

单词 后房
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GET〕Who will inherit the house when he dies? 他去世后房子由谁继承?朗文写作活用〔PAY〕We pay for any repairs that need doing to the house, and are reimbursed by the landlord. 我们支付所有必需的房屋修缮费,然后房东把这笔钱补还给我们。朗文写作活用〔TALK〕Somehow I always end up alone in a room with my talkative aunt. 不知怎么的,最后房间里总剩下我一个人与健谈的姨妈在一起。朗文写作活用〔backroom〕A room located at the rear.后房:位于后部的房间美国传统〔bankrupt〕Mr Trent lost his house when he was made bankrupt .特伦特先生破产以后房子也没有了。朗文当代〔dead〕She finished speaking, and there was dead silence in the room.她讲完话后房间里一片死寂。麦克米伦高阶〔disarray〕The room was in complete disarray after the party.聚会之后房间凌乱不堪。英汉大词典〔dryness〕There were few dry eyes in the house when I finished.我说完后房间里没几个人不掉泪的。柯林斯高阶〔emptiable〕The room emptied rapidly after the lecture.演讲完后房间很快就空了。21世纪英汉〔mess〕The room was a mess after the party.聚会结束后房间脏得一塌糊涂。英汉大词典〔shambles〕The room was a shambles after the dinner party.宴会后房间里乱七八糟。英汉大词典〔value〕The alterations doubled the value of the house.改建后房子增值了一倍。朗文当代〔vitreous body〕The vitreous humor.玻璃体,眼后房水美国传统After he had spoken, a deathly silence/hush fell on the room.他发言后房间里一片死寂。剑桥国际The new back bedroom stretches the full width of (= all across) the house.新的后房卧室与房子完全一样宽。剑桥国际The room never looked the same after the havoc of the fire.大火肆虐之后房间已经面目全非。剑桥国际The rules were that houses had to be completely blacked out after dark to prevent them being seen by enemy aircraft.纪律规定天黑后房屋必须彻底实行灯火管制以防被敌机发现。剑桥国际They thrust him into the back room and tied him up. 他们将他推入后房并把他捆了起来。译典通




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