单词 | 圣经中 |
释义 | DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Absalom〕In the Bible, a son of David who staged a revolt against his father's kingship and was defeated and killed in the ensuing battle.押沙龙:圣经中大卫的儿子,他策划了一起谋夺父皇王权的叛乱,在随后的搏斗中被击败并杀死美国传统〔Ammonite〕A member of an ancient Semitic people living east of the Jordan River, mentioned frequently in the Old Testament.亚扪人:住在约旦河以东的古闪米特族成员,在《旧约》圣经中多次被提到美国传统〔Esther〕In the Old Testament, the Jewish queen of Persia who saved her people from massacre.以斯帖:在旧约圣经中波斯犹太人的皇后,曾经将人民从大屠杀中拯救出来美国传统〔Gad〕In the Old Testament, a son of Jacob and the forebear of one of the tribes of Israel.迦得:旧约圣经中雅各的儿子,他是以色列族一个部落的祖先美国传统〔Hagar〕In the Old Testament, the Egyptian servant of Abraham's wife, Sarah. With Abraham she had a son, Ishmael.夏甲:旧约圣经中亚伯拉罕之妻撒拉的婢女,她与亚伯拉罕生有一子,名为以赛玛利美国传统〔Halakah〕The legal part of Talmudic literature, an interpretation of the laws of the Scriptures.哈拉卡:塔木德经中的法律条文,对犹太圣经中的律法的解释美国传统〔Haman〕In the Old Testament, a Persian minister who was hanged for plotting the destruction of the Jews.哈曼:旧约圣经中所记载的一位波斯宰相,因为施阴谋欲杀尽犹太人而被吊死美国传统〔Ham〕In the Old Testament, a son of Noah and the brother of Japheth and Shem.含:旧约圣经中,诺亚的儿子、雅弗和闪的兄弟美国传统〔Holy Land〕The biblical region of Palestine.圣地:圣经中的巴勒斯坦地区美国传统〔Lazarus〕In the New Testament, the brother of Mary and Martha.拉撒路:在新约圣经中,是马利亚和马大的兄弟美国传统〔Mammon〕Bible Riches, avarice, and worldly gain personified as a false god in the New Testament.【圣经】 贪欲之神:新约圣经中将财富、贪欲和世俗追求人格化的一个凶神美国传统〔Mark〕Author of the second Gospel in the New Testament and disciple of Saint Peter.马可:新约圣经中第二福音书的作者,圣彼得的使徒美国传统〔Martha〕In the New Testament, the sister of Lazarus and Mary and a friend of Jesus.马大:新约圣经中,拉撒路和玛丽之姊,耶稣之友美国传统〔Noah〕In the Old Testament, the patriarch who was chosen by God to build an ark, in which he, his family, and a pair of every animal were saved from the Flood.诺亚:在旧约圣经中,被上帝选去建造方舟的大主教,藉此方舟,诺亚、其家人以及每种动物各一对,在大洪水中保全了性命美国传统〔Potiphar〕In the Bible, an officer of the Pharaoh who bought Joseph as a slave and later imprisoned him when Potiphar's wife falsely accused Joseph of rape.波提乏:圣经中埃及法老的护卫长,把约瑟买来当奴隶,随后其妻诬告约瑟强暴时波提乏把约瑟关进监狱美国传统〔Rebecca〕In the Old Testament, the wife of Isaac and the mother of Jacob and Esau.利百加:旧约圣经中的人物,是以撒的妻子,雅各和以扫的母亲美国传统〔Tetragrammaton〕The four Hebrew letters usually transliterated as YHWH or JHVH (Yahweh or Jehovah), used as a biblical proper name for God.表示上帝的四字母词:用于圣经中由四个字母组成的表示神的正式名称的希伯来词,通常为YHWH或JHVH(Yahweh或Jehaah)美国传统〔Zacharias〕In the New Testament, the husband of Elizabeth and the father of John the Baptist.撒迦利亚:新约圣经中以利沙伯的丈夫及施洗约翰的父亲美国传统〔anthem〕A sacred composition set to words from the Bible.赞美诗,圣歌:从圣经中取词而谱的圣歌美国传统〔biblical〕Suggestive of the personages or times depicted in the Bible.《圣经》时代的:与圣经中描写的人或时代有关的美国传统〔bibliomancy〕Divination by interpretation of a passage chosen at random from a book, especially the Bible.圣经占卜:从一本书中随意选取的一段预言性释义,尤指从圣经中美国传统〔evangelical〕Of, relating to, or in accordance with the Christian gospel, especially one of the four gospel books of the New Testament.福音的:福音的,合乎福音的,尤指新约圣经中的四福音书之一美国传统〔law〕The first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures.希伯来圣经中的最初五卷美国传统〔pericope〕An extract or selection from a book, especially a reading from a Scripture that forms part of a church service.摘录:书中的摘取或选录,尤指教会礼拜时从圣经中摘录圣句美国传统〔scriptural〕Often Scriptural Abbr. Script.Of, relating to, based on, or contained in the Scriptures. 常作 Scriptural 缩写 Script.圣经的:圣经的,与圣经有关的,源于圣经的,包含在圣经中的美国传统〔shittah〕A tree, probably a species of acacia, that was a source of a wood mentioned frequently in the Bible.塞伊耳相思树:一种圣经中作为一种木材来源而经常提到的树,可能是金合欢树的一个品种美国传统〔tract〕The verses from Scripture sung during Lent or on Ember days after the gradual in the Roman Catholic Mass.咏唱:在大斋节和四季斋期间,罗马天主教弥撒升阶圣歌后咏唱的引自圣经中的诗节美国传统〔tropology〕A mode of biblical interpretation insisting on the morally edifying sense of tropes in the Scriptures.据引串文解释:强调圣经中比喻的道德教化意义的阐释模式美国传统〔verse〕One of the numbered subdivisions of a chapter in the Bible.圣经中的节:圣经章节中多个小节之一美国传统 |
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