

单词 圣歌
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕The congregation seemed to know all the hymns by heart. 会众似乎对每一首圣歌都很熟悉。朗文写作活用〔Lassus〕Flemish composer. His works include masses, motets, and madrigals.拉瑟斯,罗兰德:法兰德斯作曲家。他的作品包括了弥撒曲、圣歌及情歌美国传统〔Polyhymnia〕The Muse of sacred song and oratory.波吕许漠尼亚:主管圣歌和雄辩的缪斯女神美国传统〔Taverner〕British composer and organist best known for his Masses and motets.塔佛纳,约翰:英国作曲家和风琴演奏家,以弥撒曲和圣歌闻名美国传统〔Te Deum〕A hymn of praise to God sung as part of a liturgy.感恩赞:作为礼拜仪式的一部分而唱的赞美上帝的圣歌美国传统〔anthem〕A sacred composition set to words from the Bible.赞美诗,圣歌:从圣经中取词而谱的圣歌美国传统〔antiphonal〕An antiphonary.唱和诗歌的圣歌诗集,唱和祈祷书美国传统〔antiphonary〕A bound collection of antiphons, especially of the responsive choral parts of the Divine Office.唱和圣歌诗集:圣歌诗集,尤指宗教神职中作为应答的合唱部分美国传统〔antiphon〕A short liturgical text chanted or sung responsively preceding or following a psalm, psalm verse, or canticle.短诗,歌曲:在颂歌、赞美诗或圣歌前后轮流吟诵或吟唱的礼拜仪式短诗或歌曲美国传统〔canticle〕Music A song or chant, especially a nonmetrical hymn with words taken from a biblical text.【音乐】 圣歌,赞美诗:一首歌或吟颂,尤指一段带有取自圣经的文字的赞美诗美国传统〔chant〕Chant is often used as a form of meditation and prayer.圣歌常用作宗教默念和祈祷的一种形式。韦氏高阶〔chant〕The chanting rose in volume.圣歌的声音渐渐响亮起来。牛津高阶〔cist〕A wicker receptacle used in ancient Rome for carrying sacred utensils in procession.圣器箱:古罗马作行列圣歌时用以携带圣器的柳条容器美国传统〔congregation〕The congregation stood to sing the hymn.会众站起来唱圣歌。牛津高阶〔congregation〕The minister led the congregation in a hymn.牧师带领会众唱圣歌。牛津搭配〔god〕Almighty God/God Almighty (=used in prayers and HYMNS) 全能的上帝〔用于祷词和圣歌中〕朗文当代〔gradual〕A book containing the choral portions of the Mass.弥撒升阶圣歌集:包括弥撒音乐部分的祈书美国传统〔hymn〕I like singing hymns.我喜欢唱圣歌。柯林斯高阶〔introit〕A hymn or psalm sung when the ministers enter at the opening of a service, especially in the Anglican Church.圣餐礼开始时唱的赞美诗:牧师开始宗教仪式时,特别是在英国圣公会教堂中唱的圣歌或赞美诗美国传统〔melisma〕A decorative passage of several notes sung to one syllable of text, as in Gregorian chant.花唱:经文中在一个音节上唱的一组修饰性音符,如格利高里圣歌中所唱者美国传统〔metre〕Many hymns have a firm, regular metre.许多教堂圣歌有严格而规则的韵律。剑桥高阶〔plainsong〕A Gregorian chant.格列高利圣歌美国传统〔plainsong〕A melody to which contrapuntal voices are added in Gregorian chant.素歌:加入对位音调的格列高利圣歌的曲子美国传统〔praise〕Hindus were singing hymns in praise of the god Rama.印度教教徒在唱圣歌赞美罗摩神。外研社新世纪〔praise〕Hindus were singing hymns in praise of the god Rama.印度教教徒在唱圣歌赞美罗摩神。柯林斯高阶〔prayer〕Not all Psalms are hymns or prayers.圣歌并不都是赞美诗和祈祷文。外研社新世纪〔processional〕A book containing the rituals observed during a religious procession.游行圣歌,列队行进礼仪书:记载教徒列队行进中各种仪式的书美国传统〔processional〕A piece played or sung when the clergy enter a church at the beginning of a service.圣歌,赞美诗:尤指教士在礼拜之前进入教堂时演奏的乐曲或演唱的圣歌美国传统〔prose〕Roman Catholic Church A hymn of irregular meter sung after the gradual.【罗马天主教】 (天主教)圣歌:弥撒开阶歌后唱的圣歌美国传统〔psalm〕A sacred song; a hymn.赞美诗:神圣的歌曲;圣歌美国传统〔psalm〕To sing of or celebrate in psalms.唱圣歌赞美或庆祝美国传统〔response〕A responsory.回应经文,应唱圣歌美国传统〔responsory〕A chant or an anthem recited or sung after a reading in a church service.应答圣歌:在教堂仪式中读经之后背诵或唱的曲调或圣歌美国传统〔sequence〕Roman Catholic Church A hymn sung between the gradual and the Gospel.【罗马天主教】 继叙经:在赞美诗和福音之间唱的圣歌美国传统〔spiritual〕A religious folk song of American Black origin.圣歌:美国黑人所创的宗教民歌美国传统〔spiritual〕A work composed in imitation of such a song.模仿圣歌所创作的乐曲美国传统〔syncopated〕Some spirituals are based on syncopated rhythms.有一些圣歌以切分节奏为主旋律。柯林斯高阶〔syncopated〕Some spirituals are based on syncopated rhythms.有些圣歌是以切分节奏为基础的。外研社新世纪〔tone〕A recitational melody in a Gregorian chant.调:格列高利圣歌中背诵性的曲调美国传统〔tract〕The verses from Scripture sung during Lent or on Ember days after the gradual in the Roman Catholic Mass.咏唱:在大斋节和四季斋期间,罗马天主教弥撒升阶圣歌后咏唱的引自圣经中的诗节美国传统〔wait〕One of a group of musicians or carolers who perform in the streets at Christmastime.沿街唱圣诗的人们:圣诞节时在街上演出的一乐队或唱圣歌的人美国传统Hymns are a very important part of worship in the Church of England.圣歌是英国国教中敬神活动的一个非常重要的部分。剑桥国际John Lennon's “Imagine” has become the anthem of peace-lovers all over the world.约翰·列侬的《想象》已成为全世界爱好和平者的圣歌。剑桥国际Last Christmas we went carolling (=went from house to house singing carols) to raise money for the homeless.去年圣诞节,我们挨家挨户地唱圣歌,为无家可归者募钱。剑桥国际Many church hymns have a firm, regular metre.许多教堂圣歌的韵律规则有力。剑桥国际The chant was accompanied by solemn (= serious and carefully produced) ritual gestures.圣歌在庄严的宗教仪式的伴随之中吟唱。剑桥国际They sang a hymn of praise to God. 他们唱著圣歌,赞美上帝。译典通We had some carol singers round last night.昨天晚上,我们附近有一些圣歌演唱者。剑桥国际




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