

单词 后成
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Azeglio〕Italian politician and writer who headed the government under Victor Emmanuel II and later served as a diplomat to France and England.阿泽利奥:意大利政治家和作家,在维克多·埃马努埃尔二世王朝领导政府,后成为法国和英国的外交官美国传统〔COUNTRY〕Fahd became a British citizen after living there for several years. 法德在英国居住几年后成为英国公民。朗文写作活用〔Creon〕The brother of Iocasta and uncle of Antigone who became the king of Thebes after the fall of Oedipus.克瑞翁:希腊神话中伊俄卡斯特的兄弟,安提戈涅的舅父,在俄狄浦斯死后成为底比斯王美国传统〔Minos〕A king of Crete, the son of Zeus and Europa, who was made one of the three judges in the underworld after his death.弥诺斯:克里特岛之王,宙斯和欧罗巴之子,死后成为地府的三个法官之一美国传统〔PROGRESS/MAKE PROGRESS〕The album ‘Kind Of Blue’ proved to be a milestone in the development of modern jazz. 《泛蓝调调》专辑最后成为现代爵士乐发展的里程碑。朗文写作活用〔Proserpina〕The daughter of Ceres who became the goddess of the underworld when Pluto carried her away and made her his wife.普罗塞耳皮娜:丰收女神的女儿,当普洛托把她带走并娶她为妻后成为地狱的女神美国传统〔STOP〕The road petered out into a muddy track. 路越来越窄,最后成了一条泥泞的小径。朗文写作活用〔Sarpedon〕A son of Zeus and Europa who became king of Lycia and was killed by Patroclus in the Trojan War.萨耳珀冬:宙斯与欧罗巴之子,后成为利西亚国王,在特洛伊战争中被普特洛克勒斯所杀美国传统〔artist〕Their lead singer has left to become a solo artist.他们的领唱离开合唱团后成了一名独唱演员。麦克米伦高阶〔ascend〕Mobutu ascended through the ranks, eventually becoming commander of the army.蒙博托不断升迁, 最后成了陆军司令。外研社新世纪〔cabbage〕Leave her! She's dead and you don't want to bring her back as a cabbage.放弃她吧!她已经死了, 你不会希望她被救活后成为一个植物人吧。外研社新世纪〔come〕Did the trip to Rome ever come off? 去罗马的事最后成了吗?牛津高阶〔conspiratorial〕His voice had sunk to a conspiratorial whisper.他的声音越来越低,最后成了鬼鬼祟祟的耳语。柯林斯高阶〔cult〕Since her death, she has become a cult figure.她死后成了部分人狂热崇拜的偶像。柯林斯高阶〔dictator〕He became dictator after a coup.他在一场政变后成为了独裁者。外研社新世纪〔embittered〕He had turned into an embittered, hardened adult.他长大后成了一个愤世嫉俗、铁石心肠的人。外研社新世纪〔emeritus〕She became Emeritus Professor of Linguistics when she retired.她退休后成为语言学荣誉退休教授。剑桥高阶〔enamel〕A paint that dries to a hard, glossy finish.瓷漆画:干后成坚硬、光滑的画美国传统〔end up〕He ended up as general manager of the company.他最后成了这家公司的总经理。21世纪英汉〔end〕He ended up (as) head of the firm.他最后成了商行的主管人。英汉大词典〔fantasize〕He fantasized about quitting his job and becoming a painter.他幻想着辞掉工作,然后成为一名画家。韦氏高阶〔fly〕Thousands flew the country when he came to power.他上台后成千上万的人逃往国外。麦克米伦高阶〔for life〕They met in college and have remained friends for life.他们相识于大学,此后成为一生的挚友。韦氏高阶〔fuse〕To become liquefied from heat.熔化:加热后成为液状美国传统〔good〕The prisoners dug a tunnel under the fence and made good their escape.犯人们在围墙下面挖了条地道,然后成功越狱了。韦氏高阶〔graduate〕She quickly graduated to the stage, then to stardom.她很快就登上舞台,然后成为明星。英汉大词典〔grow〕He grew up to become a famous pianist.他长大后成了著名的钢琴家。牛津高阶〔gum〕Any of various viscous substances that are exuded by certain plants and trees and dry into water-soluble, noncrystalline, brittle solids.树胶:某些植物和树木分泌出的一种粘性物质,干燥后成为溶于水的非晶体、易碎的固体美国传统〔harden〕With the temprature cool, magma would be hardened into rock.温度越来越低,岩浆也就变硬,最后成了岩石。21世纪英汉〔iconic〕John Lennon gained iconic status following his death.约翰‧列侬死后成了偶像级人物。剑桥高阶〔incidental〕The playing of music proved to be incidental to the main business of the evening.音乐演奏最后成了那晚主要活动的陪衬。外研社新世纪〔incline〕Many end up as team leaders, which inclines them to co-operate with the bosses.很多人最后成为团队领袖,这使得他们易于和上司合作。柯林斯高阶〔in〕I don't know what they agreed to because I wasn't in on the deal.我不知道他们最后成交的价码,因为我没参与那次交易。麦克米伦高阶〔level〕The contestants were level pegging after round 3.参赛选手在第 3 轮以后成绩不相上下。牛津高阶〔lying-in-state〕When he died, thousands of people went to his lying-in-state.他死后成千上万的人前去瞻仰遗容。英汉大词典〔narrow〕The broad band of the river narrows to (或into) a rivulet.开阔的河面渐变狭窄,最后成了一条小溪。英汉大词典〔outcast〕She was a political outcast after the Party expelled her in 1982.她在1982年被开除党籍后成了一个政治流浪者。剑桥高阶〔pally up〕Hilary Duff and Lindsay Lohan have pallied up after being at each other's throats for a bit.希拉里•达芙和林赛•洛汉在争吵过后成了好友。外研社新世纪〔phenomenon〕The movie eventually became a cultural phenomenon.那部电影最后成了一种文化奇迹。韦氏高阶〔plaster〕A mixture of lime or gypsum, sand, and water, sometimes with fiber added, that hardens to a smooth solid and is used for coating walls and ceilings.灰泥:石灰或石膏、沙子和水的混合物,有时还加入纤维,变硬后成为光滑的固体,用来涂墙壁和天花板美国传统〔posttest〕A test given after a unit of instruction to ascertain what the students have learned. Results of a posttest are typically compared with those of a pretest.课程结束考核,培训结束后成绩考核:课程或培训结束后进行的考核,以测定学生所学知识。其考试结果常与课程或培训开始前之考核结果作比较美国传统〔princess〕Lady Diana Spencer became Princess Diana when she married Prince Charles.黛安娜•斯宾塞女士在与查尔斯王子结婚后成为黛安娜王妃。剑桥高阶〔prove〕The promotion proved to be a turning point in his career.这次提升最后成了他职业生涯的一个转折点。牛津高阶〔queen〕She became a queen upon marrying the king.她与国王结婚后成为王后。英汉大词典〔rank〕He came up through the ranks to become a general.他行伍出身,最后成为将军。牛津搭配〔reserve〕He ended up as a reserve, but still qualified for a team gold medal.他最后成了替补队员,但仍有资格获得团体金牌。柯林斯高阶〔return〕This race announces the successful return of Johnson, who has been out of the international scene for almost two years.这场比赛宣告了约翰逊在告别国际体坛近两年后成功回归。牛津搭配〔revolving door〕This could mean that we end up with a revolving door Congress, in which former members return as lobbyists.这可能意味着我们的国会最后成了一道旋转门,一些议员退下后又回来,摇身一变成了从事院外活动的说客。朗文当代〔right〕She is British by right of marriage (birth).她婚后成为(生来就是)英国人。英汉大词典〔solid〕Melted wax becomes solid when it cools.熔化的蜡在冷却后成为固体。英汉大词典〔spotlight〕She was in the spotlight after she won the marathon.她赢得马拉松赛后成为著名人物美国传统〔story〕To cut a long story short, I ended up as managing director.总而言之, 我最后成了一名常务董事。外研社新世纪〔strongman〕He was a military strongman who ruled the country after a coup.他是个军事独裁者,在一场军事政变后成为这个国家的统治者。柯林斯高阶〔subsequently〕She subsequently became the Faculty's President.她随后成了系主任。柯林斯高阶〔succeed〕We finally succeeded in getting Marjorie up the stairs.我们最后成功地让玛乔丽上了楼梯。麦克米伦高阶〔taper〕The tail tapered to a rounded tip.尾部越来越细,最后成了个圆尖。牛津高阶〔treble〕Bayern Munich's win over Stuttgart secured a historic treble: the Bundesliga, the European Cup and the German Cup.拜仁慕尼黑战胜了斯图加特之后成了三冠王:德甲联赛、冠军杯和德国杯冠军。剑桥高阶〔weightage〕The entrance test carries 40 percent weightage in the final result.入学考试占最后成绩的40%。剑桥高阶〔well-wisher〕Thousands of well-wishers sent gifts and letters after the baby's surgery.婴儿手术后成千上万的人寄来了礼物和信件,表示良好的祝愿。麦克米伦高阶A new government was set up after the war. 新政府于战后成立。译典通After he was injured in an explosion in the mine, Joe became a surface worker.乔在矿井爆炸中受伤后成为地面工作人员。剑桥国际After such a long illness, her death came as a merciful release (= it brought an end to her pain).她的死在久病之后成了幸运的解脱。剑桥国际After the concert hundreds of wine bottles and beer cans were left scattered on the grass.音乐会结束后成百个酒瓶和啤酒罐散落在草地上。剑桥国际After the game, thousands of football fans swarmed onto the ground.比赛结束后成千上万的球迷涌进球场。剑桥国际Born in Cairo, he became a star infielder and outfielder for the Brooklyn Dodgers.他生于开罗,后成为布鲁克林道佳士队内场和外场的球星。剑桥国际He became a hermit after he was dismissed from office. 他被解职后成了隐士。译典通He succeeded after years of toil. 他经历数年的辛劳之后成功了。译典通I have ended up as a sort of open-minded agnostic but without any anti-clericalism.我最后成了一个开明的不可知论者,但毫不抱有反教权主义。剑桥国际Jack ran the streets after the death of his parents. 杰克在他父母死后成了流浪儿。译典通John Lennon gained iconic status following his death.约翰·列农死后成了偶像级人物。剑桥国际Lady Diana Spencer became Princess Diana when she married Prince Charles.戴安娜·斯宾塞女士在与查尔斯王子结婚后成为戴安娜王妃。剑桥国际Penny became self-employed (= worked independently of a single company) after several years on staff.彭尼做了几年员工之后成了自行经营者。剑桥国际Prince Henry became king when his father died.亨利王子在他父亲死后成了国王。剑桥国际She became Emeritus Professor of Linguistics when she retired.她退休后成为荣誉语言学教授。剑桥国际She'll be head of this company in five year's time--I'd stake (= risk) my reputation on it.她会在5年后成为这公司头儿----我以我的名誉打赌。剑桥国际The lies and cover-ups eventually worked their way to the Oval Office.谎话和掩盖手段最后成功地钻进了总统办公室。剑桥国际The meeting turned out to be a farce since no one had prepared anything.因为没有人做任何准备,会议最后成了一出乱哄哄的闹剧。剑桥国际




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