

单词 声带
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔aphonia〕Loss of the voice resulting from disease, injury to the vocal cords, or various psychological causes, such as hysteria.失音症:由于疾病、声带损伤或各种心理诱因,如歇斯底里症,而失去声音美国传统〔arytenoid〕Either of two small pitcher-shaped cartilages at the back of the larynx to which the vocal cords are attached.杓状软骨:位于喉背部的两块小的瓶状软骨的任何一块,声带与其相连美国传统〔clang〕He pulled the gates to with a clang.他把大门咣当一声带上了。柯林斯高阶〔debark〕Those dogs were debarked by removal of the true vocal cords.那些狗被切除了声带。21世纪英汉〔devoice〕To pronounce (a normally voiced sound) without vibration of the vocal chords so as to make it wholly or partly voiceless.使浊音变成清音:发音时(标准的浊音)不振动声带,完全或部分不发出声音美国传统〔fuzzy〕The soundtrack is fuzzy in places.这电影声带有些地方模糊不清。牛津高阶〔glottis〕The opening between the vocal cords at the upper part of the larynx.声门:喉上部声带间的空隙美国传统〔high〕I was still high from the applause.我依然沉浸在掌声带来的兴奋中。朗文当代〔laugh track〕Recorded laughter added to a soundtrack, as of a television or radio show.罐头笑声:加在声带中的笑声录音,例如在电视剧或广播剧中美国传统〔nodule〕There was a soft nodule on my vocal cord.我的声带上长了个小结节。剑桥高阶〔occlusion〕Linguistics Closure at some point in the vocal tract that blocks the flow of air in the production of an oral or a nasal stop.【语言学】 阻塞:在发鼻阻音或阻塞音时,声带的某一点闭合,阻止气流通过美国传统〔remaster〕The soundtrack of "The Godfather" was digitally remastered and transformed from mono to stereo.电影《教父》的声带已经用数码技术重新灌制,并从单声道转成了立体声。剑桥高阶〔soundtrack〕The narrow strip at one side of a movie film that carries the sound recording.声带:电影胶片某一侧带有录音材料的狭窄带美国传统〔soundtrack〕The original Japanese soundtrack is included with English subtitles.日文的原声带配有英文字幕。牛津搭配〔soundtrack〕The soundtrack of ‘Casablanca’ took weeks to edit.《卡萨布兰卡》的声带花了好几个星期才剪辑好。牛津高阶〔talkie〕A movie with a sound track.有声电影:带有声带的影片美国传统〔throw ... away〕He threw away the last line.他把最后一句台词轻声带过。21世纪英汉〔utter〕He uttered a snorting laugh.他发出一声带着鼻鼾的笑声。外研社新世纪〔vibrate〕As air passes over our vocal cords, it makes them vibrate.气流通过我们的声带,使之产生振动。朗文当代〔vocal cords〕She wanted to scream, but her vocal cords seemed paralysed.她想尖叫,但她的声带好像不听使唤了。柯林斯高阶〔vocal folds〕Vocal cords.声带美国传统〔voice〕Linguistics Expiration of air through vibrating vocal cords, used in the production of vowels and voiced consonants.【语言学】 声音:通过振动的声带呼出气体,用于制造元音和浊辅音美国传统〔voice〕Linguistics To pronounce with vibration of the vocal cords.【语言学】 发音:通过声带振动来发出声音美国传统〔voice〕Musical sound produced by vibration of the human vocal cords and resonated within the throat and head cavities.人声:通过声带振动并在喉腔和头腔共鸣产生的声音美国传统When removing the tonsil stones from his throat, the surgeon inadvertently damaged his vocal cords. 外科医生在移除他的扁桃腺结石时不小心伤到了他的声带。译典通When you speak, the vibration of your vocal chords causes small changes in air pressure in your mouth.你说话时,声带的振动引起口腔内气压的细微变化。剑桥国际




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