm all for people going out and enjoying themselves, as long as they don't drive when they're drunk. 我完全赞成人们出去玩玩,只要他们喝醉酒以后不要开车就行。!朗文写作活用〔DRUNK〕Many of their beer parties ended in a drunken brawl. 他们很多次的喝啤酒聚会都以喝醉了打架结束。朗文写作活用〔DRUNK〕Our policy is not to serve alcohol to anyone who is already intoxicated. 我们的政策是不卖酒给已经喝醉的人。朗文写作活用〔DRUNK〕She hated Morel because of his constant drunkenness and his violent temper. 她恨莫雷尔,因为他经常喝醉酒,脾气火爆。朗文写作活用〔DRUNK〕She wasn't drunk yet, but she was feeling nice and mellow and happy. 她还没完全喝醉,只是感觉很舒服,心情轻松愉快。朗文写作活用〔DWI〕Driving while intoxicated.酒后驾驶:在喝醉酒的状态下驾驶车辆美国传统〔FIGHT〕His jaw was broken while he tried to wrestle with a drunken bus driver. 他和一个喝醉酒的公共汽车司机扭打纠缠时,下巴骨被打碎了。朗文写作活用〔HIT〕My father used to knock my mother about when he was drunk. 过去,我父亲喝醉时常常殴打我的母亲。朗文写作活用〔KILL〕My sixteen-year-old son Louis was killed by a drunk driver two years ago. 我那16岁的儿子路易斯两年前被一个喝醉酒的司机撞死了。朗文写作活用〔LIE〕Kerry came into the room, obviously drunk, and sprawled on the bed. 克里走进房间,显然是喝醉了,然后摊着手脚躺倒在床上。朗文写作活用〔NEWS〕He was reliably reported to be drunk at the White House reception. 他在白宫招待会上喝醉了,媒体作了如实的报道。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕She tried to ignore his coarse jokes and crude innuendoes -- he was obviously drunk. 她尽量不去理会他那些粗俗的笑话和挑逗的话语,他显然是喝醉了。朗文写作活用〔UPSET〕Don't take anything he said to heart - he was drunk. 他的话你别放在心上—他喝醉了。朗文写作活用〔allegedly〕He was drunk at work. Allegedly.他上班时喝醉了。据说如此。外研社新世纪〔amethyst〕Amethyst was believed by the Greeks to protect a person from drunkenness.希腊人认为紫水晶可以防止人喝醉。柯林斯高阶〔ass〕He'll get drunk, pick a fight and make an ass of himself.他会喝醉, 然后挑事, 当众出丑。外研社新世纪〔be off your head〕Hannah was off her head as usual.汉娜又喝醉了。剑桥高阶〔business〕He was drunk and had no business driving.他喝醉了就不应该开车。朗文当代〔capable〕When she's drunk she's capable of saying (= likely to say) awful, rude things.她喝醉后会说些难听粗鲁的话。剑桥高阶〔choke off〕His father choked him off for being drunk.他由于喝醉了酒而受到父亲的严厉申斥。21世纪英汉〔come across〕When sober he can come across as an extremely pleasant and charming young man.没喝醉的时候,他看上去似乎是个极为彬彬有礼、讨人喜欢的小伙子。柯林斯高阶〔cup〕He talked too freely when, as was too often the case, he was in his cups.他经常喝醉, 而且一喝醉就口无遮拦。外研社新世纪〔cup〕He talked too freely when, as was too often the case, he was in his cups.他经常喝醉,而且一喝醉就口无遮拦。柯林斯高阶〔cup〕Intoxicated; drunk.醉酒的;喝醉的美国传统〔discombobulate〕He was discombobulated.他喝醉了。21世纪英汉〔dismay〕The boy was dismayed to see his idol drunk and in disarray.这男孩看到他崇拜的偶像喝醉了酒,衣冠不整,感到很失望。英汉大词典〔drunken〕Habitually drunk.酗酒的:习惯性喝醉的美国传统〔drunken〕The streets were filled with drunken revelers on New Year's Eve.除夕夜,大街上到处都是喝醉酒的狂欢者。韦氏高阶〔drunk〕He was drunk on beer and whisky.他喝啤酒和威士忌喝醉了。朗文当代〔drunk〕I got drunk and had to be carried home.我喝醉了,只好让人把我送回家。柯林斯高阶〔drunk〕I was drunk and couldn't think straight.我喝醉了,不能正确思考了。韦氏高阶〔drunk〕The revellers got drunk.那些狂欢的人喝醉了。牛津同义词〔drunk〕You're drunk.你喝醉了。朗文当代〔eject〕Several drunks had to be physically ejected from the bar.几个喝醉的人不得不被从酒吧赶出去。韦氏高阶〔entrance〕She was denied entrance to the club because she was drunk.她喝醉了, 因此被拒于这家俱乐部门外。外研社新世纪〔faculty〕He was drunk and not in control of his faculties.他喝醉了,浑身都不听使唤了。柯林斯高阶〔fire〕The airline fired him for being drunk.航空公司因为他喝醉酒把他开除了。朗文当代〔fool〕He made a fool of himself by turning up drunk to a TV chat show.他因喝醉酒后参加电视谈话节目而出尽洋相。麦克米伦高阶〔hold〕He holds his liquor badly.他不会喝酒。(或:他容易喝醉。)英汉大词典〔idiot〕He was giggling like a drunken idiot.他咯咯发笑,像个喝醉酒的白痴。牛津搭配〔inebriate〕An intoxicated person.酒鬼:喝醉了酒的人美国传统〔inebriate〕To exhilarate or stupefy as if with alcohol.使陶醉:使人兴奋或木然,就象喝醉了酒似的美国传统〔intoxicated〕He appeared intoxicated, police said.他看上去喝醉了,警察说。柯林斯高阶〔intoxicated〕He appeared intoxicated, police said.警方说他看起来喝醉了。外研社新世纪〔intoxicated〕He was intoxicated and couldn't walk steadily.他喝醉了,走路摇摇晃晃。英汉大词典〔intoxicate〕She drank to the point of intoxication.她喝醉了。韦氏高阶〔juiced〕Intoxicated; drunk.极其兴奋的;喝醉的美国传统〔liable〕The drunken driver was held to be liable for the accident.喝醉酒开车的人对这次意外应该负上法律责任。牛津同义词〔looped〕I took one look at her and knew she was looped.我看了她一眼,知道她喝醉了。韦氏高阶〔loosen〕When he was drunk, his tongue was loosened.他一喝醉话就多了。英汉大词典〔mess〕He was so drunk that he messed the bed.他喝醉了,在床上便溺。朗文当代〔paw〕She claims that her boss got drunk and tried to paw her at the company Christmas party.她声称她的上司在公司圣诞晚会上喝醉后企图对她动手动脚。韦氏高阶〔pickled〕Slang Intoxicated; drunk.【俚语】 陶醉的,喝醉的美国传统〔pie-eyed〕Intoxicated; drunk.陶醉的,喝醉的美国传统〔pot〕In his pots he will promise anything.他喝醉酒的时候,什么事都会答允。英汉大词典〔proceed〕He asked for a large whisky and proceeded to get drunk.他要了一大杯威士忌, 接着就喝醉了。外研社新世纪〔promise〕It wasn't the first time he'd broken a promise not to get drunk.这不是他第一次违背不喝醉酒的诺言了。外研社新世纪〔quite〕He was quite drunk.他确实喝醉了。英汉大词典〔refute〕The police said he was drunk, a claim refuted by his attorney.警察说他喝醉了,但他的律师对此进行了反驳。麦克米伦高阶〔regular〕Her husband got drunk regular.她的丈夫经常喝醉酒。英汉大词典〔remember〕No one got drunk as far as I can remember .我记得当时没有人喝醉酒。朗文当代〔ripped〕Intoxicated by alcohol or a drug.喝醉的,受毒品麻醉的美国传统〔rolf〕Last night I got drunk and rolfed my dinner.昨天晚上我喝醉了,把晚饭全吐出来了。21世纪英汉〔run to〕If you were at a party and somebody was getting high, you didn't go running to a cop.如果参加聚会的时候有人喝醉了,可别向警察求助。柯林斯高阶〔sack〕He was sacked for being drunk.他因为喝醉酒遭到解雇。朗文当代〔sass〕He got drunk and sassed a cop.他喝醉了,对警察出言不逊。韦氏高阶〔sloshed〕He always gets sloshed at the annual office party.每年的办公室聚会上他都会喝醉。剑桥高阶〔soak〕To make (a person) drunk.使(某人)喝醉美国传统〔spectacle〕A quarrel between drunken women is an unpleasant spectacle.喝醉酒的女人吵架是个丑恶的场面。英汉大词典〔speech〕Bob's speech was slurred, and he sounded drunk.鲍勃说话含糊不清,听起来像是喝醉了酒。朗文当代〔speech〕His speech was slurred and I thought he was drunk.他说话含混不清,我想他是喝醉了。剑桥高阶〔stagger〕He staggered home, drunk.他喝醉酒,踉跄着回了家。牛津高阶〔stoned〕Intoxicated; drunk.喝醉的,醉酒的美国传统〔stretch〕To say he is ill is stretching the truth—he was merely drunk.说他病了是言过其实,其实他只不过是喝醉了。英汉大词典〔tank〕Slang To drink to the point of intoxication.【俚语】 喝醉:饮酒至醉倒的程度美国传统〔tie one on〕He really tied one on last night.他昨晚真的喝醉了。韦氏高阶〔whacked〕Drunk or intoxicated.喝醉的,酒醉的美国传统〔what〕What's up with David? Is he drunk or something? 戴维怎么啦?喝醉了还是怎么的?麦克米伦高阶〔which〕Idon't know which is worse – spending Christmas alone or watching my friends get drunk.我不知道哪一个更糟,独自过圣诞节还是看着朋友们喝醉。麦克米伦高阶〔whoop it up〕The mobs of drunken men are whooping it up upstairs.一群喝醉酒的人在楼上欢闹。21世纪英汉〔wipe ... out〕He was wiped out yesterday and doesn't wake up till now.他昨晚喝醉了,直到现在还没醒。21世纪英汉After the party they were totally inebriated.宴会后他们完全喝醉了。剑桥国际By ten o'clock he'd had a skinful. 10 点钟时,他已经喝醉了。剑桥国际He always becomes abusive to everyone when he's drunk.他喝醉时常常会辱骂别人。剑桥国际He came home drunk and vomited all over the kitchen floor.他喝醉酒回到家里,在厨房的地板上吐了一地。剑桥国际He got drunk and began to smash things. 他喝醉了并开始砸东西。译典通He looks sloshed to me .在我看来他喝醉了。剑桥国际He was evicted from the pub for drunken and violent behaviour.他因喝醉了酒行为粗暴而被逐出酒吧。剑桥国际Her speech was slurred but she still denied she was drunk.她讲不清楚话,但她仍否认喝醉了。剑桥国际I got very drunk on rum when I was 16, and now the mere smell of it makes me feel nauseous.在16岁时,我曾因喝朗姆酒而喝醉,现在,一丝朗姆酒气味就会使我感到恶心。剑桥国际I was so drunk that I fell over as I was getting on my bike.我喝醉了,所以我骑上自行车的时候摔了下来。剑桥国际In her inebriated state she was ready to agree to anything.她喝醉时会同意做任何事情。剑桥国际On one occasion, he climbed drunkenly into a bus and woke up, with a shock, twenty miles from home.有一次,他喝醉了酒爬上一辆公共汽车,醒来的时候却惊奇地发现离家已有20英里。剑桥国际Patrick got blasted again last night.帕特里克昨晚又喝醉了。剑桥国际The boys spiked the drinks, so everyone at the party got drunk. 男孩们把烈酒搀入饮料,所以宴会中的每个人都喝醉了。译典通The party was going along (=developing) successfully until Brian turned up with his drunken friends.在布赖恩与他喝醉了的朋友出现之前,聚会进展得很顺利。剑桥国际The waiter threatened to chuck us out of the restaurant if we got drunk. 侍者警告说如果我们喝醉酒,就把我们撵出饭店。译典通Their father was a fiend, violent when he was drunk.他们的父亲是个恶魔,喝醉时十分凶暴。剑桥国际We found her lying on the floor, drunk and insensible.我们发现她喝醉了酒,毫无知觉地躺在地板上。剑桥国际When she's drunk she's capable of saying (=able and likely to say) awful, rude things.她喝醉后会说些可怕而粗鲁的话。剑桥国际




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